Ugly bumps that disfigure the leg, which are located in the area of the metatarsophalangeal joint, quite often cause problems for many people. In most cases, women suffer from this disease, sacrificing their own he alth in the name of beauty, wearing too narrow, extremely uncomfortable shoes, in particular, high heels.
Inflamed bones on the thumbs cause severe discomfort, as well as pain, if treatment is not started on time at the initial stage of the development of the disease. To do this, you can use various recipes of traditional medicine.
General information
Valgus deformity of the big toe is a change in shape at the level of the joint that connects the metatarsal bone to the proximal phalanx of the toe.
Deformation of the joints occurs directly to the outside with the deviation of the thumb.
Before considering treatment for bunion inflammation in the big toe, moreget acquainted in detail with the reasons that provoke this ailment.
Causes of inflammation
There are three reasons for the appearance of inflammation of the bones on the big toe. These include the following:
- Flat feet, which is a long-term violation of the biomechanics of the entire foot.
- Gout.
- Weight gain.
- Uncomfortable shoes.
Let's consider them separately.

Flat feet
In most cases in the human population, transverse flatfoot is diagnosed when the arch on the foot is greatly flattened. When walking, the weight of the body is transferred to the so-called articular heads of each metatarsal bone, as a result of which the distance between these bones increases, and the first, thumb deviates to the side. In addition, there are neurological disorders, as well as weakness of the ligamentous apparatus. Not the last role will be played by congenital anomalies regarding the structure of the bones in the foot.
Wearing uncomfortable shoes
This unfavorable factor mainly concerns ladies. Starting from adolescence, young girls begin to wear beautiful shoes, which is why they have a lot of problems with their he alth.
There are three types of shoes that can provoke such a pathology:
- The height of the heels is more than 7 cm. Shoes of this type significantly increase the pressure on the toes, while contributing to the development of flat feet in a person.
- Shoe toevery narrow. The toes are too uncomfortable, causing deformity of the toes as well as the ankles.
- Too short shoes provoke a chronic non-specific inflammatory process of the joint of the first toe on the lower limb.

This is a chronic disease that is associated with a violation of purine metabolism, due to which the uric acid index increases in the blood, and then it is deposited in the soft tissue in the form of s alt crystals. This clinical process manifests itself in the form of acute inflammation of the joints and the formation of gouty nodes.
A distinctive feature of this disease from true hallux valgus lies in the undulating course of the disease, which is accompanied by severe pain, redness of the skin in the joint area. In this case, such changes in the joints can be observed not only in the metatarsophalangeal joint itself, but also in another group of joints.
Too big body weight
High body weight puts a lot of pressure on the arch of the foot. Depletion of the ligamentous apparatus can lead to the development of flat feet, as well as deformation of the entire articular apparatus on the foot.
It cannot be assumed that these reasons can provoke the formation of a painful bone on the leg. In most cases, these reasons are related to each other. Girls with flat feet often wear uncomfortable types of high-heeled shoes or are too narrow, and gout patients cansuffer from flat feet.
Features of treatment
What will be the treatment of inflammation of the bones on the big toe? What are the features of therapy?

There are several options by which you can get rid of the deformation of the bones on the first toe. Conservative therapy consists in adhering to recommendations to eliminate pain and inflammation:
- Reduce stress on affected joints by reducing body weight.
- Change uncomfortable high-heeled shoes for more comfortable ones.
- Massage therapy.
- Therapeutic exercises designed for the treatment of flat feet.
- Wearing special shoes, as well as the use of orthopedic insoles.
- Using special inserts that fit between the fingers.
Treatment of inflammation of the bone on the big toe with the help of folk remedies
Therapy of bone inflammation should be comprehensive. But how will folk remedies treat inflammation of the bones on the big toe? For this, honey, cabbage, iodine and many other components are used. Consider the most effective recipes.
Honey and cabbage
To prepare this folk remedy, you need to spread a vegetable leaf with honey, and sprinkle with table s alt on top. Before the procedure, the bone must first be steamed in hot water, after which this compress should be applied to the thumb.
Dandelion and iodine
For cookingremedies for inflammation of the bones on the leg near the thumb, fresh flowers of this plant will be required. It will take about 100 g of raw materials. The flowers are crushed, dried a little, and then poured with iodine. The product should be infused for 4 days in a dark room. From the resulting mass, it is necessary to make a grid on the affected areas every day before going to bed to relieve inflammation from the bone of the big toe.

