In the knee, in addition to cartilage, bones and ligaments, there are a large number of soft tissues. Goff's disease is associated with their defeat. It is inherent in people of any age. The spread of the disease comes to fatty deposits located inside the cavity. Early diagnosis and treatment of pathology is necessary. Otherwise, arthrosis may develop.
Goff's disease is a non-infectious pathology that affects the fat body of the knee joint. As a result, an inflammatory process develops in it. Fat deposits are a kind of shock absorber, with the help of which the pressure exerted on the knee is distributed to the cartilage.
When inflammation begins, adipose tissue becomes fibrous. It ceases to act as a shock absorber, arthritis begins to develop in the knee.

Goff's disease can develop as a result of:
- chronic damage to the knee under systematic loads;
- injured.
Pregnant women are also at risk,because their hormonal dynamics can cause inflammation in the joints.
The onset of inflammation can be provoked by the following factors:
- a blow to the knee area with its swelling;
- long squat;
- sharp limb extension;
- rotation of the shin, performed unsuccessfully.
The disease can change from an acute form to a chronic one with a constantly present inflammatory process with repeated exposure to adverse conditions. A neglected pathology can contribute to the growth of adipose tissue.
Also, incompletely cured ailments contribute to the occurrence of Hoff's disease:
- autoimmune;
- arthritis;
- arthrosis, including the femoral-patellar joint;
- bursitis;
- gout.
Risk factors
According to statistics, men are most often affected by this disease. This pathology can occur as a result of the following factors:
- professional activities involving prolonged squatting or kneeling;
- high impact sports: volleyball, gymnastics, football;
- Physical stress experienced periodically, in which there is a sharp extension or flexion of the knee joint.

Symptoms of Hoff's disease in its acute form are almost indistinguishable from other pathologies of the knee joint. The chronic form is diagnosed more easily. ATher acute appearance passes after three months of neglected pathology.
Symptoms of Hoff's disease of the knee:
- its non-functioning;
- instability;
- weakening;
- crunch and pain syndromes on palpation;
- private discomfort that doesn't go away;
- only partial knee extension is observed;
- swelling increases;
- swelling appears in the affected area.
In many cases the pain gets worse at night. They, as a rule, do not appear immediately, but after 4-10 weeks after the onset of the disease. In addition, the pain may increase with blockade of the knee joint. In the absence of acute attacks, the patient feels fullness in him.
With the development of the disease, atrophy of the quadriceps femoral muscle occurs, crepitus (crunching in the knee during pressure on the lateral ligaments), it becomes impossible to support the joint as a result of its looseness. Blockades resulting from the development of pathology make movement impossible. In their absence, the patient limps on the affected leg.

The symptoms of lipoarthritis (Hoff's disease) are similar to those of other similar diseases, so it is difficult to make a diagnosis based on the clinical picture alone. In this regard, additional studies are underway, including the following:
- Arthropneumography - x-ray examination after filling the cavity of the knee joint with oxygen. It helps to identify violationsinherent in this particular pathology: an increase in the size and hypertrophy of fatty tissue, rigidity of the upper inversion, an increase in the posterior inversion with the formation of a hernial formation (Becker's cyst), a decrease in the knee joint.
- X-ray - performed to detect calculous bursitis in the pterygoid folds, which accompanies lipoarthritis. With its help, this disease is differentiated from Osgood-Schlatter disease, in which similar symptoms are observed.
- CT. Using this method, they get an idea of the state of bone and cartilage structures that can provoke pathology.
- MRI - determines the pathological dynamics in the articular tissues, including the amount of growth of fat bodies.
Treatment of Hoff's disease
Therapy focuses on:
- prevent further degeneration of adipose tissue;
- restoration of motor and support function of the knee joint;
- eliminate blockage and pain syndromes;
- suppression of the inflammation process.
Treatment can be conservative, operative and with the help of folk remedies.

Medicated treatment
NSAIDs are used to relieve pain and swelling in the form of tablets, gels or ointments:
- "Diclofenac";
- indomethacin ointment;
- "Long";
- "Ortofen";
- Nise;
- "Nurofen";
- Voltaren;
- Fastum Gel.
If the pain syndrome is pronounced, then injections are prescribedcorticosteroids in the joint:
- "Hydrocortisone";
- "Prednisolone".
These drugs have a large number of contraindications and side effects, so they are prescribed in short courses.
Intra-articular oxygen therapy is also used to treat Hoff's disease. Oxygen or ozone is injected into the cavity of the knee joint, which unloads the joints, straightening the joint bag. At the same time, activation of metabolic processes, an increase in motor activity, and the elimination of adhesions are noted. As a result, pain syndromes decrease and cartilage regeneration improves.
The patient is assigned to bed rest. Physical activity is limited. Your doctor may recommend that you wear a brace or secure the joint with a tight bandage.

