Life without a stomach: nutritional features and prognosis

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Life without a stomach: nutritional features and prognosis
Life without a stomach: nutritional features and prognosis

Video: Life without a stomach: nutritional features and prognosis

Video: Life without a stomach: nutritional features and prognosis
Video: FaceTime Your Aunt - A New Untold Story: Ep. 352 2025, January

Removal of the stomach in oncology is a surgical intervention used to eliminate the oncological process in the early stages of its development. Such a procedure in 80% of cases ensures the recovery of the patient and the restoration of his body. It is also important to take into account the fact that the operation is not always performed by total excision of the organ. There are several types of surgical removal of an organ that help get rid of oncology. As with other methods of treatment, after the operation to remove the stomach, the patient may experience some complications. In addition, it is important to remember that the effect of such a treatment method and the life after it will not be the same for all patients.

Indications for the procedure

The diagnosis of "stomach cancer" is not fatal, so the patient does not need to panic and become depressed. Treatment of some types of oncology is carried out by removing the entire organ (stomach). This may require a number of changes in daily life and diet.

Indications for the procedure
Indications for the procedure

Gastrectomy is the removal of part or all of an organ. In this case, it is important to pay special attention to what kind of nutrition will be prescribed to the patient after the removal of the organ in case of a malignant tumor. The lack of a stomach greatly affects the diet and requires a complete review.

Removal of an organ is used only if other methods of treatment do not help. The operation is performed in the following cases:

  • benign and malignant tumors in the stomach;
  • bleeding profusely;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • perforation of the stomach wall;
  • severe ulcer or acute duodenal disease;
  • formation of polyps or growths on the inside of the stomach;
  • stomach cancer.

When the stomach is affected by an ulcer, the doctor tries to restore the normal acidity of the patient. Stomach juice helps to reduce its level if you regularly consume cabbage juice and indulge in slow walking after eating.

Contraindications to the procedure

There are several diseases during which the attending specialist prescribes the removal of the stomach to the patient, but the presence of oncology is the most common indication for surgical intervention. To achieve a greater effect during the operation, specialists prescribe complex treatment: radiation and chemotherapy.

But it is important to remember that there are situations in which it is forbidden to treat stomach cancer with surgery. The main contraindications experts include:

  1. Presence of metastases in the following organs: liver, lungs,ovaries and some others. Most often, this condition occurs with a severe form of the disease - the fourth stage of stomach cancer.
  2. Growth of cancer in those lymph nodes that are located at a great distance from the organ. Often they begin to form in the body at the third stage of cancer development.
  3. If the patient has severe diseases of the kidneys or the cardiovascular system in the body.
  4. Cancerous peritonitis.
  5. Complete exhaustion of the human body, during which the patient feels general weakness, depression, he has problems in physiological processes, rapid weight loss, problems with the nervous system (stress, psycho-emotional overload).
  6. Problems with blood clotting.
  7. Enlargement of the abdomen due to the accumulation of a large volume of fluid in the abdominal cavity.

Surgery for gastric cancer can be performed on a patient of absolutely any age - this does not play a special role in the treatment.


Before any operation, especially during exposure to cancer cells, the doctor must conduct a comprehensive laboratory and instrumental study.

Such examinations are important for determining the quality of the work of vital organs and systems, the site of the spread of a cancerous lesion, its stage and degree of prevalence. The diagnostic measures include:

  • clinical and biochemical blood test;
  • urine study;
  • microscopicstudy of feces to identify hidden blood impurities in them;
  • chest X-ray;
  • gastroscopy - endoscopic examination of the inner surface of the organs of the digestive system;
  • biopsy - a procedure involving the excision of a small amount of affected tissue;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • MRI and CT.


Medical preparation of the patient will include taking the following medications:

  • drugs to improve the digestive system;
  • use of sedatives that help improve sleep and restore well-being in the patient;
  • transfusion of protein drugs and blood plasma in case of anemia;
  • the use of drugs that help improve the functioning of the liver, kidneys, heart and blood vessels;
  • use of antibiotics;
  • use of special hemostatic drugs;
  • carrying out gastric lavage.

Besides this, it is very important to prepare the patient morally for the surgical intervention. The doctor is obliged to tell the patient in detail about all the positive and negative aspects of the procedure, the importance of its implementation and the general technology.

Taking medicines
Taking medicines

Most often, preoperative preparation of the patient includes chemotherapy, which helps to reduce the size of the cancer and slow down the process of its development. Proper preparation forsurgery will help not only to achieve a positive result from the operation, but also to prevent possible complications after removal of the stomach.

Main types of operations

What is gastrectomy? To eliminate cancer in the human body, the doctor uses several resection methods. When choosing tactics for surgical intervention, doctors focus on the following factors:

  • location of spread of cancer cells;
  • the degree of development of oncology and its stage;
  • age of patient;
  • presence of metastases in nearby tissues and organs.

