Recurrent herpes: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Recurrent herpes: causes, diagnosis and treatment
Recurrent herpes: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Quite often, both men and women are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as recurrent or chronic herpes. The name of the disease is explained by the fact that after the therapy, the herpetic rash appears again. And most often the cause of the recurrence of pathology is the weakening of the human immune system.

In its genital form, herpes can have a negative impact on a woman's reproductive system, as well as on the developing fetus during pregnancy. In the article, we will consider a treatment regimen for recurrent herpes.

frequent relapses
frequent relapses

Description and features

Recurrent herpes is a disease of a viral nature that affects the mucous membranes and skin of a person. The herpes simplex virus is the causative agent of infection. The pathology acquires a chronic form of the course against the background of a lack of treatment, as well as a weakening of the protective qualities of the body.

At risk are patients experiencing problems with immunity. The herpes virus isone of the most common diseases in the world. More than 90% of the population are carriers of pathogenic pathogens. At the same time, the manifestation of symptoms is inherent in only a small part of the infected. With age, the probability of contracting the virus increases to 40-50%.

Experts identify genital herpes and a simple form of the disease. In both cases, the causative agents of the pathology are the herpes simplex virus of the first or second type. The skin on the face, internal genital organs and external genitalia are affected. Recurrent herpes is said to occur when the symptoms of the virus reappear.

There are three degrees of severity of the infection:

  1. In a mild form, the virus appears several times a year.
  2. With moderate severity, the number of relapses can be up to six times a year.
  3. Severe cases are characterized by a relapse every month.


There are several forms of recurrent genital herpes. The main ones are as follows:

  • latent;
  • subclinical;
  • macrosymptomatic;
  • abortive.

Subclinical genital herpes recurrent is not accompanied by severe symptoms. Patients complain only of slight itching and cracks in the affected area.

The macrosymptomatic form is accompanied by pain and severe itching in the perineum.

The latent form of herpes is especially dangerous because it can spread throughout the body. Patients are unaware of the fact thatcontagious, and can infect their sexual partner.

symptoms of herpes in the intimate area in women
symptoms of herpes in the intimate area in women


Relapsing herpes does not appear for any specific reason. Thus, the virus can enter the body in childhood and be in an inactive state until favorable conditions appear.

But the disease is highly contagious. The virus can enter the body through contact with an infected or airborne droplet. The defeat of the genital herpes variety in adulthood occurs during unprotected intercourse with a carrier of the virus.

What are the causes of frequent herpes on the lips?

The likelihood of contracting a virus increases to the maximum during its exacerbation. Pathological cells penetrate into the tissues of the nerves, where they can exist for many years without showing up externally. A decrease in immunity leads to the activation of the virus and the appearance of a characteristic rash.

Cells after activation begin to multiply. Modern medical science identifies the following reasons for the appearance of a recurrent form of herpes:

  1. Decrease in the body's immune qualities.
  2. Using drugs.
  3. Chronic alcoholism.
  4. Direct contact with an infected person.
  5. Using someone else's personal items.
  6. Frequent change of sexual partners.
  7. Prostitution.
  8. Hypocooling of the body.
  9. AIDS or HIV.

As a rule, the chronic form of the virus is inherent in certain categories of patients. Most often, recurrent herpes appears in homeless people, prostitutes, drug addicts, homosexuals and alcoholics. Also, the disease can be detected in patients who have undergone major surgery or undergone radiation therapy.

The manifestation of symptoms of herpes can be directly related to the type of human activity.

treatment of recurrent genital herpes
treatment of recurrent genital herpes

Provoking factors

Risk factors for developing recurrent herpes include:

  • hypercooling of the body;
  • insufficient intake of vitamins and proteins;
  • poor living conditions;
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, including intimate;
  • state of stress;
  • overwork;
  • work at night;
  • insufficient hardening of the body;
  • hypodynamia;
  • induced abortion;
  • taking systemic corticosteroids or immunosuppressants.

Frequent appearance of herpetic rash on the face may indicate constant contact with an infected person. The virus is easily transmitted through kissing. In addition, the appearance of recurrent herpes on the lips may be associated with the woman's menstrual cycle

Herpes simplex symptoms

The simplest or labial type of virus is considered the most common. Recurrent herpes is manifested by less pronounced symptoms than in the acute form. And the main indicator of a herpes infection is the appearance of a characteristic rash on the lips. The rashes are in the form of blisters orvesicles.

treatment regimens for recurrent herpes
treatment regimens for recurrent herpes

Features of herpetic rash are as follows:

  1. The size of the bubbles is no more than three millimeters.
  2. The presence of itching and burning in the area of the rash.
  3. Swelling at the site of the vesicle.
  4. Bubbles are localized mainly in the area of the nose and mouth.
  5. Vesicles contain fluid inside.
  6. After 5-7 days the bubbles burst and dry up.
  7. Vesicles are not located singly, but in small groups.
  8. The affected area turns red.

In the recurrent form, one or two foci of herpetic rash are observed. And a few days after the appearance of the bubbles, the liquid contained in them becomes cloudy.

The beginning of the pathological process is accompanied by itching and burning. Sometimes there is a slight soreness of the affected area of the skin. The appearance of a rash does not affect the general state of he alth of the patient. Over the course of a week, the contents of the bubbles flow out, and crusts form in their place.

