Food or catarrhal gastritis - an inflammatory lesion of the surface layer of the gastric mucosa due to prolonged use of too spicy, fried foods or low-quality foods. It is observed in most of the inhabitants of the planet. The severity of symptoms depends on the prevalence of the pathological process.
Development mechanism

Alimentary (food) catarrhal gastritis is extensive, as it spreads to the entire area of the mucous membrane. It occurs in the vast majority of all such cases.
The pathological process occurs as a result of irritation of the mucosa by harmful food or other negative factors. It develops in a matter of hours.
The antrum of the stomach is most often affected. The fact is that the acid that forms in the stomach enters its upper sections. This aggressive liquid significantly damages the walls of the organ.
Reasons for appearance

Causes of catarrhal gastritisare.
- Frequent consumption of foods containing a large number of coarse inclusions that can damage the walls of the organ. The same effect is observed with insufficient chewing of food.
- Intoxication of the body resulting from the use of expired products.
- Taking certain medicines on an empty stomach. They have an aggressive effect on the mucous membrane.
- Constant consumption of spicy and fatty foods, alcoholic beverages.
- Infectious lesion of the gastrointestinal tract or neighboring organs.
- Persistent stress, chronic lack of sleep, excessive mental or physical stress.
- Impaired circulation in the tissues of the digestive system.
- Problems with the functionality of the endocrine system.
Very rarely, the cause of catarrhal reflux gastritis is a genetic predisposition. Violation of the functionality of the gallbladder makes itself felt. Such gastritis may be a symptom of a more serious problem.
Symptoms of pathology

Symptoms of catarrhal gastritis appear suddenly and quite brightly. The following violations of the functionality of the digestive system are distinguished.
- Pain in the stomach and left hypochondrium, which are acute.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Increased salivation followed by dry mouth.
- Heartburn, belching, flatulence, stool disorder.
- Loss of energy, fatigue.
- Headache.
- Grayish coating on the surface of the tongue.
- Bad sour breath.
- Complete or partial loss of appetite.
In some patients, catarrhal gastritis is accompanied by a slight increase in temperature. The severe form of the disease leads to dehydration due to repeated vomiting. Here the patient needs medical attention. A mild form of pathology does not require intervention and resolves on its own after a few days with a diet.
Disease classification
Treatment of antral catarrhal gastritis should be started only after its type and stage of development has been determined. Pathology can be classified as follows.
- Acute catarrhal gastritis. It provokes excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, junk food. Stress can also cause inflammation. The gastric mucosa cannot recover quickly. The patient has pain, nausea and belching, muscle weakness.
- Chronic catarrhal gastritis. It develops due to the lack of acute therapy. In this case, the mucous tissues of the stomach are severely destroyed. Increased violations of secretion and motility of the stomach. The patient experiences discomfort in the mouth, problems with appetite, weight loss.
- Focal catarrhal gastritis. It is characterized by partial damage to the tissues of the organ. The form shown is extremely rare.
- Atrophic form. Appears due to genetic disorders. In this case, the immune system produces proteins that destroy their own tissues. Mucosal cells die and glands atrophy.
The effectiveness of therapy depends on how advanced the disease is and what form it has.
The presented pathology requires examination of the patient using instrumental and laboratory methods. Diagnostics includes:
- clinical tests of blood, feces, urine;
- bacteriological culture and examination for the presence of Helicobacter pylori;
- Stomach ultrasound;
- liver test;
- study of gastric juice;
- X-ray of an organ using contrast agents;
- electrogastrography, which allows you to determine the motility of the stomach.
In rare cases, the patient is prescribed a gastroscopy. It is needed only when the pathology is advanced.
Features of pathology in children

Symptoms and treatment of catarrhal gastritis in young patients deserve special attention. The manifestations of pathology practically do not differ from the signs of the disease in adults. However, in babies, tissues recover faster, so finding out the exact cause is the key to a quick recovery.
To prevent the development of complications in children, it is necessary to show them to the doctor immediately after the first symptoms appear. Diagnosis can be difficult because the child is not always able to determine their feelings and their localization.
Conservative treatment

