A complication of osteochondrosis with significant pain syndromes that cause limitation of human mobility is called deforming spondylosis. The most common pathology in relation to the lumbar. At the same time, damage to the joints of this zone is noted with the formation of osteophytes, which narrows the spinal canal and leads to irritation of the longitudinal anterior ligament.
Osteochondrosis leads to dynamics in the structure of the structures that make up the spine. The intervertebral disc begins to thin and lose its elasticity due to a violation of metabolic processes. It ceases to perform a shock-absorbing function, in connection with which bone tissue begins to grow. The vertebral bodies must not touch in order to prevent inflammation, so they must be supported by something.

This leads to the formation of osteophytes,which serve as a support for them, speaking beyond their edges. With extensive growth processes, osteophytes can completely fuse, which leads to fusion and immobilization of two vertebrae.
Bend classification
Deforming spondylosis is formed as a result of a violation of the dynamics of the normal position of the spine. Those curves that have a physiologically correct shape begin to shift in different directions, which leads to the progression of various complications:
- Kyphosis - manifests itself in the anterior-posterior plane in the chest area in the form of a curvature of the spine. A person's chest shrinks, shoulders droop, and they stoop, which can lead to the development of a hunchback.
- Lordosis is a curvature of the spine, in which a forward bulge is formed, observed in the lumbar and cervical regions. It can be physiologically correct if the degree of bending is within the norm, with a pathological illness, the head and shoulders move forward, the chest protrudes, and the stomach goes forward. Hyperlordosis leads to compression of the internal organs and, above all, the heart muscle.
- Scoliosis - the spinal column is displaced relative to the central axis.
Classification of kyphosis and scoliosis
Deforming spondylosis leads to the above complications. Kyphosis according to the angle of curvature is divided into several types:
- normal;
- rectified (angle reduced);
- reinforced (it is enlarged).
The last look is the biggest problem. He, in turn, distinguishes three degrees:
- Angle up to 35degrees inclusive.
- 35 to 60 degrees.
- Angle of 60 degrees or more.

Scoliosis is subdivided into:
- lumbar;
- chest;
- cervical;
- mixed.
Arcs of curvature may appear not one at a time, but several, which leads to the formation of various forms of scoliosis: C, S, Z. Depending on the degree of deviation, 4 degrees of this disease are distinguished:
- Angle of curvature up to 10 degrees inclusive. There is a slight violation of the level of the shoulder girdle.
- The angle is 11-25°. The deformation is noticeable.
- Angle value from 25 to 50 degrees. An inner hump is forming.
- Angle exceeds 50°. The internal organs are underdeveloped, a person cannot tolerate even light physical exertion.
Deforming spondylosis of the spine is most susceptible to people whose work forces them to be in a static position for a long time or is associated with great physical exertion.
The main causes leading to diseases are as follows:
- comorbidities;
- impaired circulation;
- metabolic disorder;
- back injury;
- old age;
- overweight.
The development of deforming spondylosis of the lumbar spine is also influenced by other factors:
- sedentary sedentary lifestyle;
- various infections, sources of inflammation, oncology;
- genetic predisposition.
Signs of deforming spondylosis are different depending on where the disease is localized.
In particular, it can be located in the cervical region. This form is dangerous and common. The danger is that cerebral circulation may be disturbed. Characteristic signs in the presence of a disease in this zone:
- dizziness when turning head sharply;
- crunch when making such movements;
- poor neck mobility;
- appearance of cervical lordosis;
- numbness of hands;
- painful syndromes in the neck area, radiating to the back of the head and shoulders.
Thoracic spondylosis is the least common. It is characterized by the following symptoms:
- shallow and rapid breathing to avoid pain syndromes;
- appearance of scoliosis;
- aching pains or backaches.
The most common is deforming spondylosis of the lumbar spine. It is characterized by the following features:
- lumbar lordosis develops;
- the tone of the muscles of the lower extremities decreases;
- sciatica develops;
- There is limited mobility in the lumbar region;
- sharp shooting or aching pain appears;
- in some cases, there is lameness;
- rising up and bending over makes people feel better;
- pain syndromes are felt even at rest.
The last symptoms are typical for deforming spondylosis 2degree. The characteristics of the various stages of the disease are given below.
There are three degrees of this disease in total.
- Initial deforming spondylosis is characterized by the first degree. In this case, the bone growths are small, not extending beyond the vertebral bodies. Symptoms are mild or absent.
- In the second degree, there is an overgrowth of osteophytes that begin to connect adjacent vertebrae. The mobility of the spine becomes limited, periodic pains of a aching nature appear, aggravated by hypothermia and physical exertion.
- In the third degree, osteophytes fuse together, resembling a brace, which can make the spine completely immobile. The disease provokes severe muscle tension, which leads to additional pain syndromes.
Often an ailment is detected at the onset of the 2nd degree.
Deforming spondylosis according to ICD
The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is used to bring the causes that cause them and the deaths resulting from their development to a common denominator internationally. Spondylosis with myelopathy belongs to the code M47.1, with radiculopathy - M47.2, other spondylosis - M47.8, unspecified varieties of the disease - M47.9.
First of all, a complete neurological examination of the patient is performed. After that, for an accurate diagnosis of "deforming spondylosis", appropriate accompanying studies are carried out:
X-ray to determine the degree of damagevertebrae. Here, osteophytes are clearly visible, having the form of spikes, their fusion, if any, is visible. With the help of an x-ray, it is established at what stage the disease is, because sometimes its signs can be pronounced with a small size, and the opposite picture can be observed, when the signs are implicitly expressed, and the pathological dynamics in the spine is significant

