How to remove uric acid from the joints: effective medications, diet

How to remove uric acid from the joints: effective medications, diet
How to remove uric acid from the joints: effective medications, diet

A doctor can tell you how to remove uric acid from the joints. Of course, there are many folk recipes, but not all of them are applicable in a particular case. The most effective option is a combination of medicines and procedures, as well as additional home-made drugs approved by the attending physician. What to try and what to look at? Let's take a closer look at this issue.

What is it about?

The relevance of knowing how to remove uric acid from the joints is due to the ability of this chemical compound to form crystalline elements that accumulate in the human body. If the body is he althy, then this does not happen. The appearance of crystals is usually associated with gout, although similar processes can be observed in some other diseases. To check the danger of the appearance of crystalline structures, you need to pass special tests to determine the acid content in the body. If athe results will not fit into the normal range, the doctor will select the appropriate method for correcting the condition.

To remove uric acid from the joints with folk remedies, you will have to drink water more actively, introduce special foods into the diet, and exclude dangerous foods. Experts may recommend taking herbal decoctions, doing simple procedures, including hygiene. If the condition is neglected, such methods cannot be dispensed with, you will have to take medicines. More often, a pathological condition is formed in people over the age of forty, often in those who already suffer from some kind of disease. This forces us to choose methods and approaches especially responsibly so as not to harm the body.

uric acid s alts of the joints
uric acid s alts of the joints

Relevance of the issue

In recent years, more and more people have been forced to think about how to remove uric acid from the joints with folk remedies. As medical statistics show, the frequency of cases of diagnosing gout increases every year. Presumably, this is due to poor nutrition, an imbalance in the diet. An increase in the content of acid crystals in the body often indicates kidney disease. More often, the problem haunts people who receive excessive amounts of purine-fortified components with food.

It is noted that the accumulation of acid crystals more often worries those suffering from leukemia, psoriasis, overweight. The risk of their formation against the background of kidney diseases, genetic predisposition, and high blood pressure is higher. Certain risks are associated with frequent drinking.


People are often interested in herbs that remove uric acid from the joints. Such therapy is used for a relatively mild form of a pathological condition, which is almost always due to an improperly selected diet. Probably, with nutrition, the body receives an excess of proteins. This is typical if the diet is enriched with dairy products, eggs and meat dishes. In the body, proteins are transformed, and usually the products of the ongoing reactions are excreted naturally. If there are too many of them, the joints become sites for the accumulation of acid crystals.

To correct this condition, you need to revise the diet. To quickly remove uric acid from the joints, doctors advise to reduce the consumption of fish, meat, exclude seafood from the diet or greatly reduce their volume. It is known that the risk of accumulation of acid crystals is higher if a person eats legumes, bananas, mushrooms. Certain dangers are associated with obtaining large quantities of pineapple, avocado.

herbs uric acid joints
herbs uric acid joints

Therapeutic diet

Dietitians know several methods to remove uric acid from the joints. The first and main method is to make a menu so that as little saturated fat as possible enters the body with food. You need to give up smoked meats, fried. Instead, the focus is on cereals, fruits, vegetables.

If there is a problem of excess weight, the presence of acid crystals indicates the need for an urgent solution. The more weight, the higher the risk of developing gout, the more difficult it will bepathology. It is recommended to include physical activity in the daily routine, leave bad habits in the past. The diet must contain cucumbers that cleanse the body. Refuse alcoholic beverages. The more alcohol a person gets, the higher the risk of gout will be. If the crystals have already begun to appear, you need to completely eliminate alcohol.

remove uric acid from joints
remove uric acid from joints

Tasty and he althy

If you ask a specialist how to remove uric acid from the body and joints, but the condition of the body is not so severe as to require drug therapy, the doctor will probably advise you to include in the diet a pleasant drink prepared on the basis of ginger and lemon. To do this, you need a small piece of fresh ginger rhizome. The product is thoroughly crushed, a small spoonful of gruel is mixed with a glass of freshly boiled water, infused for 10 minutes and a couple of large spoons of fresh lemon juice are added. You can enter 50 ml of grapefruit juice. Ready drink drink when you want. It is tasty and he althy, not only helps to get rid of acid crystals, but also stimulates the immune system.

