HSV types 1 and 2: diagnosis, treatment

HSV types 1 and 2: diagnosis, treatment
HSV types 1 and 2: diagnosis, treatment

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 and 2 are the most common types of herpes infection. The peculiarity of herpes simplex is that it can be hidden in the body for a long time. The infection begins to manifest itself when the immune system malfunctions.

How does infection occur?

hpg types 1 and 2
hpg types 1 and 2

The source of herpesvirus is people infected with HSV. In an infected person, urine, vesicle contents, discharge from erosions, ulcers, nasopharyngeal mucus, conjunctival secretions, tears, menstrual blood, amniotic fluid, vaginal and cervical secretions, and semen may contain the virus. Its localization depends on the route of infection.

HSV transmission mechanisms:

• the infection is transmitted by household contact (through contaminated dishes, toys, linen, etc.);

• the virus is transmitted through sexual contact and through saliva (kissing);

• During childbirth, the virus is transmitted from mother to child.

Type 1 virus

HSV type 1 - oral (oral) or labial herpes. Infection usually occurs in the first years of life. Type 1 predominantly affects the lips and nasolabial triangle. But depending on the functioning of the immune system and the area of contact of the virus with the body, herpes can appear on:

• dermalcovers of the fingers and toes (mainly the nail roller of the fingers);

• mucous membrane of the genitals, mouth, nasal cavity and eyes;

• tissues of the nervous system.

Herpes type 2

herpes virus symptoms
herpes virus symptoms

HSV type 2 - anogenital (affects the anus and genitals) or genital. Usually infection occurs through sexual contact. Characteristic signs of the disease:

• According to statistics, infection most often occurs during puberty;

• women are much more likely to get herpes type 2 than men;

• existing antibodies to the herpes virus type 1 in the body do not prevent infection with the type 2 virus;

• signs of skin lesions of the genital area (perineum, anus, lower extremities, buttocks);

• asymptomatic or atypical type 2 virus occurs in 70% of cases;

• for type 2 virus, relapses of manifestations are characteristic;

• HSV - an infection that provokes the process of malignant transformation: in women - the tissues of the cervix, in men - the prostate gland;

• herpes is accompanied by gynecological diseases and leads to impaired reproductive function.

Herpes virus: symptoms and types of diseases

HSV infection
HSV infection

1. Herpetic infection of the mouth:

• inflammatory processes appear (gingivitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis);

• the disease is accompanied by high fever and swollen lymph nodes in the neck;

• the patient is tormented by malaise and pain inmuscles;

• pain when swallowing food;

• rashes can form on the gums, tongue, lips and face;

• in some cases, tonsil damage develops;

• Duration of illness - from 3 to 14 days.

The severity of the course of the disease is directly dependent on the state of the immune system.

2. Infection of the genital tract with the herpes virus. Symptoms:

• fever;

• headache;

• morbid condition;

• muscle pain;

• itching;

• Difficulty passing urine;

• vaginal and urethral discharge;

• enlarged and painful lymph nodes in the groin area;

• characteristic skin rashes in the vulva area.

In some cases, the rash appears in the anus. In this case, the patient is concerned about constipation, pain in the anus, impotence.

3. Herpetic panaritium is a lesion of the soft tissues of the finger, in most cases it occurs among medical workers. Symptoms:

• finger swells, reddens;

• feels pain on palpation;

• characteristic rash appears;

• sometimes the disease is accompanied by a high body temperature;

• lymph nodes become inflamed.

4. Sometimes the herpes virus also affects the internal organs. Internal organ symptoms:

• swallowing problems;

• chest pain;

• pneumonia: severe if bacterial andfungal infection;

• hepatitis is complicated by an increase in body temperature, the level of bilirubin and transaminases in the blood increases, DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation) may develop;

• arthritis;

• adrenal necrosis, etc.

Internal organ infections with herpes infection are most common in immunocompromised individuals.

hpg during pregnancy
hpg during pregnancy

5. Herpes eye infection:

• sore eyes appear;

• Conjunctival edema;

• visual impairments.

If the herpes virus affects the eyes, visual impairment or complete blindness may develop.

6. Herpetic attack of the nervous system:

• herpetic encephalitis: fever, development of mental and neurological disorders;

• herpetic meningitis can be a complication of genital herpes, the symptoms are pronounced: headache, fever, photophobia;

• lesions of the autonomic nervous system: the patient feels numbness and tingling in the buttocks, has difficulty urinating, constipation, impotence appear.