Physiotherapy treatment
It is prescribed after the relief of acute manifestations of the disease. The following methods are mainly used:
- laser therapy;
- irradiation with the "Solux" lamp;
- electrophoresis with iodine;
- ultrasound on the front and side of the knee;
- electrostimulation of thigh and calf muscles;
- inductometry.
Also may be assigned:
- hydrosulphuric and radon baths;
- appliques with ozocerite;
- paraffin treatment;
- mud wraps.
Massage and exercise therapy
Treatment of Hoff's disease of the knee joint is also performed with the help of therapeutic massage, which prevents muscle atrophy, relieves swelling, and provides outflowlymph and accelerating blood circulation. If the quadriceps muscle of the thigh is affected, then the massage is performed by vibrating rubbing and stroking with the base of the palm. This area is most thoroughly massaged as it can atrophy.
Exercises that will help relieve pain and restore joint movement are selected by an exercise therapy instructor. At the initial stage, they are carried out under his leadership. Then you can make them yourself at home. In this case, it is necessary to assess the condition of the joint, follow the recommendations of the instructor and dose the load.
Exercising necessarily includes walking with the implementation of the roll with more support on the front side of the foot. To improve blood circulation and restore the muscle corset, passive exercises are first used: the joint is set in motion by another person. In the future, a person begins to perform exercises independently in a standing position, sitting on a chair, lying on his side or back. At the same time, they raise the leg bent at a right angle or a straight leg with a delay at the top point for 3-5 seconds.
Surgery for Hoff's disease is prescribed in the absence of effectiveness from conservative treatment methods. With advanced pathology, an increase in adipose tissue is observed, which contributes to knee deformity and disruption of normal motor function.
Arthoroscopy is considered the most effective method of surgical intervention. Small punctures are made in the knee, through which instruments and a miniature video camera are inserted into the joint, usingwhich all manipulations of the surgeon are displayed on the monitor. The doctor removes fibrous growths and excess fatty tissue. Some of it is left so that it can grow further into full-fledged Goff bodies.
Surgery is rarely used, since conservative treatment in most cases achieves the desired result.
Rehabilitation after the operation takes about a month. The patient is prescribed physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy. Spa treatment contributes to faster recovery.

Folk remedies
Unconventional methods can be used in complex therapy after consultation with your doctor. Use the following folk remedies for Hoff's disease:
- lotions with saline solution;
- homemade ointments with essential oils: rosemary, mint, cinnamon, eucalyptus - 10 drops per 2 tbsp. l. oil-based ointments;
- rubbing with herbal tinctures based on St. John's wort, tansy, needles, juniper, cinquefoil;
- compresses with vinegar, vodka, ammonia or camphor alcohol;
- warming wraps with ozocerite, clay, paraffin.
Clay compresses relieve inflammation and pain syndromes. In the treatment of Hoff's disease of the knee, folk remedies use green or blue clay. Her package is diluted in warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream and applied in a bulk layer to the sore knee. Topped with plastic wrapgauze, handkerchief or scarf. The compress is made at night, and washed off in the morning by rubbing a light cream into the knee or rubbing it with warm vegetable oil. The procedure is performed every other day for a long time period.
Treatment of Hoff's disease with folk remedies can be done with a honey compress. Thanks to him, the processes of metabolism in the joint, blood circulation are improved, pain syndromes go away and swelling is removed. Honey is heated in a water bath to a liquid state. Iodine, glycerin, ammonia and medical bile are also used. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions. They are mixed and applied to the joint. From above, the knee is covered with polyethylene and fixed with a bandage. The compress is left for a day. Repeat the procedure every other day. Apply this method of therapy for a month.
Folk remedies for Hoff's disease are compresses with bile. Take 150 ml of camphor alcohol and 200 ml of bile. They are combined, add 4 pods of red pepper, pre-chopped. For infusion, the prepared mixture is placed in a dark place for 5-7 days, after which it is used for compresses. At night, a gauze napkin is soaked with this infusion, applied to a sore knee and fixed with a bandage. Leave until morning.
In the summer, to relieve pain syndromes, horseradish or burdock leaves can be tied to the joint at night.

Photos of Goff's disease can be seen in this article. If untreated, the pathology can cause arthritis and arthrosis. Attreatment started in time or surgery performed on time, the prognosis is favorable.
In closing
Goff's disease is one of the diseases of the knee joint, which is difficult to recognize from the clinical picture, and therefore more research is being carried out. Treatment is mostly conservative, but sometimes surgery is performed in advanced cases. Basically, folk remedies can be used in combination to relieve pain syndromes. In addition to drug treatment, it is necessary to carry out physiotherapy procedures, massage the knee joint and the quadriceps femoral muscle.