Carrot drink is good. To prepare it, you need to take a couple of root vegetables and half a glass of water, a stalk of celery and a large spoonful of fresh lemon juice. Chop vegetables and combine all ingredients. It is advisable to drink this drink twice a day. The maximum benefit will be if taken half an hour before a meal.

Tomato juice will help remove uric acid s alts from the joints. This simple and beloved by many product perfectly cleansesbody from harmful crystals. It is advisable to prepare the juice yourself, using fresh berries. Do not count on the benefits of commercially produced juice.

uric acid preparations for joints
uric acid preparations for joints

Simple and affordable remedies to fight the disease

If you ask a healer how to remove uric acid from the joints, a traditional medicine specialist will advise taking onion broth. For its preparation, one medium-sized root crop is needed. First, the husk is removed, then a liter of clean water and an onion are combined in a container, put on medium heat and wait for the liquid to boil. Boil the onion for three minutes, insist another 10 minutes. In food should be taken 150 ml of the finished broth. It is advisable to drink it three times a day. If the taste is very unpleasant, you can improve it a little by adding a little honey.

Another universal way involves the use of fresh cucumber. A simple recipe will help to remove uric acid from the joints, according to which a medium-sized vegetable is combined with a couple of celery stalks and a small slice of lemon. Additionally, a small spoonful of fresh ginger rhizome, peeled, crushed into gruel, is introduced into the medicine. All components are ground with a blender. The prepared remedy is used on an empty stomach. As soon as the homemade remedy is ready, it is drunk completely. This is a fairly simple method that works great when combined with dietary modifications and changes in daily habits.

Water and food

Recommendations,dedicated to how to remove uric acid from the joint, usually begin with the design of the drinking regimen. Persons suffering from the formation of uric acid crystals should receive two liters or more of pure water daily. You can supplement the drinking regimen with a decoction of medicinal herbs. For its preparation, they take lingonberry, nettle leaves, horsetail greens, elderberries. All ingredients are combined in equal amounts. To prepare a decoction, you need to take a couple of large spoons of a mixture of herbs, put in a container, pour a glass of boiling water into it and leave for at least half an hour under a closed lid. The finished drink is used shortly before the meal inside.

remove uric acid from the joint
remove uric acid from the joint

You can remove uric acid from the joints if you follow a special diet. In medical reference books, it is presented under the sixth number. Such a treatment table requires the exclusion of animal giblets and dishes prepared with their use, as well as broths cooked on fish, meat, mushrooms. Canned food, smoked foods, beans, sorrel, spinach, marinades are prohibited. You can't eat rhubarb. Sweets are included in the diet in a very limited amount. It is forbidden to eat chocolate, you can not eat cakes, pastries. Under the ban fall: liver, dried fruits, pastries. It is necessary to give up coffee, cocoa, cranberry drinks, with alcohol, as well as strong tea. If meat is cooked, then it is thoroughly boiled (about half of the purines go into the broth).

Features of the daily routine

If necessary, review the diet and daily habits to combat problems,due to the accumulation of uric acid, you need to come to terms with the importance of fasting days in advance. Their frequency will be determined by the attending physician. Dishes with meat components are allowed to be included in the diet twice a week or less. Useful alkalizing food. It is worth including apples in the diet, more often there are cucumbers and carrots, cottage cheese. You can drink kefir. It is recommended to visit the bath regularly. Such procedures have a positive effect on the he alth of the joints and allow you to clean these parts of the body from acid crystals, as well as other toxic compounds.


