Elbow bursitis is an inflammatory process occurring in the synovial sac. The reasons for its occurrence are increased load, microtrauma, some diseases.
A soft seal forms in the inflamed elbow joint. In the acute period, there is a sharp pain and signs of inflammation are observed. The chronic form is characterized by slight soreness and stiffness of movement in the absence of pronounced inflammation. When an infection is attached, swelling, sharp pain and intoxication occur. The diagnosis is made on the basis of the available signs, and if necessary, a puncture, X-ray, tomography is performed. Treatment is conservative or surgical.
Feature of the disease
Symptoms and treatment of joint bursitis can be very different, it all depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease. Inflammation can be aseptic or purulent, occur in acute or chronic form. It often develops as a result of microtrauma or overload of the joint. It appears more often in athletes. The disease mainly affects young people.age. At the same time, men suffer much more often than women.

Bursa is a slit-like formation that contains a small amount of fluid and is located next to protruding areas of bone tissue. It acts as a kind of shock absorber, protecting the surrounding tissues from excessive friction or pressure. With microtraumas, inflammation occurs in the bursa, and its inner shell begins to actively produce fluid. As a result, it takes the form of a dense bag and begins to bulge.
With a prolonged course of the disease, adhesions are formed with adjacent tissues, and foci of fibrosis are observed in the capsule, and sometimes a process of calcification occurs. With the penetration of infection in the bursa, inflammation of a purulent nature develops, which spreads to nearby tissues and organs.
Main classification
Treatment of elbow bursitis largely depends on the form of the disease. Doctors distinguish aseptic and infectious type of the disease. Aseptic bursitis can be traumatic and post-traumatic. The cause of the traumatic form of bursitis is trauma. A torn ligament or sprain can provoke a disease.
Post-traumatic inflammation occurring in the synovial sac, manifests itself against the background of changes provoked by trauma. Often, the disease is diagnosed at the stage of rehabilitation after a previously received injury. With this form of bursitis, pathogens are not detected in the joint cavity.
Infectious type of lesion appears after penetrationpathogens in the bursa. Often provoke inflammation of staphylococci and gonococci. Antibacterial agents are used for treatment.
Bursitis of the elbow joint is subdivided according to the clinical course. They can be:
- spicy;
- chronic;
- recurrent.
The acute form of the course of the disease is characterized by severe symptoms, intoxication and a sharp increase in temperature. Severe inflammation can cause disruption of the internal organs. The acute form mostly resolves on its own in 1-2 weeks. However, repeated trauma can provoke the transition of the disease into a chronic form.
Chronic bursitis is accompanied by mild symptoms. Signs of the course of the disease are observed for a very long time. The recurrent form proceeds with periodic exacerbations. They can be caused by infection, injury, or exercise.
There is also a certain classification of bursitis, which is divided according to the nature of the exudate. Inflammation of the synovial sac can be purulent, serous and hemorrhagic.
Serous bursitis is formed at the very initial stage of the course of the disease. During the course of inflammation, a significant amount of pathological fluid is released. According to the available characteristics, it resembles synovial fluid. From an excess of fluid, the bursa swells and resembles a subcutaneous tumor.
Purulent bursitis is diagnosed if purulent microorganisms are found in the exudate. They can penetrate over time.synovial cavity through small abrasions on the skin from a nearby focus of purulent infection. Sometimes it can even spread beyond the bursa, causing cellulitis or purulent arthritis.
Fibrous effusion is characterized by the presence of protein, which then forms a blood clot. The hemorrhagic form of the disease is characterized by the fact that the fluid inside the bursa has a reddish tint, as it contains red blood cells. This form of the disease occurs as a result of injuries. In addition, a mixed form of the disease may occur.
Causes of occurrence
Regardless of the symptoms and treatment of bursitis, the causes of its occurrence are mainly associated with constant physical exertion. The disease is mainly found in people who overload the joint in training. In addition, bursitis is diagnosed in people who are forced to constantly make monotonous movements with the elbow joint.

The likelihood of developing the disease increases with age. The pathological process can be triggered by various kinds of inflammatory, endocrine and autoimmune disorders, in particular, such as:
- rheumatoid arthritis;
- gout;
- lupus erythematosus;
- psoriasis;
- scleroderma;
- Crohn's disease.
Negatively affects the general condition of the bursa:
- poisoning;
- prolonged hypothermia;
- excessive weight;
- allergy.
When an allergic reaction occurs, quitesignificant amount of antibodies. In the acute phase, inflammation develops.
Main symptoms
Regardless of the form of bursitis, the symptoms in all cases will be very unpleasant and painful. Among the main signs, it is necessary to highlight such as:
- swelling in the area of inflammation;
- swelling;
- redness;
- temperature increase.
There may also be additional symptoms that manifest as sweating, headache, apathy, weakness, loss of appetite.
If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner and do not carry out treatment, the symptoms of elbow bursitis will only increase. In this case, the joint capsule increases significantly in size, the mobility of the arm deteriorates, and its flexion becomes painful.
Treatment of elbow bursitis is carried out only after a comprehensive diagnosis, as this will allow you to choose the required method of therapy. The doctor conducts a visual examination, after which he prescribes a laboratory and instrumental study.

