In the absence of timely and proper treatment, arthritis of the fingers can lead to the formation of serious problems in a person, including disability. Progressive pathology can form at any age. This disease is understood as an inflammatory disease that develops in the joints. The representatives of the weaker sex are most susceptible to it.
Possible causes of illness
Treatment of arthritis of the fingers should be preceded by finding out the reasons for which it was formed, but this is not always possible, but they need to be known. So, these are:
- bad habits;
- overweight;
- genetic predisposition;
- injuries and bruises of the joints, surgical interventions carried out on them, hypothermia;
- infectious diseases: measles, herpes infection, Botkin's disease, parotitis, which contribute torheumatoid arthritis;
- caused by strepto- and staphylococci, brucellosis, scarlet fever, influenza, sexually transmitted diseases, tuberculosis, dysentery, chlamydia;
- autoimmune diseases, psoriasis, metabolic disorders, gout.
At a young age, the etiology remains unclear. However, these are all hypothesized reasons. The exact ones are still unclear.

Characteristic own symptoms of arthritis of the fingers. Treatment should be aimed at eliminating them:
- pain syndrome - the most characteristic sign of arthritis for any reason of its occurrence - it gradually increases, moving from individual joints to the entire hand;
- changes in the affected joints - various thickenings, bulges, contractures, with rheumatoid arthritis, the joint can take the form of a spindle or a swan - the latter indicate a long and irreversible inflammatory process;
- symmetrical lesions with palpation of subcutaneous rheumatoid nodes located on the bones, characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis;
- limitation of joint mobility as a result of the destruction of their surface, the occurrence of extensive inflammatory processes, a decrease in the volume of fluid, subsequently extension / flexion of the joints is accompanied by a creaking sound;
- increase in body temperature;
- fatigue;
- malaise.
Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by tight-glove joint pain and morning stiffness. Recommendeda short charge to increase range of motion.
Before you start treating arthritis and arthrosis of the fingers, you need to see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. He collects an anamnesis, listening to the patient's complaints. In this case, the following examinations can be prescribed:
- MRI;
- CT;
- x-ray of hands;
- serological studies in rheumatoid arthritis (anti-ACCP antibodies, rheumatoid factor);
- general blood test (detection of the number of leukocytes and increased ESR).
Drug therapy
If viruses are the cause, then antibiotics are prescribed to treat arthritis of the fingers.
To block the main points of inflammation, drugs are used ("Adalimubab", "Infliximab"), which stop the process of destruction of articular tissues, leading to a stable remission.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis of the fingers is carried out with a basic anti-inflammatory drug (Methotrexate, Sulfasalazine, Leflunomide), prescribed by a doctor, for a period of at least 3 months, and possibly for life. Their therapeutic effect is aimed at suppressing the activity of immune cells to stop the pathological process for a long time even after discontinuation of the drug.
To consolidate the effect of these drugs, glucocorticosteroids are prescribed ("Methylprednisolone", "Prednisolone").
For the prevention of osteoporosis, vitamin D is prescribed in combination withpreparations of calcium and phosphorus.
Sometimes symptomatic treatment is prescribed with the use of analgesics in the treatment of arthritis of the joints of the fingers and sedatives. NSAIDs are widely used (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Celecoxib).
Sometimes the deformity of the joints becomes irreversible. In this case, it is useless to use therapeutic agents in the treatment of arthritis of the fingers. Surgery is used, which allows you to start performing elementary actions with the help of the upper limbs. At the same time, the phalanges of the fingers with affected joints are resected.
Like the previous method, it is not applicable at home. However, it finds its use after the removal of inflammation, when the patient is already able to move to the clinic.
The main procedures prescribed to the patient are:

- electrophoresis;
- exposure to low frequency pulsed currents;
- magnetotherapy;
- UHF;
- mud applications;
- hydrotherapy;
- ultrasound.
Rational nutrition
For the treatment of arthritis of the fingers at home, enter into the diet:
- polyunsaturated fatty acids;
- fruit;
- vegetables.
In this disease, it is useful to use a mix of beetroot, cucumber and carrot juices, beetroot juice separately (after squeezing it is placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to eliminate toxicants),sea buckthorn, currants, cherries, apples, sorrel, plums, blueberries, eggplants, garlic, chokeberry, grapefruit.
The following dishes should be excluded from the diet:
- coffee;
- liquor;
- fried fish;
- sausage products;
- legumes;
- rich meat broths.
In exacerbations, once every 3 months, you can perform a raw food diet in the absence of contraindications for one week. In this case, the diet consists only of fruits and vegetables.

Therapeutic exercise
Exercise, which is intended for patients in remission, may well be performed at home. They cannot be done during exacerbations. With their help, the volume of movements that was characteristic earlier returns, the innervation of blood vessels and their blood supply improves. All exercises are coordinated with the doctor performing conservative treatment. Perform them 4-5 times from a sitting or standing position. If joint pain occurs, exercise should be interrupted.

