Blue nevus (blue nevus Yadasson - Tice): causes, danger, indications for removal. blue mole

Blue nevus (blue nevus Yadasson - Tice): causes, danger, indications for removal. blue mole
Blue nevus (blue nevus Yadasson - Tice): causes, danger, indications for removal. blue mole

The blue nevus of Yadasson - Tiche is an acquired neoplasm of a small size that occurs on the skin. Such growths have a specific blue or dark blue color. Usually a blue nevus occurs only in isolated cases. However, there are situations when many neoplasms occur.

blue nevus
blue nevus

What is this disease

Blue nevus is a mole that refers to benign formations on the skin. However, there is a risk of degeneration into melanoma. A nevus usually occurs in people of a certain group. As a rule, this neoplasm is formed precisely during puberty.

Such moles are characterized by slow development and growth. At the same time, the neoplasm does not cause discomfort in a person. It is for this reason that the blue nevus can grow unnoticed by the patient for a long time. It is worth noting that this phenomenon is more common in the fairer sex.

When treating such neoplasms, specialists resort toto expectant tactics. In other words, the removal of the nevus is carried out only with significant increases in size. Also, the reason for eliminating such a mole can be any changes that indicate its degeneration into a malignant neoplasm.

nevus mole
nevus mole

What does such a mole look like

What is a nevus, we figured it out. Particular attention should be paid to its causes and symptoms. Outwardly, this neoplasm looks like a nodule that has arisen inside the skin. At the same time, it has clear boundaries and has a spindle-shaped, oval or rounded shape. As for the size, the blue nevus can be no more than 1 centimeter in diameter. In some situations, this indicator changes.

How to distinguish a nevus from other neoplasms? The mole has a blue-black, dark blue or blue color. Such a specific shade can be explained by a large accumulation of a large amount of melanin in the layers of the skin. It seems that this is not a nevus, but a foreign body.

Main signs of disease

Blue nevus differs not only in color. Such a mole has a smooth surface. Hair does not grow in this place. At the same time, the neoplasm has an elastic and dense texture.

Most often it occurs on the back of the hands or feet, on the buttocks, shins and forearms. It is extremely rare to see a blue nevus in the mouth or on the face. Usually, the development of such a neoplasm is asymptomatic. The mole does not cause itching, pain anddiscomfort. Only in some cases, the blue nevus interferes - when located in those places where there is a risk of its mechanical damage.

If the neoplasm has begun to transform into melanoma, then this can be determined independently. At the same time, the blue nevus increases in size, a clear border disappears, and unpleasant sensations arise.

what is a nevus
what is a nevus

Varieties of neoplasms

At the moment, there are several forms of nevus: combined, cellular and simple. The latter is characterized by the presence of one blue mole on the skin, the diameter of which is no more than one centimeter. At the same time, the surface of such a nevus is smooth. As for the color, its range is from light gray to black-blue. Simple nevi are usually located on the arms, neck and face. However, neoplasms of a similar plan may occur on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, vagina and on the cervix.

Cell nevus is large. Its diameter can be from 1.5 to 3 centimeters. The mole has a dark blue color and an uneven surface. Because of these signs, the nevus is often taken for a neoplasm of a malignant origin. Most often, a blue mole occurs on the surface of the hands, on the feet, on the buttocks and lower back.

As for the combined form, this is a combination of a simple blue nevus with a complex pigmented nevus or with a border intradermal nevus.

blue nevus jadassona tyche
blue nevus jadassona tyche

How the diagnosis works

Due to the specific colorblue nevus is diagnosed almost immediately. However, additional research is required. For a more accurate diagnosis, dermatoscopy is performed. This is a visual study of the boundaries, structure and depth of the nevus when it is enlarged.

In addition, a siascopic examination is being carried out. It allows you to study the structure of the blue mole and the distribution of melanin. In some cases, ultrasound of skin lesions may be performed. This is required in difficult cases of differential diagnosis. Such a study allows you to determine the depth of germination, as well as infiltrative malignant growth.

In some cases, it is required to determine the accumulation of melanocytes in the layers of the skin. For this, a histological examination is carried out.

blue mole
blue mole

How to treat a blue nevus

Removing a blue mole is not always required. The need arises in the pathological course with some changes. If the nevus began to increase in size and its appearance changed, then it must be removed. The patient should visit a dermatologist regularly and undergo a thorough examination.

Surgical intervention may also be required in cases where there is a risk of mechanical damage to the nevus. Injury to a blue mole can lead to its degeneration into a malignant neoplasm.

As for the methods of removing the blue nevus, there are several of them: using radio waves or a laser, cryodestruction and electrocoagulation. If there are certain difficulties in differentiating from melanoma bluemoles, then the neoplasm is surgically excised. This procedure is also required when changing the blue nevus in size. Excision is carried out along with fatty subcutaneous tissue, as well as with a small area of \u200b\u200bhe althy tissues. In this case, from 5 to 8 millimeters of the epidermis located from the visible boundaries of the neoplasm is captured. If the blue nevus is on the face, then it is removed very carefully. At the same time, from 3 to 5 millimeters of he althy tissues are captured. After excision of the neoplasm, its histological examination is carried out.

blue nevus removal
blue nevus removal


Now you know what a nevus is. This is a mole that has a specific shade that occurs due to the accumulation of melanin in the skin layers. In a normal course, removal of the neoplasm is not required. If the blue nevus began to increase in size or its surface became rougher, then you need to seek help from a dermatologist. Perhaps the neoplasm has become malignant.