- CT and MRI are used to detect narrowing of the spinal canal and visualize the compression of nerve fibers, view the condition of nerves, ligaments and discs. Using these methods, the height of the intervertebral discs, the degree of damage to tissues and blood vessels are determined.
- Electroneuromyography is used to detect conduction disorders in nerve fibers.
- In order to detect a tumor or an area of inflammation, a radioisotope scan is used. At the same time, the highest concentration of radioisotopes will be observed in pathogenic zones.
Treatment of deforming spondylosis in most cases is conservative, although surgery may be necessary. It aims to achieve the following results:
- deceleration of dystrophic dynamics;
- improvement of blood circulation and metabolic processes;
- elimination of pain syndromes;
- relieve muscle spasms.
Therapy for the spine is about the same. Below is an example of the treatment of the lumbar spine. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the disappearance of paindoes not indicate healing. The manifestations of the disease are eliminated, but the vertebrae remain deformed.
Drug therapy
To relieve inflammation and quickly relieve pain syndromes, NSAIDs are used, which can be used in the form of intramuscular injections or tablets: Naproxen, Ibuprofen.
In addition to them, the following means are used:
- hormonal preparations as part of intra-articular injections: hyaluronic acid, glucocorticoids;
- sedatives to normalize sleep;
- vitamin-mineral complexes;
- chondroprotectors that contribute to the restoration of cartilage tissue, providing processes that slow down its destruction and improve nutrition: Dona, Elbona, Chondrolon;
- muscle relaxants - used to partially block signals from the brain and relieve muscle tension: Tizanidin, Cyclobenzaprine.

Physiotherapy treatment
It is used in conjunction with drug therapy. Assign the following procedures:
- massage;
- stone-mineralogical treatment;
- acupuncture;
- magnetotherapy;
- ultrasound treatment;
- electrotherapy.
Other conservative treatments
In addition to the above methods, they can use:
- traction therapy, in which mechanical stretching of the spine is carried out, which allows you to increase the intervertebral space, reducecompression of blood vessels and nerve roots;
- using a corset to fix damaged vertebrae in a physiologically correct position and relieve pain; its use is temporary, otherwise osteophytes will grow and muscle atrophy will occur;

- lifestyle change, which consists in switching to a balanced diet, maintaining body weight in a normal state, giving up bad habits;
- bed rest - used at the beginning of the development of the disease, duration - no more than 3 days, so that muscle atrophy does not develop.
It is carried out in 5% of cases of the development of the disease. It is required in the presence of severe unrelieved pain, numbness of the extremities, impaired conduction of nerve impulses. In this case, the removal of various formations that caused pinching of the nerves. The spine can be stabilized with implants.

Therapeutic exercise
Gymnastics for deforming spondylosis should exclude excessive load, sudden movements of the damaged departments. The systematic implementation of exercises allows you to improve blood circulation in them, maintain muscle tone, and maintain spinal mobility. Below is a course of exercise therapy for the cervical spine. It is performed with the maximum possible unloading of the spine, lying or standing on all fours.

- Tilting the head in different directions with stretching the arms along the body.
- Starting position - hands on the back of the head, exhale - head forward, touches the sternum with the chin, inhale - starting position with the head up.
- Stand up straight with feet shoulder-width apart, raise the latter and stand like this for 2-5 seconds.
- Circular movements of the shoulders, palms pressed along the body.
- Connection of hands in the area of the shoulder blades alternately.
Complications and prognosis
In general, the latter is favorable. With high-quality and timely selected therapy, life can be improved by stopping pain. Immobility can be removed or eliminated completely. If treatment is not carried out, then limitation of movements, numbness of the lower extremities is possible, which affects the ability to work. In advanced cases, pain syndromes are not relieved by drug therapy.
In closing
Deforming spondylosis is a disease of the spine that develops as a complication of osteochondrosis and manifests itself in the appearance of various curvatures and osteophytes that can grow together and immobilize certain parts of this organ. Treatment is mainly conservative, in some cases surgical. In addition to drug therapy, physiotherapy is carried out, exercise therapy and massage are used. Timely detection of the disease is necessary, which requires urgent visits to the doctor at the slightest suspicion of the presence of this pathology.