The disease affects the nervous system in immunocompromised people.

7. Herpesvirus in newborns attacks the internal organs, central nervous system and eyes. In most cases, skin rashes appear already in the later stages of the disease. Therefore, if a child does not have a herpes rash, this does not mean that he does not have herpes.

Herpes simplex during pregnancy

hpg type 1
hpg type 1

Herpes is very dangerous for a pregnant woman. During this period, the body is most susceptible to various infections due to toxicosis, hormonal changes, etc. During pregnancy, the presence of a herpes infection can provoke irreversible processes that are extremely dangerous for the fetus.

HSV during pregnancy (type 1):

• If a woman does not have protective antibodies to herpes during a pregnancy planning period, then pregnancy is undesirable.

• Even if a woman has antibodies to herpes type 1 in her blood, they do not prevent infection with herpes type 2.

• The infection crosses the placenta and affects the nervous tissue of the fetus.

• If herpes infection occurs in the first half of pregnancy, then the likelihood of fetal deformity, both compatible and incompatible with life, increases.

• If the virus entered the body in the last stages, then the infection of the child will occur during childbirth, through the passage through the birth canal.

Herpes virus type 2:

• increases risk of miscarriage;

• causes polyhydramnios;

• increases the risk of miscarriage.

Complications of the herpes simplex virus during pregnancy

• Missed pregnancy.

• Spontaneous miscarriage.

• Premature birth.

• Stillbirth.

• An unborn baby may develop a heart defect.

• Leads to the development of congenital malformations in the fetus.

• Congenital viral pneumonia.

• HSVa newborn baby can provoke epilepsy.

• Infant develops cerebral palsy.

• The child may also develop deafness and blindness.

It is important to note that HSV during pregnancy must be treated at any time. The sooner treatment is started, the less harm the virus will cause to the unborn child.

When should a herpes antibody test be done?

hpg type 2
hpg type 2

• When small bubbles appear on the mucous membranes or skin.

• For HIV infection or immunodeficiency of unknown origin.

• When there is a burning sensation, swelling and a characteristic rash in the genital area.

• When preparing for pregnancy, both partners should be tested.

• In the presence of intrauterine infection of the child or fetoplacental insufficiency, etc.

HSV diagnosis

Diagnosis of the virus consists in the determination of antibodies to HSV types 1 and 2 - LgG and LgM. For the study, it is necessary to donate venous or capillary blood. According to statistics, most people around the world have antibodies to HSV. But the study of antibody titer over a certain period of time gives much more information about the presence of a herpes infection in the body.

LgM antibodies to the herpes virus remain in the blood for about 1-2 months, while LgG antibodies last a lifetime. Thus, LgM antibodies are indicators of primary infection. If the LgM titers at the time of the test were not overestimated, but the LgG antibodies are high, this indicates a chronic form of the courseherpetic infection in the body. LgM markers rise only during an exacerbation of the disease.

The presence of LgG antibodies in the blood indicates that a person is a carrier of the HSV virus.

HSV treatment

Herpes therapy has some features:

• Complete eradication of the virus is not possible.

• There are no drugs that can be used to prevent infection.

• HSV types 1 and 2 are not sensitive to antibacterial agents.

• For a short-term course of the type 1 virus, drug therapy does not make sense.

antibodies to HSV
antibodies to HSV

To date, the only means of direct action on the herpes virus is the drug "Acyclovir". The product is available in the form of tablets, ointments and solutions. Its use in accordance with the instructions reduces the duration of the disease and reduces the number of relapses. Treatment of a type 2 virus, in addition to prescribing the drug "Acyclovir", may include immunocorrectors and saline solutions that reduce the concentration of the virus in the blood.

HSV complications

• Type 2 virus plays a big role in the development of tumors such as cervical cancer and prostate cancer.

• HSV types 1 and 2 have an extremely negative impact on the course of pregnancy and childbirth. The risk of fetal deformity, compatible and incompatible with life, spontaneous miscarriages, death of a newborn from a generalized herpes infection increases.

• HSV together with cytomegalovirus contributes to the developmentatherosclerosis.

• Herpes can activate the human immunodeficiency virus if it is in its inactive stage.

Herpetic infection is not a sentence. With timely diagnosis and proper treatment, the disease will not harm he alth.
