Every person, especially women, wants to be beautiful. But, unfortunately, life rarely passes without injuries and illnesses, after which ugly scars remain as a memory, or, scientifically speaking, atrophic scars. How to get rid of this unpleasant cosmetic defect? Now there are so many ways, and all, according to advertising, are unique. Which one is really effective? Which one to choose so as not to throw money away and not waste time? Let's try to figure it out.
What are atrophic scars
Everyone knows what a scar is, but not everyone understands the word "atrophic". It means that the scar is located below the plane of the skin, as if sinking. There are also hypertrophic scars, which, on the contrary, protrude beyond the skin. In the first case, less new tissue is formed in place of the destroyed one (due to this, and sinking), and in the second - more, so it protrudes. In addition to a cosmetic defect, atrophic scars have reduced functional properties. So, they are more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation (they tolerate direct sunlight worse), in damaged areas they do nothair growth and sweat glands are restored.

Causes of occurrence
Atrophic scars can appear with any destruction of the collagen fibers of the skin. Top Reasons:
- injuries with violation of the integrity of the skin (cut, burn, wound);
- infectious diseases (acne, boils, chicken pox);
- microdamages of the subcutaneous layer of the dermis without external incisions (stretch marks).
Mechanism of scarring
In cases of mechanical damage to the skin, the body launches a system for their recovery, sending a mass of structures and cells to the problem area. Platelets, lymphocytes, macrophages, leukocytes, fibroblasts instantly rush there. Each of them performs its own function, as a result of which the wound heals. Almost immediately, leukocytes that arrived at their destination begin to secrete special cytokines, which control the creation of the matrix and form future atrophic scars. Fibroblasts also produce collagen from the first hours after injury, which is the basis of the extracellular matrix. Collagen fibers at the site of destruction are intertwined, modified, and a number of other complex processes occur. As a result, the wound heals, and a scar appears in its place.

In the case of acne, the activity of the sebaceous glands is disturbed, an increased amount of sebum begins to form. In some parts of the body (face, back, less often chest), it accumulates, which leads to the appearance of coccal infections. Inflammatory processes, as it were, melt skin cells and form pus. Atrophic scars remain at the site of the opening of the abscesses.
Stretch marks on the skin can appear from heavy physical activity, age-related changes, during pregnancy, from malnutrition. In any case, the mesh layer of the skin is destroyed, the collagen fibers are torn, and the so-called subcutaneous dips are formed, outwardly looking like white, purple or pink scars.
Correction methods
Because atrophic scars are formed due to different causes, the treatment that can provide a visible result cannot be the same for everyone. To date, there are such methods:
1. Surgical. Used for pronounced deep extensive scars. The method consists in excising the body of the scar and lifting its edges, followed by plasty.
2. Mesotherapy. It consists in subcutaneous injections of drugs that promote collagen synthesis. Disadvantages - soreness of the procedure, the possibility of bruising, swelling, redness, injection marks.
3. Dermabrasion. Used to correct deep scars after various mechanical damage to the skin and acne. This procedure is superficial and deep, more traumatic. It consists in polishing the skin with microscopic crystals. The disadvantages of the method are the long-term restoration of the dermis, the appearance of pigmentation.
4. Creams and ointments. The most public and simple method.
5. Laser therapy. Used for all types of scars. It consists in exposing the problem area of the skin to carbon dioxide.or vascular laser. This method gives the best results. Disadvantages - redness, pigmentation may appear, in some cases, the degeneration of an atrophic scar into a colloid one.
6. Chemical peeling. The purpose of the procedure is to remove the top layer of the dermis and then replace it with a new, more delicate and he althy layer. The procedure is superficial and deep, which is performed under anesthesia. Disadvantages - long-term recovery of the skin, pigmentation, complications after deep peeling.

Treatment of scars with ointments
The easiest way to remove atrophic scars is with the help of creams and ointments sold in any pharmacy. Advantages of this method:
- universal availability;
- comparatively low price;
- possibility of treatment at home;
- ease of execution;
- providing action locally, without causing "inconvenience" to the whole body;
- no complications.
- duration of treatment;
- low efficiency on deep and old scars.
There are products for scar correction that are absorbable, softening, antibacterial, healing, stimulating collagen production, anti-inflammatory, whitening, moisturizing. Gels, ointments, creams are on sale. Many of them are used not only for scar correction, but at the same time as anti-inflammatory, wound healing, sun protection.