In medical practice, the following types of operations are distinguished:

  • resection - removal of the part of the organ in which the cancerous lesion is located;
  • gastrectomy - complete surgical removal of an organ and infected tissues;
  • lymph node dissection - excision of the lymph nodes together with the affected tissue that is next to them (this procedure is most often performed together with resection and hysterectomy);
  • palliative intervention - a therapy used for inoperable form of cancer, it helps to improve the he alth of the patient and prolong his life.
Operation types
Operation types

Gastrectomy involves the complete removal of an organ, but it is also possible to save part of the stomach. Gastrectomy is divided into the following types:

  • distal subtotal - excision of the part of the organ in which it passes into the intestine;
  • proximalsubtotal - used when oncology spreads to the upper third of the stomach: in this case, two omentums, a fragment with lesser curvature and lymph nodes are removed;
  • total - a procedure in which the entire stomach is removed and the esophagus is connected to the small intestine;
  • sleeve.

Methods of implementation

There are several ways to perform a gastrectomy:

  • laparoscopic surgery - performed using endoscopic instruments that are inserted into the abdomen through two small incisions: used for both complete and partial removal of the organ;
  • laparotomy is an open surgery that involves a large incision in the anterior abdominal wall.
Organ removal surgery
Organ removal surgery

Regardless of the chosen method of operation, a prerequisite for its implementation is the removal of regional lymph nodes.

Possible complications after the procedure

A person without a stomach often has complications. The most common include the following:

  • anemia;
  • reflux esophagitis;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • cancer recurrence;
  • dumping syndrome;
  • diffuse peritonitis;
  • hemorrhage profusely.

Recovery period

Life after gastrectomy is quite difficult. After the operation, it is important for a person to go through a recovery period, which will be individual for eachpatient. Features of rehabilitation will directly depend on the age of the patient, the method of the operation and the volume of the removed stomach. The recovery process will continue for 3 months. During the recovery of the body, a person is prohibited from:

  • to overcool or, conversely, overheat;
  • to overwork physically;
  • eating unhe althy foods.

The patient is forbidden to eat fatty, smoked, spicy, pickled foods, confectionery, drinks with a lot of sugar. Meals should consist mainly of boiled or steamed dishes. When cooking, it is important to grind and chew well. It is also forbidden to eat too cold or hot food. It is important for the patient to give up bad habits. The attending physician will independently make a very strict diet for the patient after the operation, determine the list of the main prohibited and permitted foods.

Recovery period
Recovery period

Many patients ask how long they live with stomach cancer? The life time with such a pathology will directly depend on at what stage of spread the cancer was detected. If an oncological disease is diagnosed in the early stages of development, then the patient can live for several decades. When determining a cancerous lesion at a late stage of development and conducting palliative treatment, the patient's life span is much shorter, and in some cases does not exceed five years.

Meal change

How do people live after gastrectomy? Diet food forremoval of this organ is aimed mainly at restoring the process of assimilation and processing of food, as well as the normalization of metabolic functions. Nutrition should be composed in such a way that the human body receives from it the following amount of nutrients:

  • 55% carbs;
  • 30% fat;
  • 15% protein.

It's important to add carbohydrates to your food list and avoid foods that can lead to bloating. Food temperature should be neither hot nor cold.

It is also important to accustom yourself to eating in small portions, without fail fractionally (from 5 to 6 times a day).

Compiling a food menu
Compiling a food menu

When compiling the menu for the restoration of the body, special attention should be paid to salads (asparagus, carrots, beets and spinach), ripe fruits, fast-digesting grain products, dairy products, natural meat. It is mandatory to include carbohydrates in the list of products (these include fruits, vegetables and juices), carefully monitor the rate of weight gain if it has dropped significantly after the operation. The speed and quality of recovery will greatly depend on nutrition.

Life without a stomach is possible, and the operation to remove it is not as dangerous and scary as some people think.

Prevention measures

To avoid such a dangerous disease as stomach cancer, it is important to follow these rules:

  • lead the right way of life;
  • eat properly and regularly (it is forbidden to eat a lotcanned food, smoked, s alty and fatty foods; special attention should be paid to vegetables, herbs, fruits, wholemeal cereals, dairy products);
  • give up bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol;
  • start exercising;
  • do routine check-ups.

To prevent cancer, a person must take care of his he alth, regularly undergo fibrogastroscopy for prevention. At least twice the patient should visit the doctor if he has any complaints about the state of the digestive system. In particular, regular check-ups are important for people over 60 years of age, as well as for those who are predisposed to the disease at the genetic level.

Disease prevention
Disease prevention

After the age of 45, gastroenterologists advise people to have regular preventive examinations (1-2 times a year). Gastric cancer can begin to spread from a small ulcer, which will accumulate pathological cells in itself. It is important for a person to stop drinking alcohol and smoking in order to reduce the risk of cancer progression.

Life without a stomach, of course, continues, but it is necessary to make some prohibitions and adjustments, change your diet. About 1 million people on the planet are affected by this disease. It is important to remember that the quality of life without a stomach will directly depend on the stage of the removed cancer. So don't delay going to the doctor. The likelihood of a normal life without a stomach is much higher with timely access to a doctor - at an early stagedevelopment of oncology.