When understanding what drugs are available that remove uric acid from the joints, attention should be paid to Allopurinol. This medicinal product slows down the generation of urates, having a beneficial effect on the chemical composition of body tissues. To increase the rate of excretion of nucleic acid transformation products, you can take "Benzobromarone". The solubility of crystals formed by uric acid molecules increases if the patient receives the Blemaren therapeutic course. Sometimes the doctor considers the best option for the treatment of Etamid pathology. Good results in the fight against gout are shown by such pharmaceutical products as Sulfinpyrazone, Urodan.

All of these drugs have a rather strong effect on the human body. If you are going to start a course of medication that removes uric acid from the joints, you must first consult with your doctor. The doctor will explain how to take the drug correctly so as not to harm yourself. Most modern drugs provoke side effects.effects that are significant to some extent. The specialist will explain how to reduce the risk of such reactions.

Drugs and Features

Sometimes people think about how to remove uric acid from the joint with drugs against the background of a therapeutic program with the inclusion of diuretics. As doctors pay attention, you need to be extremely careful with diuretics. Taking these pharmaceutical products comes with an increased risk of sodium s alt accumulation in the human body. You need to be careful with various products that activate the generation and excretion of urine. Cranberries, alcohol, coffee have these abilities.

If a person is forced to take nicotinic acid, vitamin B3, he needs to consult with his doctor before starting any additional course of pharmaceutical products. The options for how to remove uric acid from the joints with drugs involve taking medications that can affect the human body, especially in combination with the intake of synthetic vitamins of these groups. It is usually necessary to include additional measures in the program to maintain the working capacity of the liver, heart, and blood vessels. Vitamin compounds have been observed to lead to hyperuricemia with long-term use.


This drug was developed specifically for the treatment of gout. Its main ingredient is benzbromarone. One capsule contains 100 mg of this chemical compound. The drug is produced in packages containing 60 capsules of the product. pharmaceutical productclassified as uricosuric, hypouricemic. Its distinctive ability is the inhibition of reabsorption of uric acid in the renal tubules. The activity of urate elimination by the kidneys and the intestinal tract increases. The concentration of these substances in the human body decreases. In addition to gout, the medicinal product is indicated for the treatment of hyperuricemia.

"Dezurik" cannot be used during the period of bearing a child and feeding, it is not prescribed to minors. Gout is a contraindication, caused by blood diseases. You can not use the remedy for weakness of the kidneys and against the background of hyperuraturia, urolithiasis. The therapeutic course can cause prolonged loose stools. If the patient receives indirect anticoagulants, the strength of their influence may increase due to Dezurik.

medicine uric acid joints
medicine uric acid joints

Technical info

The drug is available in tablet form and is intended for oral administration. The patient should receive one or two tablets daily. The dose is determined by a specialist. The drug is stored at room temperature. To do this, you need to choose a place inaccessible to children. The tool is stored for three years from the date of manufacture. An expired pharmaceutical product should not be consumed.


The drug is injected in the form of suppositories. One copy contains 400 mg of the active ingredient - clofeson. The drug is sold in packs of ten suppositories. It belongs to the class of analgesics, fever-reducing drugs, anti-inflammatoryand anti-gout agents. The drug is intended for the treatment of degenerative processes and inflammatory foci in the joints. "Klofezon" is prescribed not only for people suffering from gout, but also for rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism outside the joints.

uric acid joint medications
uric acid joint medications

The drug "Klofezon" is forbidden to use against the background of peptic ulcer, during the period of psychosis and in case of hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the medicinal product. This medication is not used in case of insufficiency of the liver, kidneys, high blood pressure and a tendency to edema. Contraindications are: leukopenia, the period of gestation and feeding of the child. The drug is not used until the patient reaches the age of fourteen years. Systemic lupus erythematosus is a contraindication for use. "Klofezon" is prohibited for hyperplasia of the glands responsible for the generation of saliva.

Suppositories are intended for rectal administration. It is shown to apply on a candle once or twice a day. Maintenance dose - from half to a whole candle per day. The duration of the course is from a week to 10 days. Longer consecutive use is prohibited. You can use the drug only after consulting a specialist.
