Every person dreams of having beautiful, even, he althy teeth. But not everyone has been rewarded with a Hollywood smile by nature. In addition, bad habits, poor environmental conditions, poor personal hygiene, lack of vitamins and minerals in the daily diet have a detrimental effect on the condition of the teeth. Unfortunately, in some cases it is impossible to restore teeth even with the help of professional treatment. Dentures have been specially designed to restore lost chewing function and to create a beautiful smile. Today, clasp prosthetics are the most popular and convenient. What it is? Let's look into this matter.
Clasp prosthetics (a photo of the results of the procedure is available in the article) is the most effective and progressive method of restoring the dentition. Thanks to modern technologies that are used during this process, it is possible to eliminate defects in the dentition and cosmetic defects in the oral cavity in a short time.

Characteristics of the clasp prosthesis
The clasp prosthesis is a removable dental structure, thanks to which the masticatory load is distributed not only on the supporting teeth,but also on the rest of the jaw. This is achieved due to a special metal frame in the form of an arc, made of a light and durable alloy that does not affect the chewing process.
Due to the even distribution of the masticatory load, the clasp prosthesis is gentle on the teeth, preserving their natural functions and preventing further destruction and loss.
This type of prosthesis consists of the following:
- base, which looks like a metal frame formed from a clasp (arc) and fixing elements;
- cosmetic part (prosthesis core) that has artificial teeth and artificial gum.

What is remarkable about such prosthetics? Clasp prostheses have a number of advantages. A person quickly gets used to such a prosthesis, there is no discomfort when wearing it.
Patients who decide on clasp prosthetics leave mostly positive reviews, namely:
- Long service life. Manufacturers claim that such a prosthesis can be used for up to five years. For removable elements, this is a long time. For example, plastic dentures last only two and a half years. The significant difference in terms of use is explained by the fact that bone tissue and gum tissue under a clasp prosthesis atrophies much more slowly than under a plastic one. Over time, due to atrophy, the tissues no longer correspond tothe size and shape of the prosthesis, as a result, fixation deteriorates, pain occurs during use.
- Comfortable to wear. The use of a clasp prosthesis is quite comfortable, this is achieved due to the reduction of the plastic base. Instead of a massive plastic base on the upper jaw, there is a metal thin arc that does not cover the anterior part of the palate (diction and taste sensations depend on it). Thanks to the same thin arch on the lower jaw, the tongue is in a free position, as a result, diction disorders are reduced, and the risk of the entire prosthesis falling out becomes minimal.
- Reliability and durability. The cast metal frame is the basis of the clasp prosthesis, so its breakage occurs in extremely rare cases.
Another positive feature has clasp prosthetics (reviews confirm this): removable components can not be removed at night. This is very important both from a moral and aesthetic point of view.

Depending on the method of fixation, clasp prostheses are divided into:
- clasps (held with clasps);
- lock (fixed due to the lock design);
- telescopic (held by telescopic system).
Clasp dentures on clasps
Clamp clasp prosthetics - what is it? A similar design is fixed with the help of special metal hooks - clasps, covering the abutment tooth quite tightly. They hold the prosthesison the jaw, and when chewing, the load is transferred to the teeth. As a rule, the clasps and the frame are cast together, so that the structure becomes high-strength and durable. Clasp prostheses are made on clasps, taking into account the size and shape of the patient's tooth. One of the best recovery options is clasp clasp prosthetics. Patient reviews indicate only one minus. This is not aesthetically pleasing: metal hooks can be noticeable when smiling.
Clip-on dentures
Castle clasp prosthetics - what is it? This type of dentures does not have metal hooks, which results in a more aesthetic appearance. Locked dentures have a strong and at the same time light bridge-like structure, which, when chewing, transfers part of the pressure to the supporting teeth. To strengthen and protect the abutment teeth, metal-ceramic crowns are used, in which half of the lock is inserted, and the other half is placed on the abutment teeth. After the prosthesis is installed, the lock snaps into place. Thanks to the locks fixed in the teeth or on their crowns, a high strength of the prosthesis is achieved. They also make it easy to remove the structure for periodic cleaning. The main disadvantage of the clasp prosthesis on the locks is the complexity of manufacturing such a design. In addition, it involves a large number of teeth.

Cup dentures with telescopic fixation system
Telescopic clasp prosthetics - what is it? It representsone of the most complex types of prosthetics. It is based on the design of telescopic crowns, consisting of two elements. One part is installed directly on the tooth, the second - in the fixed structure. The upper part of the telescopic crown is tightly put on the lower one, due to which the most reliable fixation is achieved. This method of prosthetics is considered universal. Over time, the state of the oral cavity can change, and this design needs only minor correction. Due to the complexity of the process, this type of prosthetics is not used as often in Russia as, for example, in Europe and the USA, where telescopic clasp prosthetics is the traditional type of tooth restoration. Patient reviews confirm its many advantages. Namely:
- full recovery is possible even with a minimum number of teeth;
- durability and high structural strength;
- no inconvenience while eating;
- diction is not violated;
- it's not necessary to shoot constructions every day.

Laboratory steps of creation
Production of clasp prostheses is a long, complex and laborious process, consisting of several main stages:
- Make a diagnostic model (gypsum cast). This allows you to choose the necessary design, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's oral cavity.
- Determine the bite and the exact position of the jaws in threeplanes.
- Measure the load on the abutment teeth.
- Drawing of a dental prosthesis is made on the diagnostic model.
- Grinding teeth on a diagnostic model.
- A plaster prototype is made using a cast of the jaw.
- A wax prosthesis is reproduced over the plaster model.
- The frame is cast using a special alloy of metals and a wax model, then it is ground and polished.
- Artificial teeth are placed on the wax roller to obtain their imprint.
- Preparing a wax cast, which is then poured with molten plastic.
This completes the production of clasp prostheses. When processing the structure, extreme care must be taken, as there is a high risk of damage to it.

How to take care of your denture?
Caring for the design in question will not be difficult. Enough daily cleansing in the morning and evening. For cleaning, it is recommended to use a special disinfecting liquid that will eliminate all pathogenic microorganisms that develop on the surface of the prosthesis. Don't forget to keep your oral hygiene as well. In addition to brushing your teeth twice a day, rinse your mouth with special hygiene products after each meal.
How much does clasp prosthetics cost?
Prices for the described designs depend on the features of their manufacture. Prostheses are simple and complex, the latter may have not one metal arc, but two. Typefixation to the abutment teeth also affects how much the clasp prosthesis will cost. The price of the product in question on micro-locks is higher, since the cost of such fasteners is taken into account.
- Clasp prosthesis on clasps. The cost of such a product in Moscow is in the range of twenty to thirty thousand rubles (depending on the complexity of the design).
- Lock clasp prosthesis. The price of a similar construction in the capital is from 90 thousand rubles and more.
- Telescopic clasp prosthesis. Differs in rather high cost. The average price of one telescopic crown is 21 thousand rubles, the price of the prosthesis itself is 22 thousand rubles.

Clasp prosthetics is the most advanced method of restoring teeth. With the help of the described designs, you can not only chew food with high quality, speak clearly, but also lead a normal life, not embarrassed to smile.