All people have a nervous system that is responsible for a fairly large number of different functions in our body, for example, for movement, for reflexes, for instincts, for emotions, and so on. Each of its areas provides the performance of certain tasks. One of them is the vegetative system. First of all, its main purpose is to regulate the life of the body in a situation of stress and rest. For example, when a person is tense or resting, this department is engaged in the fact that it relaxes muscles, lulls, or, conversely, excites.

Vegetative dystonia includes a complex of various functional disorders. They are based on malfunctions associated with the regulation of vascular tone. In other words, when a person in the body has a violation of the autonomic nervous system, he begins to "confused" when it is necessaryrelax, and when to be in good shape. For example, at night it is necessary to rest, and not to become more active. Otherwise, "untimely" cheerfulness can lead to pressure surges or muscle cramps.
In most people, vegetative dystonia occurs in a passive form, aggravated only in the off-season, after loads and stresses. It is most often expressed in headaches, weakness, fatigue, a feeling of lack of air and a tendency to faint. Doctors attribute this symptomatology to the psychosomatic manifestations of a disease such as vegetative dystonia. Treatment should not be postponed indefinitely. It must begin with a visit to a neurologist, therapist and psychiatrist.
The basis of treatment is to restore the balance of the parts of the nervous system. There are two main approaches to this:

1. At the very beginning of the appearance of such a disease as vegetative vascular dystonia, the best medicine would be rest, proper nutrition, giving up bad habits, exercise therapy.
If its manifestations are more acute, then the doctor may prescribe sedatives. In some cases, even antidepressants are prescribed. However, the use of chemicals is not desirable in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, since its work has not been fully studied, only a small part of those substances that are involved in the main reactions are known to mankind. Moreover, there is a possibility that after stopping the use of suchdrugs, the body will return to its unbalanced state. This happens for the simple reason that chemicals do not eliminate the imbalance itself, but, above all, relieve symptoms.

2. Therefore, autonomic dystonia requires a slightly different approach. It is more time-consuming than just “taking a pill”, but also more effective. Initially, it is worth "accustoming" the nervous system to work in normal mode. Relaxation and a sports lifestyle will help with this. Over time, the body learns to properly include the necessary departments. For the purpose of relaxation, methods such as autogenic training, meditation, yoga, systemic rest are used. During vigorous activity, it is advisable to run, swim, ski and harden … These methods will help eliminate some of the associated chronic diseases.
Thus, timely measures aimed at getting rid of the disease "vegetative dystonia" in almost 90 percent of cases lead either to the complete disappearance of symptoms or to their significant reduction, and also help to restore the body's adaptive forces.