The set of exercises includes:
- stretch the upper limbs in front of you, without straining them, start rotational movements in a circle in the wrist joints - first in one direction, then in the other;
- squeeze-unclench fingers;
- bend the upper limbs at the elbows, stretch the palms down in front of you, bend the hands to the left and right in the wrist joints;
- repeat the first exercise;
- relax your hands.
Treatment of arthritis of the fingers with folk remedies
Despite the seeming harmlessness of phytotherapeutic methods of healing, it is necessary to consult with your doctor about their use.
To provide urgent assistance in the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis of the fingers, the following folk remedies are used that can reduce inflammation or reduce the level of their manifestation:
- potato;
- vegetable compress;
- and also with honey and mustard.
For potato treatment, an unpeeled green vegetable is taken, crushed until a homogeneous slurry is obtained. After that, it is diluted with hot water and heated to a temperature of 38 ° C. A thick layer of gruel is applied to the joints, after which it is fixed with a bandage. Keep throughout the night, which helps to warm up the joints and eliminate pain.

Treatment of arthritis of the fingers with folk remedies involves the use of a vegetable compress. It is prepared from the following plants, taken in equal proportions:
- beets;
- radish;
- parsley;
- ramson.
They, like potatoes, are crushed and prepared into a slurry of a homogeneous consistency. It is applied to sore joints.
To treat arthritis of the thumb and other types of this disease, you can make a compress of honey and mustard. Olive oil is taken to these components in the same amount. They are mixed and used until the symptoms are eliminated,spending 1 hour for one procedure.
You can also use grated carrots to which a few drops of turpentine or vegetable oil are added. The mixture is placed on sore joints and fixed with a bandage.
Treatment with baths
To eliminate the discomfort that occurs in the fingers, the following techniques can be used at home:
- rubbing;
- compresses;
- baths.
The latter contribute to the warming of the joints, so their effectiveness is quite large. The water should not cool down, so it is necessary to add hot liquid from time to time. The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour. For its implementation, sore fingers are immersed in a container with the above liquid. Medicinal herbs are added to the baths:
- calendula;
- eucalyptus;
- pine needles;
- chamomile;
- birch leaves.
Treatment with rubbing
To treat arthritis of the fingers at home, you can use:
- pine or spruce needles;
- Kalanchoe;
- chestnut infusion.
In the first case, the inflammatory process caused by the disease is eliminated. The needles must be prepared in advance in the amount of 4 tbsp. l. It is added to a container containing a glass of water, after which it is boiled for 30 minutes. Then a clean cloth is dipped into it, which is applied to diseased joints. The mixture should be cooled to room temperature.
Kalanchoe (leaves) are half-filled in a small jar, and then topped up with alcohol. Duringweeks, the medicine is infused, after which it is used as a rubbing. It is carried out 1 time per day daily.
Infusions of chestnut or lilac blossoms are also effective remedies for arthritis symptoms. 2/3 of the container is filled with one of these components, after which it is filled with alcohol, which has an increased strength compared to vodka (50-60 °). The mixture is insisted for three weeks, sometimes shaking the jar. After rubbing, fingers should be wrapped with a warm cloth.
Decoctions and tinctures for the treatment of arthritis

One of the most effective remedies is dandelion tincture. For its preparation, roots and leaves are collected in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. Production is carried out as follows:
- add the collected ingredients to a glass of boiling water and infuse for 1 hour;
- filter;
- taken 30 minutes before meals;
- single dose - a quarter cup.
Also, garlic tincture can be used to treat arthritis of the fingers. This drug helps to lower blood pressure, so it is not recommended for patients with hypotension.
Cooking is carried out as follows:
- 5 cloves of garlic add half a liter of alcohol;
- infusion is carried out for a decade, periodically shaking the container;
- reception - 1 tsp before meals;
- garlic irritates the stomach, so to prevent this negative phenomenon, the infusion is washed downmilk.
In addition, the following tools can be used:
- broth sequence;
- daisies;
- apple cider vinegar.
One of them in the amount of 1 teaspoon is added to 1 glass of water. Use 4 times a day. If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then the dose is reduced by half. The course of treatment is 2-5 weeks.
In closing
Treatment of finger arthritis in many cases can be done at home. In particular, it is possible to carry out drug treatment, taking baths, decoctions, infusions as measures of healing with folk remedies. In addition, after agreement with the doctor, at home, you can perform a set of exercise therapy exercises aimed at restoring the activity of the joints. It is possible to use special rubbing, which also alleviate the patient's condition. While at home during the period of remission, according to the appointment of the attending physician, you can visit the physiotherapy room. In advanced cases, it is not possible to cure this disease at home, and therefore an operation is necessary.