The causes of congestion in the throat are inflammatory processes occurring in the lacunae - deepening of the tonsils. They are more common in adults, but sometimes they can be found in children. In these formations, a substance accumulates that is formed by the body in response to the ingress of pathogenic microbes into it. The presence of congestion in the throat is a sign of tonsillitis.
The formation of traffic jams occurs in gaps, from where they can come out on their own when talking, sneezing or coughing. They can be quite dense due to the fact that various minerals are deposited in them over time.
White plugs in the throat are in severe cases an accumulation of pus, and in normal cases - parts of destroyed bacterial cells, as well as dead tissues of the mucous membrane.
These formations can also occur in he althy people, but their size does not exceed a few millimeters, while in pathologies they reach large dimensions.
Reasons for education
Clogs in the throat are formed as a result of chronic tonsillitis. Lastoccurs as a result of damage to the tonsils by pathogenic microflora, the most common among which are strepto- and staphylococci. In addition to them, mycoplasma, chlamydia, fungi of the genus Candida, pneumococci can cause the formation of traffic jams.
When a person is initially infected, a sore throat is noted, as a result of which the vessels of the tonsils expand with an increase in their permeability. The organ begins to increase in size, swelling of the mucous membrane appears.
As a result of this, the processes of cleansing from dead cells of lacunae are disrupted, which causes pus and abscesses to form.

If left untreated, the cause of congestion in the throat becomes chronic. This contributes to the fact that there is always an infection in the oral cavity.
Pathogenic microflora penetrates deep into tissues, organs become its source.
Prerequisites for the development of traffic jams are:
- damage to the mucous membrane of the tonsils;
- impaired immunity, which can occur with a monotonous menu, taking certain medications, severe illnesses;
- poor oral hygiene leading to tooth decay;
- chronic sinusitis.
A photo of congestion in the throat with tonsillitis is given later in the article.
The appearance of traffic jams with pharyngitis

When removing tonsils, plugs can be located on the lingual or pharyngeal tonsils. As a result of the removal of the first, the infection does not encounter any obstacles in its path. throat afterexcision of the tonsils is performed, it becomes drier. This leads to the development of pharyngitis. The appearance of this disease and purulent plugs is facilitated by breathing through the mouth, which is mainly carried out with nasal obstruction.
In addition to the direct detection of yellowish or white plugs, a person may be disturbed by the following signs:
- bad breath;
- feeling of the presence of a foreign body;

- increased lymph nodes in the neck;
- excessive fatigue and weakness;
- fever;
- itchy and sore throat;
- discomfort when swallowing;
- pain syndromes in the ears associated with the fact that there are common nerve endings.
Danger of festering plugs
They spread through the circulatory and lymphatic systems, causing pathologies of the joints, kidneys and heart. The most dangerous complication is paratonsillar abscess, which can lead to sepsis or neck phlegmon. Therefore, the sick person should take care of the question of how to remove the plugs in the throat in a timely manner.
The impact of pregnancy
As you know, in women who are expecting a child, immunity is significantly reduced, which is necessary to preserve the fetus. In this regard, the risk of complications of tonsillitis is increased. In addition, the mother can infect the unborn child.
In most cases, no harm is done to the fetus, but the question of removing purulent abscesses and treatment should be taken by a doctor.
Appeal to an otolaryngologist
The presence of purulent plugs in the throat should always be accompanied by a trip to this specialist. Sometimes you need to see a doctor immediately. This may be due to the following reasons:
- there are pains in the kidneys, joints, heart;
- general condition worsens;
- more than 3 cases of sore throat per year;
- purulent plugs in the throat are constantly present;
- there are large formations with a diameter exceeding 1 mm.

The doctor will interview the patient about the course of the disease, its duration, the nature of the treatment and will palpate the lymph nodes. Before deciding how to get rid of congestion in the throat, he may prescribe additional studies. These include a swab from the pharynx, KLA. With the help of the tests performed, the type of pathogen that led to the occurrence of traffic jams is determined, and the possibility of cure with antibiotics.
Medicated treatment
It includes the application of medical therapy based on the performed tank-seeding. The doctor prescribes antibiotics, as a rule, of a broad spectrum of action, which have an increased activity against strepto- and staphylococci.
Treatment of congestion in the throat with the help of medicines is carried out by the following of them:
- Macrolides: "Hemomycin", "Klabaks", "Vilprafen", "Azitral", "Azivok", "Erythromycin", "Sumamed", "Azithromycin".
- Tetracyclines: Vibramycin, Medomycin, Doxyben, Monoclin, Xedocin, Rondomycin, Unidox, Doxycycline,Tetracycline.
- Cephalosporins: Zinnat, Cefuroxime, Durocef, Cephalexin, Cefodox, Cefix, Cefazolin.
- Penicillins: Flemoclav, Clavam, Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Flemoxin, Ampicillin, Ospamox, Gramox-D, Amoxicillin.
The oral cavity is rinsed with antiseptic solutions:

