Foot pain: causes and treatment

Foot pain: causes and treatment
Foot pain: causes and treatment

The foot plays an important role in the movement of a person, and any deviation in this part of the body can lead to unpleasant and even painful sensations. Most people who have this problem try to heal themselves, but such a decision can be dangerous, and then the pain in the foot will not only increase, but the disease may well go to another stage.

Classification of pains

It is important to pay attention to the type of pain and when exactly it occurs. There is pain when walking and sometimes even at rest.

  1. Diffuse pain.
  2. Pain that is localized in one specific place.
  3. Pain that covers the entire foot.
foot pain causes
foot pain causes

The location of the pain plays an important role, as this may be the root cause. It is not recommended to eliminate the causes on your own, otherwise there is a risk of not avoiding complications.

Heel pain syndrome and treatment

Pain in the foot in the heel area can occur for many reasons:

  • The heel spur is associated with the growth of the bones of the foot in the heel area. At risk are people suffering from flat feet and having high arches. Feet. Pain can occur not only in one leg, but in both at the same time. The problem will begin to manifest itself while walking, and over time it will move to a new level, at which the patient will be able to feel an unpleasant symptom even at rest. Treatment may include wearing special shoes with orthopedic insoles. In rare cases, patients may be offered surgical treatment.
  • Severe foot pain should not be ignored, because the cause may be hiding in a disease such as fasciitis. A sick person will feel severe pain in the morning. The essence of the disease is inflammation of a special connective tissue called fascia, which covers the bone of the human foot from the heel itself to the toes. The injured leg must be given complete rest. The patient is advised to take pain medication. In the future, you should wear the right shoes with soft soles, they will perfectly support the arch of the foot.
severe foot pain
severe foot pain
  • It is impossible not to notice the bruise of the tissues of the heels, because a bruise appears. This does not mean at all that the person hit somewhere, perhaps the hematoma formed after walking on an inhomogeneous surface. At risk may be people who prefer to engage in hiking. Foot pain can be treated with special ointments that reduce hematoma and, of course, the leg must be left at rest.
  • The foot can hurt when the calcaneus is broken. It is the bones in the heel zone that are the most fragile infoot, and if they grow together incorrectly, then a person can remain lame for life. Treatment in this case is carried out only by an experienced doctor, who, first of all, will apply a tight bandage and prescribe an anesthetic. In special cases, surgery is necessary.

In any case, at the first unpleasant signs, you should pay enough attention and consult a specialist.

Pain in the arch of the foot

Foot pain often occurs in the arch. The reasons for this are as follows:

  1. Fasciitis is a disease associated with inflammation in the muscles. Treatment is to relieve pain as quickly as possible, followed by steroid injections.
  2. The most common cause is flat feet, which causes pain in the foot. Due to the fact that the leg changes, the arch of the foot flattens. It is important to note that up to four years old, flat feet in a child is the norm, since the body has not yet fully formed, but at an older age it is worth sounding the alarm, since this is already a pathology. The main treatment consists in correcting with the help of special shoes, in especially difficult cases, surgical intervention is used. Cold compresses are applied to relieve pain.
foot pain causes treatment
foot pain causes treatment

Pain in the outer edge of the foot, how to treat it?

When there is severe pain in the foot, the cause is a metatarsal fracture. The pain is localized along the entire outer edge of the foot, where the metatarsal bone is located. As a rule, pain can be noticed after an injury. This is accompanied by additionalsymptoms such as swelling and bruising. A fracture can only be confirmed with an x-ray. First of all, the patient must take care of complete rest, for this a plaster can be applied to the leg. To anesthetize the leg, cold is applied and a local anesthetic is prescribed. If the case is particularly difficult, then sometimes surgery is necessary.

