Wart with black dots: classification, causes and development

Wart with black dots: classification, causes and development
Wart with black dots: classification, causes and development

Undoubtedly, the appearance of any neoplasm on the body is rather unpleasant. Especially if it is a wart that spoils the appearance of a person. Panic is also fueled by a natural fear of cancer. However, are warts with black dots or other types of formations so dangerous?


A wart is a neoplasm on the human body, which is usually small in size. It may be flat or bulge above the skin, depending on the variety. Sometimes formations can degenerate into malignant ones, so it is necessary to monitor the condition of the growth. When a wart with black dots is found, it is necessary to carefully examine it in order to find out the nature of its origin.


The following main types of warts are distinguished:

  • Ordinary - the most common species, they occur in 60% of all cases. They have the appearance of a round nodule that rises above the level of the skin and does not hurt. Most often located on the hands.
  • Solar growths are very painful and require immediate treatment, as they cause great discomfort when walking.
warts on legs
warts on legs
  • Youthful warts look like flat round plaques that are covered on top with a keratinized layer of skin. The location can be varied, but they are able to deliver special discomfort, located under the nails.
  • "Butcher's warts" owe their name to the reason they appeared. It is noticed that people who often come into contact with raw meat have growths of a brown tint, which are very painful.
  • Genital warts are benign growths that look like small peaks of lighter shades. Most often they can be found on the mucous membranes, lips, genitals, tongue, inside of the cheeks. Such formations do not bring any discomfort, except for aesthetic.
  • Filamentous have an elongated appearance and are found in skin folds. Obese people are most often affected by such pathological changes.
  • Genile warts, or seborrheic keratosis, do not have a viral origin, like all other varieties. They are formed from the keratinized upper layer of the skin. Over time, the pink soft growth turns into a hard wart, which has a rough surface and a dark tint.

All varieties differ in appearance and origin. Depending on the type, the correct treatment of the pathology is selected.

Causes of warts

Educationappear due to the presence in the body of HPV - papillomavirus. He can enter in the following ways:

  • through contact with an infected person;
  • when touching contaminated objects, they can be manicure accessories, combs, razors;
  • on contact with contaminated surfaces.

Warts can form against the background of reduced immunity, with malfunctions of the nervous system, emotional overstrain. If a person does not have such prerequisites, then the body is able to drown out the actions of the virus on its own.

Varieties of black warts

Dots of dark color on the surface may indicate blockage of capillaries and blood ingress into the formation. In addition, such spots can form when the wart is mechanically damaged and dirt gets inside. This often happens with growths on the legs or hands.

If a wart appears with a black dot inside, then in most cases this indicates that the formation is becoming more complex. At the beginning of development, the roots of the growth are flesh-colored and invisible to the human eye. However, as the roots grow, they fill with blood vessels, which affect the color of the neoplasm. It also happens that the roots turn black due to the death of the blood vessels that feed them.

Reasons for blackening of education

If black dots appear on the wart, then this may be due to such reasons:

  • decreased immunity as a result of taking any medicationdrugs;
  • frequent visits to public places such as sauna, bath, swimming pool, sports club;
a visit to the sauna
a visit to the sauna
  • the stage of exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • natural wart death;
  • stressful situations.

If initially black growths appeared on the body that have a cracked structure, then most likely we are talking about senile warts that do not pose a threat to he alth.

What is the danger?

The warts themselves do not pose a threat to he alth until the appearance of black dots inside. When the growth is malignant, the following symptoms can be observed:

  • discomfort when touching the wart;
  • rough surface or peeling of the skin of the formation itself and tissues around;
  • severe itching that cannot be ignored, as a result of which a person combs the growth until it bleeds;
itchy hands
itchy hands
  • suppuration and bleeding;
  • the wart began to change its color dramatically;
  • appearance of growth in the vulva;
  • the number of formations grows with time;
  • wart has fuzzy borders, non-uniform color and structure.

In some cases, a wart with black dots may die off and fall off. If it has turned black and does not fall off, then this is a reason to consult a dermatologist.


Warts on the finger with or without black dots can skillfully disguise themselves as other neoplasms, such aslike:

  • corns;
  • moles;
  • seborrheic keratosis;
  • lichen planus;
  • tumors.

In order to make a correct diagnosis, a dermatologist carefully examines the growth and, if necessary, takes tests for HPV (human papillomavirus) and a biopsy of the wart itself.


Pharmacy removers

Warts with black dots on the hands can bring a lot of trouble, especially if the work activity is connected with communication with people or cooking. In most cases, you can get rid of the pathology with the help of medicines that are freely available at any pharmacy:

  • antiviral drugs that block the action of the human papillomavirus;
  • keratolytics, which are necessary to soften the keratinized part of the growth;
  • necrotizing substances that contribute to the destruction of pathological tissues;
wart removal
wart removal

refrigerants used to "freeze" warts

Often, treatment is applied in a complex manner, using several types of drugs. In addition, when removing a growth, it is important that all black roots are also removed, since if this is not done, then there is a high chance of a secondary appearance of the wart.

Laser removal

Warts with black dots on the fingers are easy to fight with the help of modern medicine technologies. One of the most common and effective ways is to removelaser.

For the most comfortable procedure, the affected area of the skin is anesthetized beforehand, after which the laser is applied to the wart. The latter dies and disappears. This method is characterized by high speed, in one session it is possible to get rid of several growths at once. In addition, the surface of the skin after their removal remains smooth.


Exposure to cold or freezing is also effective for warts with black dots. This technique involves freezing the formation with liquid nitrogen, which has a temperature of -180 to -196 degrees. Due to freezing, necrosis of the wart tissues and their subsequent death occur. The procedure is a quick way to get rid of such formations.

wart removal with nitrogen
wart removal with nitrogen

Folk methods

Complementary medicines have shown a good effect in the fight for clear skin. The most commonly used treatments are:

Fresh celandine juice, which protrudes at the site of a broken plant (pictured). A wart with black dots should be smeared with such a liquid 3-4 times a day until complete recovery

celandine juice
celandine juice

Wipe the affected area with a fresh cut of a garlic clove for several weeks until the papilloma dies off completely

folk remedies
folk remedies

Crushed fresh garlic must be mixed with a little apple cider vinegar. Apply the resulting mixture to the wart several times a day until it disappears

Beforethe use of alternative methods, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist, as there are certain contraindications and individual intolerance to any component may occur. Also, the disadvantages of traditional medicine include the duration of the procedures: the cure for warts is noted only a few weeks after the start of therapy.
