Tonsils and tonsils - what's the difference? Adenoids, tonsils, tonsils

Tonsils and tonsils - what's the difference? Adenoids, tonsils, tonsils
Tonsils and tonsils - what's the difference? Adenoids, tonsils, tonsils

Every mother knows that the child's body is often exposed to diseases, especially children often get angina, which can cause many complications. Let's figure out how to treat inflamed tonsils for children and adults, whether there is a need to remove them, and why our body needs them at all.

What is the difference between tonsils and tonsils
What is the difference between tonsils and tonsils

Tonsils and tonsils - what's the difference?

I would like to initially clarify one point. All parents should understand the terms: tonsils and tonsils (what is the difference, and whether it exists at all, we will learn from this material). In fact, they are one and the same. From a medical point of view, the correct name is palatine tonsils, but tonsils are more familiar to the people. Do not faint when the doctor makes your baby an unfamiliar diagnosis - tonsillitis. So that these words do not cause fear, you need to understand what they mean.

  • Tonsils are an important organ of the immune system, located in the throat, between the palatine arches, closer to the root of the tongue. The tonsils are composed of lymphoidfabrics.
  • Tonsillitis doctors call inflammation of the tonsils. The disease can be both acute and chronic. Acute tonsillitis in everyday life is familiar to parents as a sore throat.
  • In fact, the tonsils are the protectors of the whole organism. It is this organ of the immune system that is a barrier to harmful microorganisms. The lymphoid tissue that makes up the tonsils is capable of producing special antibodies that take part in the fight against pathogenic microbes. It turns out that the main element of the immune system in children is the palatine tonsils, which protect the baby from the penetration of viruses, infections and bacteria.

Why does the body need tonsils

Accumulations of lymphoid tissue, located between the nasal and oral cavities, are primarily necessary to protect the child's body from all kinds of viruses and bacteria. When inhaling, the baby, in addition to air, also captures pathogens of various infections, and the tonsils (photos will be presented in this article) stop and neutralize them.

In addition to the protective function, the palatine tonsils are involved in the regulation of hematopoiesis, forming lymphocytes (cells of the immune system), which are involved in the formation of antibodies.

Disease of the tonsils
Disease of the tonsils

Causes of inflammation of the tonsils

Glands are able to protect our body only with a normally functioning immune system. The weakening of the immune system significantly reduces the ability of the tonsils to trap and neutralize viruses. What happens in such a case? Microbes simply settle and accumulate on the surface of the tonsils, as a result of which they andbecome inflamed. In this state, they not only do not provide protection to the body, but, on the contrary, pose a threat. The most common disease of the tonsils is tonsillitis, in an acute form - tonsillitis. Each of us knows how hard this disease is tolerated: high fever, terrible sore throat. In fact, the symptoms of angina are not as terrible as the complications that appear after the disease. No specialist in the field of medicine can compile a complete list of possible dangers, since it is updated every year. Inflammation of the tonsils in some cases can lead to damage to the heart, joints, kidneys and other organs. To date, doctors have identified over 100 diseases directly related to tonsillitis. The results of recent studies have shown that angina can even lead to impaired reproductive function. Therefore, inflammation of the tonsils is a rather serious and dangerous disease, and even if for some reason it was not possible to avoid it, it is necessary to promptly and competently start treatment.

Symptoms of tonsillitis

When the palatine tonsils increase, there is less space in the oropharynx, as a result of which breathing becomes difficult, and food moves worse. But this is not the worst. If the adenoids, tonsils (tonsils) are inflamed at the same time, then the baby's speech also suffers.

Adenoid tonsil tonsils
Adenoid tonsil tonsils

Each mother will be able to independently determine the state of accumulations of lymphoid tissue in the throat. With inflammation due to the lateral arches, uneven rounded formations of a pale pink or yellowish color will be visible. howDo tonsils look normal? Outside of an exacerbation, there is no plaque on them and white dots filled with pus, there is no swelling and redness. When you press the palatine tonsil, a soft texture is noted. According to all these signs, the state of the tonsils is determined.

If the tonsils have grown to such a state that they practically close with each other, then the child will have to be transferred to semi-liquid meals. If necessary, such a diet is observed until complete recovery.

On the one hand, tonsils and tonsils (what is the difference, we already know) protect our body from attacks of viruses and bacteria right at the entrance, on the other hand, they become a serious threat when they do not cope with their tasks. With poor immunity or hypothermia, an exacerbation begins, and the infection that accumulates in the tonsils leads to inflammation, accompanied by high fever and sore throat.