Crust shape

The shape of the crusts is wrong, bright red. Their formation is accompanied by pain. Further, a yellow coating appears on the erosion. If a rash appears around the lips, then most likely hemorrhagic crusts form here.

Sometimes, against the background of a relapse, there is swelling of the regional lymph nodes. And after the discharge of the crusts, a barely noticeable pigmentation remains in their place, which disappears after a few days. Herpetic rash does not leave scars.

On the lips

Quite often the virus appears on the oral mucosa. In this case, the rash affects the gums, palate and cheeks. If herpes is localized over and over again in one place, we can talk about a fixed form of pathology. Some patients note that relapses occur only at certain times of the year.

In childhood, a chronic type of herpes can cause stomatitis.

Let's consider how herpes manifests itself in the intimate area in men and women.

differential diagnosis
differential diagnosis

Genital herpes: symptoms and course

When a herpetic rash is localized in the genital area, we are talking about a recurrent sexual type of the disease. Relapse is typical for 50-70% of cases of a previously transferred disease.

The forms of the pathological process can be characterized as monotonous, arrhythmic and subsiding.

If a herpetic rash on the genitals appears frequently and the remission phases practically do not change, we can talk about the monotonous form of the virus.

With arrhythmic form, the intervals between remission phases are always different. The rash may appear every two weeks or be absent for several months. The longer the symptoms of herpes in the intimate area in women and men did not appear, the more intense and extensive the rash will be.

The most favorable course of the subsiding form of the disease. In this case, the phases of remission become longer, and the number and severity of symptoms during relapse is reduced.

It is important not only to understand the causes of the manifestation of herpes inintimate area in men and women, but also know the consequences of similar symptoms. Despite the fact that the recurrent form has less severe symptoms, it poses a greater danger to human he alth than the primary lesion. When the rash occurs frequently, it can cause sexual difficulties, disturb sleep, cause irritability, and even lead to depression.

Quite often, genital herpes also leads to difficulty in performing movements. In general, a recurrent form of herpes can cause serious consequences. In particular, the disease can cause the following complications:

  • gingivitis;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • stomatitis;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • colpitis;
  • lymphadenopathy;
  • prostatitis.

Risk of infertility

All of the above diseases appear if the symptoms of herpes in the intimate area in women and men are not treated in a timely manner and the immune system is not strengthened. Against the background of constant recurrences of genital herpes, the patient may develop infertility. If a woman is not treated during the period of bearing a child, then the likelihood of involuntary abortion or intrauterine infection of the fetus increases. Either way, the consequences could be fatal.

herpes in the intimate area in men
herpes in the intimate area in men


Before you eliminate a herpetic rash, you should undergo a simple examination. If herpes is localized in the genital area, you should visit a gynecologist or urologist. Specialistappoints the following studies for suspicion of brilliant herpes:

  1. Laboratory examination of scrapings.
  2. Assay for enzyme immunoassays.
  3. Study for other sexually transmitted diseases.
  4. Cytological examination of the contents of the vesicle.
  5. Analysis for polymerase chain reaction.
  6. General blood test.

Differential diagnosis of chronic recurrent herpes is important.

Before starting therapy, one should also isolate the virus, that is, determine its type. For this, a PCR test is carried out. If specific antibodies are found in the blood, the diagnosis is confirmed. To determine the likely causes of herpes recurrence, a comprehensive examination is carried out, including an HIV test. The specialist conducts a differential diagnosis to exclude syphilis, pemphigus and exudative erythema multiforme.


Many are interested in how to smear herpes. Yes, uncomplicated forms of pathology are treated at home. And the main directions of treatment of recurrent genital herpes, as well as simple, is to reduce the frequency of repetitions and the maximum possible prolongation of the remission period.

It is possible to achieve the set goals with the help of antiviral drugs of systemic action, as well as by increasing the protective qualities of the body. The appearance of a herpetic rash indicates the need for treatment of the cause that caused the recurrence of the disease.


Based on what has been said, rightonly a specialist can answer the question of how to smear herpes. The most affordable and common at the same time are drugs, which include acyclovir. Derivatives of this component in the form of valaciclovir and famciclovir demonstrate no less efficiency.

frequent herpes on the lips causes
frequent herpes on the lips causes

To reduce the activity of the herpes virus, the following means are used:

  • Zovirax;
  • V altrex;
  • Valzikon;
  • Panavir;
  • "Valvir";
  • Famacivir, etc.

Taking these drugs in a course will reduce the number of recurrences of herpes. And to speed up the healing process, the doctor also prescribes drugs for topical use. It can be various ointments and gels. Herperax, for example, is one of the most sought after in this group.

Immunity boost

Every dermatovenereologist considers an obligatory item in the treatment of recurrent forms of herpes to increase immunity. For this purpose, therapy is carried out with immunostimulants, such as Neovir, Amiksin, Cycloferon, etc.

In addition, quite often, the treatment of recurrent herpes includes drugs such as Tiloram, Lavomax, Tilaxin and other drugs that promote the synthesis of antibodies and improve the immune qualities of the whole organism. If herpetic eruptions are accompanied by soreness and severe inflammation, Nimesil is prescribed.


Patients with frequent recurrences of herpes are recommended to spend more time outdoors, take vitamincomplexes, as well as exercise and eat right. Constant exacerbations of the disease can indicate the presence of serious diseases, including cancer. This condition requires careful examination. Timely therapy can help reduce the number of relapses and even achieve a stable remission.