Fir oil and fish
To prepare this remedy that can relieve bone inflammation, you need to take river fish, cut off two small pieces that are applied to the affected areas, fixing with gauze. A remedy for the treatment of inflammation of the bones on the big toe at home is used for 1 week.
After that, in the second week, it is necessary to rub fir oil into the deformed foot. The course of general therapy should be 3 months, while compresses from fish with vegetable oils and oils alternate.
Egg Ointment
How to treat inflammation of the bones on the leg of the big toe at home? Egg ointment will be a very effective remedy.

For its preparation, you will need 250 ml of acetic acid, the concentration of which should be 7%. One whole chicken egg must be dissolved in the liquid. Leave the ointment for 2 weeks. After 14-15 days, the eggshell should dissolve in the vinegar. Next, the egg is crushed, 25 grams of melted lard are added, as well as about 10grams of turpentine.
And how to treat inflammation of the bones on the big toe with a ready-made remedy? The ointment should be used within 20 weeks. The remedy is applied to the bone with painful sensations in a day. The first day, apply the prepared ointment, and on the second day, iodine is applied in the form of a mesh.
Medical bile
We looked at how to treat inflammation of the big toe bone and what kind of ailment it is. However, there is another folk remedy for this disease - a compress from the so-called medical bile. To do this, the legs should be steamed for 30 minutes in hot water. A soft cloth or gauze is abundantly wetted with bile. The affected limb is wrapped in cling film, after which you should go to bed. This procedure should be repeated within 10-15 days.
Burdock and turpentine
How to treat inflammation of the bones on the big toe yet? Treatment of bumps on the fingers can be done with turpentine, as well as burdock. This tool has proven itself in practice.

It is necessary to take a clean leaf of burdock, which can be found in the garden. The leaf should be chosen large, he althy. It is smeared with turpentine, on the greener side of burdock. A sheet with turpentine is applied to the problematic bone on the big toe, on top you need to put on a warm woolen sock or a plastic bag. This must be done so that moisture does not evaporate. It is not advisable to harvest burdock leaves, since this type of therapy is typical only in summer.time.
Lemon with iodine
Many women are interested in the question of how to treat inflammation of the bones on the big toe at home. Our grandmothers also used lemon and iodine for therapy.
Two tablets of plain aspirin should be crushed in a mortar. Then one ripe lemon is finely chopped. Pour the resulting mixture with one bottle of pharmaceutical iodine.
Use the finished product according to the following scheme: apply the resulting composition to the bone on the finger, wrap it with a plastic bag or cling film, put on a woolen sock on top. The procedure will be advisable to carry out before going to bed. Repeat this event for three nights in a row, then take a break for one week. To achieve a therapeutic result, these interval cycles must be repeated three times.

Badyaga and red pepper
Badyaga is usually called a product of animal origin, which is made on the basis of a silicon sponge. Badyaga has an irritating local property. To prepare a healing ointment, you need to take 50 ml of ammonia, 210 ml of ethyl alcohol, 50 g of camphor, 50 g of dry red pepper and 15 g of badyagi.
Mix all ingredients together until smooth, without lumps. The resulting composition should be applied very carefully, because this mixture is quite burning, the ointment is intended only for local use. Carefully lubricate only the bone on the finger. Wrap the leg with gauze and put on a sock on top. It is recommended to do this procedure at night. The course of therapy will dependon the degree of damage, as well as the intensity of painful sensations of the bone on the toe.
Small conclusion
Throughout his life, a person's legs travel hundreds of thousands of kilometers. We subject our feet to various challenges, such as overexertion, overweight, or shoes that are too tight and uncomfortable. In response to such difficulties, the bones on the feet are severely deformed, and the joints begin to become inflamed and cause unbearable pain and inconvenience to a person. To get rid of the bottom, use the recommendations that were presented in this article.