Therapy of the presented pathologyprovides for an integrated approach. Not only the use of drugs is necessary, but also a change in lifestyle. Symptoms and treatment of catarrhal gastritis are mandatory information that a person prone to such a problem should have.
First of all, the patient is given a gastric lavage, bowel cleansing through an enema and activated charcoal. In addition, you will need the following medications.
- Anspasmodics: "No-shpa", "Papaverine". They are administered intramuscularly. Medicines help relieve pain.
- Antibiotics: "Azithromycin". Such drugs are required only when a bacterial infection is attached or the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the body.
- Anti-nausea: Cerucal.
- Saline solutions, Regidron. They prevent dehydration and are administered intravenously.
- Cholinolytics. Improve the functionality of mucosal layer receptors.
- Antacids. Helps reduce the acidity of gastric juice, which further damages tissues.
- Adsorbents. They are used if the cause of gastritis was poisoning with poor-quality food or other substances.
However, drugs alone will not be able to overcome the disease. It is important to use other therapies as well.
Special Diet

In order for the treatment of catarrhal gastritis to be really effective, it is necessary to eat right not only duringtherapy, but also after its completion. Such a lifestyle will help to avoid complications and recurrence of pathology.
In the first few days of the development of the disease, the patient will have to starve in order to completely eliminate the load on the gastrointestinal tract. Subsequently, the mucous layer of the stomach must be protected from the effects of irritating factors (chemical, mechanical or thermal). Therefore, do not eat heavy food. Spices should be excluded from the menu altogether. Limit daily s alt intake.
In the acute period, food should be frayed. It is better to eat boiled foods, as well as steamed dishes. Food should not be too cold or too hot. It is better to eat more often, but in small portions. The load on the stomach should be minimal.
The patient is prohibited from canned foods, sweets and pastries, chocolate and cocoa, strong coffee, black tea. Avoid fried foods, fatty meats and fish. Potatoes, cabbage and legumes are limited in use, as they contribute to gas formation. Instead, it is useful to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, low-fat cottage cheese, juice and jelly, compotes, weak green tea.
Rosehip broth is also considered useful, as it contains a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances. The menu includes cereals, liquid soups.
Folk Therapy

If the pathology is in the early stages of development, then it can be eliminated without the use of drugs. Moreover, some of them lead to aggravation of the human condition. It is only necessary to first know the severity of the disease and its type. Such recipes of traditional medicine will be useful.
- Potato juice. You can only use freshly squeezed liquid until it has acquired a dark shade. A single dose of funds is half a cup. 30 minutes after this, the patient should eat. You need to drink the drug three times a day. The course of therapy is 3 weeks.
- Decoction of oats. It will take 5 liters of milk, which should turn sour. Next, cottage cheese is made from it, and oats are boiled in the resulting whey. The components are taken in the ratio of 5 parts of liquid to 1 part of raw material. You need to cook the remedy for 3 hours. 125 g of alcohol and 300 g of honey are added to the resulting broth. Take the medicine is required for 1 tbsp. half an hour before meals. The liquid must be preheated.
- Carrot or cabbage juice. With the latter, you need to be careful. Juice is stored no more than 2 days. It is consumed an hour before meals twice a day.
- Honey. It is required to mix 1 tsp. of this product with 2.5 tsp. aloe juice. Honey with olive oil and a little lemon juice also works well.
- Decoction of St. John's wort. The prepared remedy is used to restore the gastric mucosa after the end of the acute period of the disease.
It won't take much time to treat the pathology. Folk remedies can be a good addition to the traditional scheme. However, any use of infusions or decoctions of herbs must be agreed with the doctor. Some plants can aggravate the patient's condition, so you should not usethem thoughtlessly.
Possible Complications
This type of gastritis rarely causes complications, but they do exist. For example, the inflammatory process over time leads to the formation of erosions on the gastric mucosa.
The acute form of gastritis can become chronic, and it is more difficult to get rid of it. Periodically, it will again make itself felt, and at the slightest violation of the regimen or diet.
Prevention of gastritis
Catarrhal gastritis-bulbitis is a life-threatening pathology. But it causes a lot of discomfort to the patient, so it is better not to allow its development at all. To do this, follow the simple rules of prevention.
- Eat only wholesome foods that do not cause bloating, do not irritate the stomach and esophagus.
- Quit smoking and alcohol.
- When the slightest discomfort appears, it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor.
- Get regular check-ups.
- Observe the rules of personal hygiene.
- Avoid stressful situations.
Catarrhal gastritis is an unpleasant pathology that is not life-threatening. But it can give complications that create a more serious situation. Therefore, it is better to listen to the recommendations of experts.