Forefoot Pain Treatment

Pain in the foot when walking often occurs in its front part, this is due to such diseases:

  • When walking, the pain syndrome begins to increase due to severe inflammation in the forefoot, this disease is called metatarsalgia. Uncomfortable shoes and strenuous physical activity aggravate the symptoms over time, and then immediate treatment is required. Comfortable shoes should be worn and special insoles should be used to evenly distribute the load on the entire foot.
  • Pain can occur in the area of the big toe, this is due to a disease such as sesamoiditis. Women must wear flat or low-heeled shoes with special insoles. During severe pain, ice should be applied to the finger area and an anesthetic injection should be given.
foot pain when walking
foot pain when walking

Pain in the foot is caused by problems with the nerve endings, and the cause is hidden in the growth of tissues that are associated with the nerves of the foot. In addition to pain, a sick person can also feel numbness in the fingers. The disease is called Morton's neuroma and is most common in women who lovewear high heels. The main treatment is to relieve pain with pain medications, in difficult cases, an injection with steroids is given, special insoles are selected

Pain in the forefoot severely hampers movement, so treatment is essential.

Causes of pain in the toes and their treatment

The area of the thumb is the most painful, except for such a disease as arthritis, because it hurts all fingers at the same time.

foot pain when walking
foot pain when walking

Here are the main causes of pain near the thumb:

  1. Gout is accompanied by the deposition of uric acid s alts in the joints. In this case, it is recommended that the patient go on a diet and consume as little s alt as possible. The doctor will be able to prescribe special medications to help prevent relapses.
  2. Sometimes a person is faced with the growth of bones on the inside of the foot and a bump begins to form on the big toe. This disease is called bursitis, it also causes severe pain in the feet. Treatment consists of wearing comfortable shoes or having a surgeon remove the growth.
  3. Ingrown toenails cause a lot of pain in the foot area, the skin begins to grow and completely covers the nail plate, naturally, this causes unpleasant symptoms when walking. The main danger is that in addition to the inflammatory process, a sick person may encounter an infection. Treatment consists in steaming the nail, correcting itcircumcision, and in especially dangerous cases, surgical intervention.
  4. Fractures due to trauma cannot be ruled out. The treatment of a fracture can only depend on its complexity, in some cases surgery is required.
  5. Corns on the fingers can appear most often due to the fact that the tissue thickens, it is injured when walking and a wound is formed. The corn should be lubricated with a special ointment and treated with hydrogen peroxide.

Of course, many people think that pain in the thumb is not a problem that should be paid attention to. But in fact, it can lead to serious complications, so it's best to see a doctor.

Other causes of foot pain and their treatment

Pain in the foot area can also occur for other reasons associated with serious diseases.

foot pain treatment
foot pain treatment
  1. Neuropathy. Most often occurs in diabetics, and it can be localized precisely in the area of \u200b\u200bthe toes. Such pain has its own differences, it is, as it were, tingling and burning. Treatment is by getting rid of the underlying disease.
  2. Tendenitis. The disease is associated with the inflammatory process of the tendons that connect the bones of the muscles.

It cannot be ruled out that any injury can cause pain in the foot.


Despite what causes pain in the foot, the doctor will prescribe treatment only after diagnosis. A specialist who deals with pain in the legs is an orthopedist. The initial examination will help determineproblem, the doctor also prescribes additional types of diagnostics, such as:

  1. X-ray.
  2. MRI foot.

Based on the results of the diagnosis, the orthopedist will be able to make a diagnosis, prescribe treatment or send for an additional examination to other specialists. The treatment is usually carried out with the help of medications, physiotherapy exercises or magnetic resonance therapy are also prescribed.


The causes and treatment of pain in the feet can be completely different, but it is important to remember that prevention can be better than any treatment, which includes the following rules:

  1. Wear comfortable shoes with moderate heels.
  2. Select the right physical activity for the legs.
  3. Massage the feet twice a week.
  4. Fight weight, stick to diets.
  5. If you experience unpleasant symptoms associated with the legs, consult a doctor.
foot pain causes and treatment
foot pain causes and treatment

In no case is it recommended to self-diagnose. Only a specialist can determine the disease and prescribe treatment.