Popular drugs
Currently inPharmacies have a large selection of scar products. Most popular and effective:
1. "Kontraktubeks", price in the range of 300-800 rubles per tube 25 g.
2. "Kelofibrase". The average cost is 1200-1600 rubles for a 25-gram tube. The composition includes urea, camphor, sodium heparin. The tool quite effectively corrects fresh scars, helps with acne, shallow marks after acne.
3. "Kelo-Cat". The average price of a 15-gram tube is about 2500 rubles. The composition of the product includes silicone dioxide and polysiloxane. Available in the form of a gel, spray. According to the manufacturer, "Kelo-Kot" is effective for the correction of any scars, including postoperative and burn scars.
4. "Zeraderm". The cost of a 15-gram tube is from 3900 rubles. The composition includes silicone, vitamins, antioxidant Q10, UV filter with a degree of protection 15.
5. "Dermatix". It costs from 1200 rubles for 15 grams of funds. Contains inert silicone. The cream is effective against any scars.
6. Fermenkol. Price - from 1000 rubles. The composition of the product includes 9 natural collagenases of animal origin. It is used to correct any scars in the form of an ointment, for phonophoresis, electrophoresis and applications.

As you can see from the above list, this is one of the cheapest, and therefore the most affordable means. Includes:
- onion extract (dissolves blood clots, relieves inflammation, reduces scar stiffness);
- allantoin(accelerates healing, improves the permeability of scar tissues for active substances, moisturizes, renews the upper layers of the scar);
- sodium heparin (stops or significantly slows down the growth of scar tissue, moisturizes, has an anti-allergic effect).
Mederma cream is very similar to Contractubex in its composition, properties, effect and price. The difference is that it does not contain heparin.
The instructions say that "Kontraktubeks", the price of which allows people with different incomes to buy it, copes well with scars of a different nature, contracture of tendons and joints, stretch marks, is used as a prophylactic. However, according to consumer reviews, this drug helps to remove only the freshest scars and stretch marks, and not everyone who uses it. That is, its healing properties are not effective for all skin types.

Laser correction
Sometimes a person has such atrophic scars, ointment, gel or other simple remedies against which they absolutely do not help. In recent years, laser technologies have been widely used to correct all types of such skin lesions, regardless of their size and age of occurrence. One of them is photothermolysis. The method consists in the impact of CO2-laser pulses on the problem area. As a result, fibroblasts increase the production of collagen, the scar seems to tighten, becomes elastic and invisible. Photothermolysis is amblation, acting more deeply and, as a result, causing morelong period of rehabilitation. After each procedure, and there should be at least 6 of them, the restoration of the skin lasts up to 7 days. The second type of photothermolysis is non-amblative. It is not so traumatic, but there should be up to 10 procedures to obtain a visible effect. Photothermolysis is performed under local or general anesthesia, which depends on the location of the scar, its size and the sensitivity threshold of the client. Weaknesses:
- after the procedure, pain, itching, redness of the skin;
- pigmentation, peeling;
- need to take medication after the procedure.

Dermabrasion (laser peel)
The method consists in evaporating scar tissue layer by layer using an arbium or carbon dioxide laser. In cases with atrophic scars, it is performed in conjunction with collagen-based injections. This operation is also known as laser resurfacing of scars. The price of the procedure may vary depending on the size of the scar. In most beauty salons, they ask for such a service from 900 rubles per square centimeter. Grinding is carried out at a time of the year when there is no intense sunlight (winter, autumn). As a result, the production of collagen is enhanced, regeneration occurs with the renewal of the skin. Recovery takes at least a month. A distinctive feature of the method is its painlessness, so anesthesia is not needed. Immediately after the procedure, moisturizers and soothing agents are applied to the skin without fail. The course is designed for 5-6 sessions. Durationeach is about 40 minutes. As a result of grinding, not only scars can disappear, but also pigmentation, fine wrinkles, and pores narrow.