Laboratory techniques involve taking blood and urine tests. Instrumental techniques are applied, namely:
- ultrasound diagnostics;
- tomography;
- puncture.
Ultrasound helps determine the size of the bursa and its contents. This study also helps to distinguish inflammation from other possible neoplasms in this area. Tomography is considered a highly effective technique that helps in detailstudy the anatomy of the synovial bursa.
Puncture helps to determine the cause of the acute inflammatory process. The procedure is performed in a hospital using a thin needle for injection. The synovial bursa of the elbow has a shallow location. At the same time, a liquid substance is removed from the inflamed cavity of the bag, after which the pain becomes weaker.
Feature of treatment
Methods of treatment of elbow bursitis involve the use of conservative methods with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. In cases where all these remedies do not give any results or the disease has become chronic with the replacement of the accumulated fluid with connective tissue, an operation is performed. In both cases, the mobility of the limb is strictly limited by fixing bandages.

In addition, physiotherapy and folk methods are used, thanks to which you can quickly and effectively get rid of the existing problem.
Drug therapy
If elbow bursitis is suspected, treatment should begin with immobilization of the arm. Then the articulation is fixed with the help of kerchief or pressure orthopedic bandages. With fairly severe injuries, a plaster splint can be used. Sometimes after a slight state of rest, the soreness decreases and the use of medications is not required.

If the puffiness is insignificant, then "Fastum gel", Vishnevsky's ointment, "Finalgon" is applied. The drug is applied to the inflamed and affected joint. In the acute form of this disease, it is strictly forbidden to use external agents, as this can provoke swelling.
Anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve pain and reduce signs of inflammation. If a little fluid has accumulated in the synovial sac and there is no severe pain, then Diclofenac and Ibuprofen ointments are used. They are applied directly to the affected and inflamed joint. However, treatment of elbow bursitis with ointments can only be used if there are no open wounds on the skin.
If the symptoms are quite pronounced, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs. Tablets are taken after eating to reduce the negative impact on the digestive organs. In the early days, the treatment of joint bursitis can be carried out by using intramuscular injections. They are also recommended for patients with gastrointestinal diseases.
Treatment of the disease of elbow bursitis is carried out with the help of surgery, however, such a technique is resorted to in the most neglected case and in the chronic course of the disease. This intervention is performed under local anesthesia. There are two types of surgery, namely open and arthroscopic.

With the open method, no special tools are required, and it takes about 1 hour. The affected areas are removed through the incision, and then sutured. Rehabilitation takes 1-2 weeks.
Arthroscopic methodconsidered more efficient. Through small incisions, surgical devices are introduced into the cavity, with the help of which the altered tissue is removed. Rehabilitation after applying this technique takes only a few days.
Other methods
In the treatment of bursitis, an important role is played by physiotherapeutic techniques that are widely used in medicine. Physiotherapy is prescribed not only at the initial stage of the disease, but also after the operation. The main goal of such procedures is to eliminate inflammation, pain and swelling. This allows you to recover much faster. During therapy, electrophoresis, UHF, magnet are used.

Treatment of elbow bursitis at home implies physiotherapy exercises. It helps the patient recover much faster, as well as normalize blood circulation in the problem area. At the very beginning, physical education is carried out under the supervision of a trainer, and then you can gradually move on to self-treatment of elbow bursitis at home with the help of special exercises.
Together with drug therapy, it is recommended to use alternative medicine. Treatment of elbow bursitis with folk remedies helps to cope with a mild form of the disease in just 10-15 days. For more serious symptoms of the disease, do not self-medicate, as this can lead to complications.
In the treatment of elbow bursitis with folk remedies, you can use the following recipes:
- compressfrom propolis;
- horse chestnut balm;
- s alt compress.
Tincture has long been used for the treatment of the elbow joint and has good patient reviews. Lotions are applied to the sore spot for several days, 1 time per day.
Treatment of elbow bursitis with folk remedies involves the use of a tincture prepared from horse chestnut fruits. To prepare it, you need to mix 1 vial of bile, 2 tbsp. chopped chestnuts, 3 leaves of aloe. Pour all this mixture 2 tbsp. alcohol. Leave the mixture for 10 days in a dark place. Compresses are applied at night.
When treating elbow bursitis at home, it is recommended to apply a cabbage leaf smeared with natural honey to the inflamed elbow.
Possible Complications
Gradually, the walls of the synovial membrane begin to melt. Calcium deposits form around the affected joint. With improper treatment, various kinds of complications can occur, namely:
- lymphadenitis;
- purulent arthritis;
- phlegmon;
- lymphangitis.
To prevent the occurrence of dangerous complications, it is necessary to carry out complex treatment when the first signs of bursitis occur.
To avoid the onset of the disease, it is imperative to carry out prevention, which implies:
- strict observance of the regime of rest and work;
- dosing physical activity;
- timelyinflammation treatment;
- competent treatment of infectious diseases;
- prevention of traumatic impact.
Elbow bursitis is a very dangerous disease, so when it occurs, appropriate measures must be taken urgently to prevent the occurrence of complications.