- Furacilin.
- "Chlorhexidine".
- Miramistin.
Alkaline or saline solutions, tinctures of medicinal plants can also be used for rinsing.
If abscesses open on their own, then the breakthrough site is treated with Lugol's solution.
In addition, Irs-19 aerosol wash is used.
Treatment in treatment room
In order to decide how to get rid of congestion in the throat, the doctor may prescribe special procedures:
- Tonsillectomy (removal of tonsils) - as a last resort, in a critical condition of the tonsils, if surgical treatment has not yielded any results.
- Laser treatment of gaps allows you to get rid of congestion in the throat forever. With the help of this installation, purulent deposits are evaporated and the inflamed mucosa is cauterized. The procedure is performed within 20 minutes, usually 1 session is enough: scars form on the surface of the throat, preventing the penetration of bacteria into the gaps.
- Washing with antiseptic solutions with a special cannula that treats lacunae under pressure, or suction of pus into a tube by a vacuum method - in this case, 10-15treatments every other day.
Folk remedies
As already noted, the treatment of congestion in the throat is determined by the cause - tonsillitis. It can be cured in a complex way, including folk remedies:
- inhalation with tea tree or eucalyptus essential oil;
- infusion of rose hips;
- rinsing with infusion of chamomile fruits;
- calendula infusion;
- chewing propolis 2 g 3 times a day.
They should be used after consulting a doctor.
Self Deletion
Traditional medicine does not recommend cleaning the tonsils mechanically, as this can injure the mucous membrane and aggravate the situation, causing dangerous complications.
However, when answering the question of how to get rid of congestion in the throat at home, you can find three main ways that are available to anyone:
- wash removal;
- tongue;
- with a cotton swab.
The first way is the safest. For washing, previously recommended solutions are used. The agent is drawn into a syringe with a removed needle, from which liquid is supplied to the tonsils, head tilted back. This device should be near the surface of the throat, however, do not damage the mucous membrane. Irrigation with a solution is carried out on the damaged areas, as well as the palatine arches, holding it in the oral cavity for a few seconds, after which it is spit. Repeat 2-3 times.
With the help of the tongue, they try to press each cork as hard as possible in order to squeeze them into the mouth. This methodnot very effective, as the contents of the raids are rarely squeezed out completely.

The use of cotton swabs can lead to infection deeper into the tissues, various injuries, as well as sepsis.
If the patient decides to take this step, then the procedure is started 2 hours after eating. Before it is carried out, brush your teeth and rinse your mouth. A cotton swab is applied to the base of any tonsil, the cheek is pulled to the side. Without effort and sharp jerks, the tampon moves up. This operation is performed no more than 2-3 times if there are no pain syndromes.
Also at home, you can remove traffic jams with special irrigators, the principle of which resembles cannulas. The nozzle of this device is installed opposite the problem area, without touching the mucous membrane, the unit is turned on at minimum power and the area is treated until the plugs pop out.
The article contains the least shocking photos of congestion in the throat. They may look much worse. Such photographs can be found in specialized medical literature. Based on them, it can be judged that treatment that is not carried out on time can cause a variety of complications.

These may include:
- arthritis;
- pyelonephritis, nephrogenic hypertension, glomerulonephritis;
- sepsis;
- phlegmon of the neck, which is an inflammation of the throat tissues and subcutaneous tissue in a spilled form without clear boundaries;
- peritonsillar abscess, which is understood as the spread of the inflammation process to the subcutaneous tissue and surrounding tissues, as a result of which the affected area is separated by a dense capsule from he althy tissues, in which bacteria and pus are concentrated;
- inflammation of the pericardium, endocardium, myocardium, arrhythmias.
In order for pus not to accumulate on the tonsils, the following measures must be taken:
- do not get cold;
- visit the dentist every six months for the treatment of caries and other diseases;
- rationalize your diet;
- give up bad habits;
- drink 2 liters of fluid per day;
- necessary to strengthen the immune system;
- try not to communicate with sick people;
- brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day.
If sinusitis or rhinitis occurs, they should be treated immediately, because the microflora in the paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx can go down and affect the tonsils.
In closing
Clogs in the throat are mainly formed with tonsillitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis can also be causes. In addition, their formation is facilitated by incomplete oral hygiene. To remove them, it is better to contact an otolaryngologist. In the absence of such an opportunity, they can be carefully removed at home. Plugs are caused by microflora, which, when not fully completed, descends into deeper tissues, causing damage to other organs. Therefore, a visit to the doctor should notpostpone.