How dangerous are enlarged tonsils?

Inflamed palatine tonsils become a source of infection for the whole organism, the so-called powder keg, exploding, which will lead not only to tonsillitis, but also to a number of other inflammations (most often otitis media). Since the enlarged tonsils are not able to perform their main function (protective), the infection freely enters the ear through the Eustachian tube. In addition, chronic tonsillitis (inflamed tonsils) is often accompanied by rhinitis, sinusitis or sinusitis.

Enlarged tonsils lead to a decrease in immunity, therefore, frequent colds and general weakness of the baby "are not formountains." The child looks tired, he does not have enough strength for prolonged physical and emotional stress, some even begin to fall behind the school curriculum.

What do tonsils look like
What do tonsils look like

Degrees of tonsil enlargement

Otolaryngologists classify tonsils (photos of the normal and inflamed condition are presented in this material) according to the degree of their increase. This makes it much easier to diagnose the baby's condition and choose the necessary treatment tactics.

So, ENT doctors distinguish three degrees of enlargement of the palatine tonsils:

  1. The tonsil occupies one third of the space between the anterior margin of the palatine arch and the vomer.
  2. Almond occupied 2/3rd place.
  3. All space is occupied by a hypertrophied tonsil.
enlarged tonsils
enlarged tonsils

Problems related to tonsils

As mentioned earlier, the defenders of our body (tonsils) can become inflamed, but in addition to this, they cause other troubles for the children's body:

  • Some babies are born with malformations in the development of the tonsils, for example, the presence of an additional palatine lobule. As a rule, in such situations, special treatment is not prescribed.
  • Hyperplasia or overgrowth of tonsil tissue. Observed in childhood, if the child does not experience any discomfort, intervention is not necessary.
  • Various injuries. The most common burn is from swallowing a boiling liquid or chemical. Such injuries to the tonsils must be treated exclusively in the hospital and as soon as possible.
  • The tonsils canget stuck fish bones. In this case, specialist assistance will be needed to remove the foreign body.
  • Tumours in the tonsils are extremely rare and can only be removed by surgery.

Treatment of tonsils

Most of all inflammation of the glands are children aged 3 to 10 years. Someone has a child with a sore throat from time to time, while someone simply does not have time to take a break from the disease. Treatment tactics for each case will be individual.

With angina, the first thing to stick to is bed rest. In addition, several therapeutic measures are prescribed during the disease: general and local therapy, drinking plenty of water, taking antihistamines, and conducting immuno-strengthening therapy. It is strictly forbidden to touch purulent tonsils, even to get rid of purulent exudate.

Many mothers with angina make the child gargle with an antibacterial solution in the hope that in this way it will be possible to get rid of plaque on the tonsils. However, the usefulness of this procedure remains in doubt. In fact, the solution does not reach the surface of the tonsils.

Purulent tonsils
Purulent tonsils

Direct contact of the inflamed palatine tonsils with the solution is observed while drinking. That is why patients with sore throat are recommended to drink tea with lemon several times a day, warm milk with honey, soda and butter.

Now we should pay a little attention to antibiotics. Without them, it is not possible to cure a sore throat (what the tonsils look like with a disease can be seen in the photo)moreover, the likelihood that the disease will become chronic increases. Since bacteria quickly adapt to antibiotics, the range of drugs is replenished every year. Therefore, it is not surprising that the pediatrician prescribed not penicillin for your child, but a stronger modern medication. Which antibiotic is right for your child, only a specialist should decide, given the history of allergies, atopic dermatitis or bronchial asthma.

Tonsillitis of the tonsil
Tonsillitis of the tonsil

Treatment with traditional medicine

I would like to talk about the most effective methods of dealing with inflamed tonsils, which are mainly used to treat children.

  1. Decoction of chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, pine buds, violets, horsetail and string. All herbs are mixed and poured with boiling water, infused for 2-3 hours. Ready broth is used for gargling.
  2. Good help with sore throat honey and red pepper. Put the necessary ingredients on the compress paper, light the wax candle from below and wait until the honey melts. Then remove the red pepper pod and take 2 tablespoons before meals.
  3. With tonsillitis, an infusion with Kalanchoe is effective. It is used as a gargle.

We hope this article will help young parents understand terms such as tonsils and tonsils, what is the difference between tonsillitis and tonsillitis, they will also understand.
