Most diseases associated with the digestive system are accompanied by swelling and redness of the mucous membrane. Hyperemic gastric mucosa is very often manifested during gastroduodenoscopy. Usually this type of examination is recommended by a doctor to confirm diseases such as gastritis, pancreatitis, and ulcers. These are the diseases that have concomitant symptoms: pain in the epigastric region, belching, nausea, flatulence.

Manifestations of Violation
If in the conclusion of gastroscopy it appears that the hyperemic gastric mucosa is observed only in some places, that is, focally, then this indicates the initial stage of inflammation in the walls of the stomach. It is important to understand that this is not an independent disease. The cause of hyperemia of the gastric mucosa is the development of a particular pathology inepigastric region.
In no case do not let your well-being take its course if you begin to be disturbed by pain in the upper part of the stomach, nausea and heartburn. Seek immediate medical attention. Hyperemic gastric mucosa of a focal form is one of the symptoms of many diseases of this organ, but it is possible to identify them only with a thorough examination.
In the normal state, the gastric mucosa has a pink tint, smooth surface, reflects the luster of the corresponding equipment. The thickness of the mucosal folds is 5-8 mm. When spreading with air, the folds should completely disappear, expand.

If pathology begins to develop, the following symptoms appear:
- mucosa becomes thinner or vice versa thickened;
- redness appears;
- she's swollen;
- ulcers appear on the surface of the mucosa.
If the inflammatory process has begun, the gastric mucosa becomes hyperemic either in one place or diffusely. Visually, during the examination, you can see that the mucosa is reddened, swollen, and blood fluid appears in the vessels.
Excessive filling of blood vessels can be the result of such problems:
- violation of the function of outflow of blood from the walls of the stomach;
- excessive filling of the walls with blood.
By the way, active hyperemia can be considered quite a positive phenomenon, because it is a signal of recovery, and if there is a lackblood supply and the function of regeneration is inhibited, then the pathology of the walls of the stomach is aggravated. These negative phenomena are accompanied by oxygen starvation of tissues. Only with the help of an examination, a specialist can determine the severity of the pathology and prescribe a competent course of treatment.

Diseases associated with this disorder
This pathology can report many disorders in the digestive system. The nature and type of the disease can be determined by the following signs: how pronounced hyperemia is and where it is located. Quite often, hyperemia reveals an ulcer, gastritis or gastroduodenitis. Symptoms of gastritis in adults are similar to those of many other diseases. In very rare cases, diagnose diseases that are not related to the organs of the digestive system.
Gastritis and the consequences of hyperemia of the gastric mucosa
Symptoms of gastritis in adults are as follows:
- The inflammatory process of a mild form causes slight hyperemia and focal lesions of the gastric mucosa. The mucosa on the surface looks edematous, a whitish coating is visible on it, thickening of the folds can be diagnosed, stretching with air does not lead to their complete smoothing.
- When the atrophic process occurs, a serious depletion of the mucosa occurs, it becomes pale, red vessels are clearly visible. Hyperemia develops locally.
- Fibrous gastritis causes pronounced hyperemia, which is accompanied by purulentprocesses and is located focally. Pathology develops due to infection with measles and scarlet fever. An accompanying symptom may be bloody vomiting. This may indicate that the festering film is being rejected.
- With the phlegmous form, focal lesions become noticeable, which were the result of an injury to the stomach with something pointed. Such an object can be, for example, a fish bone.
- If a patient is diagnosed with bulbitis, edema can be detected, accompanied by redness, and in the antrum, the folds are thickened. The mucous membrane was swollen and reddened. The disease is a consequence of an unbalanced diet or the influence of the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori.
- If the kidney function is impaired, many patients can be diagnosed with edema and hyperemia of the gastric mucosa, which is expressed in varying degrees of severity, in accordance with the type of pathological process.
- Hyperemia can be the result of factors such as prolonged depression, chronic stress, constant emotional outbursts. With such negative psychological factors, the vascular walls of the stomach overflow with blood fluid.
Ignoring the symptoms of this disease can lead to atrophy of the gastric mucosa.

Diagnosis of pathology
If you are experiencing unpleasant symptoms such as nausea, heartburn, stomach pain, belching, bloating, you need to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist as soon as possible. He will prescribe tests and conductappropriate diagnostic measures.
For the diagnosis of pathology, the main methods of studying the gastrointestinal tract are used. Such diagnostic methods can give a complete picture of the disease. In the case of hyperemic gastric mucosa, the best method is esophagogastroduodenoscopy. This procedure is performed using an endoscope - a special probe, at one end of which is a camera that captures internal changes.
With the help of this type of examination, it is possible to accurately assess the condition of the gastric walls, take a biopsy, see the pathology and develop a competent course of treatment.
An experienced doctor can easily diagnose the development of pathology if the examination of the mucous membrane turns out to be hyperemic, because he althy tissue has a special luster and produces mucus normally.

Therapeutic measures
For people who are interested in how to restore the gastric mucosa, it is important to know that when diagnosing this disease, in most cases, treatment is not prescribed, since it is believed that the body fights the problem on its own with the help of self-regeneration. During this process, an accelerated metabolism occurs, due to which the process of tissue self-healing comes into the active stage.
This condition is a positive phenomenon in the development of arterial hyperemia. In some cases, doctors create an additional flow of blood fluid to stimulate regeneration processes, to speed up recovery. If you are interested in how to restore the mucosastomach with other pathologies, you need to contact the doctor with this question.

Treatment of congestion in gastritis
Quite often reddening of the epithelium is one of the symptoms of gastritis. The course of therapy in this case is quite long and complex:
- a special diet is mandatory;
- drugs are prescribed, including antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, sorbents, enzymes and painkillers.
As an aid, enveloping drugs can be prescribed to help eliminate inflammation, eliminate redness of the epithelial cover, and reduce the edematous process. In some cases, non-traditional methods of treatment help. So, decoctions of medicinal plants and honey are actively used. And thanks to a special therapeutic diet, you can prolong the remission of the disease for a long time.
Even when the patient has recovered, he is strongly advised to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist for a preventive examination. You should visit a doctor at least twice a year, so that if the inflammatory process resumes, you can notice it in the initial stages and immediately begin treatment.

Preventive action
In order to avoid atrophy of the gastric mucosa and other complications, as well as completely get rid of unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first signs of a clinical picture for an accurate diagnosis and clarificationreasons for the development of pathology.
Twice a year it is recommended to be diagnosed with gastroscopy in order to avoid the recurrence of the disease. Do the preventive measures prescribed by the doctor in a timely manner. Do not neglect your he alth, follow all the recommendations of your doctor and do not ignore unpleasant symptoms. If the disease is recognized in time, serious consequences and long-term treatment with advanced pathology can be avoided.