Among all vascular diseases, experts identify one that is not easily treatable, and its consequences are unpredictable. This is thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities. This is the name of the inflammatory process of the venous walls, which entails the formation of a blood clot in the venous lumen. The disease mainly develops in the vessels of the legs. In this article, we will talk in more detail about this disease, its causes and main methods of treatment.
Description of the disease
Thrombophlebitis is an inflammatory process that develops in the walls of the veins and is often accompanied by the formation of blood clots. As a rule, the disease develops in the elderly, but in recent years, more and more often the disease is diagnosed in young people. The main danger of pathology is the formation of a blood clot. This is a relatively small blood clot that can break off at any time. If this happens, the likelihood of blockage of some veins and arteries increases several times, which often ends in death.

Depending on the localization of the inflammatory process itself, they are distinguished:
- Thrombophlebitis of the upper limbs.
- Internal organ damage.
- Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities.
The last variant of the disease is recognized as the most common type of pathology. According to the nature of the lesion, acute and chronic forms of this disease are distinguished.
In addition, this pathology can affect not only deep/superficial veins, but also arteries.
Main reasons
The development of this disease is influenced by various factors. In some cases, doctors find it difficult to name the exact causes of this pathological process. For example, a decrease in immune defenses and a weakened state of the body as a whole can cause such an unpleasant disease. However, the most common cause is varicose veins, as well as the so-called chronic venous insufficiency. A gradual change in the structure of the walls of blood vessels, disruption of normal blood flow - all these factors lead to inflammation of the walls of the veins and the formation of blood clots.
There are also other causes of thrombophlebitis:
- Mechanical injuries of the lower extremities.
- Genetic predisposition.
- Taking hormonal drugs.
- Bad habits.
- Oncology.
- Increased blood clotting.
- Allergy.
- Operations of a gynecological nature.
Who is at risk?
Specificcategories of people whom doctors classify as the so-called risk group. They have the highest probability of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities. These include the following:
- People leading a sedentary lifestyle.
- Varicose sufferers.
- All those who have relatively recently undergone surgery and have to stay in bed for some time.
- Women in an "interesting" position.
- Overweight patients.
- The elderly.
What signs indicate thrombophlebitis? This disease begins with severe pain in the legs. Its intensity can vary, but in any case, it increases with walking. Patients also often report soreness of the skin when touched along the course of the veins.
You may notice that in the affected area, the skin has changed its hue to red. After a while, the color turns blue and then brown. The temperature of this area is slightly higher compared to he althy areas.
The skin over the veins, in which blood clots form, noticeably thickens. Very often, patients report an increase in body temperature, but literally after a week it returns to normal. There is a slight swelling of the leg. It is at this stage in the development of the disease that patients seek help from a doctor.

Thrombophlebitis and varicose veins
One of the most common forms of the disease is the so-called varicosethrombophlebitis. It is accompanied by severe pain and characteristic reddening of the skin. With this disease, a pronounced edema surrounds a vein with a thrombus. The main symptom of this form of the disease is severe painful discomfort during movement, as well as with any touch to the affected area. In some patients, the temperature rises and the general condition worsens, which resembles the symptoms of the most common cold. Treatment in this case involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal ointments.

Thrombophlebitis in future women in labor
Pregnancy is such a period in a woman's life when she has to deal with serious diseases, one of which is thrombophlebitis. The disease is explained by an increase in intrauterine pressure and physiological changes in the composition of the blood. The peak danger of superficial thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities is in the first days after childbirth, as they provoke serious overloads in the work of the vascular system itself. As a result, the natural blood flow is disturbed, and blood clots form.
The first harbingers of the disease may appear in the second trimester, when the body weight of the future woman in labor begins to actively increase. First, the appearance of the so-called spider veins is noted, then the veins on the legs increase, and painful discomfort occurs. In the evening, the legs swell more and more often, even cramps may appear. All of the above symptoms should be the reason for contacting a phlebologist. Specialist aftera complete diagnostic examination can give recommendations on preventing the transformation of the disease into more severe forms.

Acute thrombophlebitis
Signs of the disease are most clearly manifested in the acute form of thrombophlebitis. Initially, patients note the appearance of pain along the entire direction of blood flow of the affected vein. Then there is a noticeable change in skin color in this area. Against the background of an increase in body temperature, the leg becomes cold. At the first signs of an acute variant of the disease, it is recommended to immediately call a doctor. Before his arrival, you should stay in bed and not resort to self-treatment (rubbing ointments, taking painkillers). The thing is that such an approach can provoke the detachment of the smallest fragment of a blood clot and its entry into other systems of internal organs.
What is the danger of acute thrombophlebitis? This disease very quickly passes into a complicated form (white / blue phlegmasia). It is usually accompanied by increasing pain. The skin first turns pale, then acquires a purple hue. That is why it is so important not to delay getting qualified help.
Chronic variant of the disease
Chronic thrombophlebitis is a pathology that does not have obvious clinical manifestations. Pain in this case is periodic, most often occurs after physical activity (sports, hiking, etc.). At rest, they practically do not remind of themselves. That is why in the chronic variantdiseases, patients are in no hurry to seek help from a doctor.
The disease "thrombophlebitis", as a rule, does not cause any particular difficulties in diagnosis. Today, the following instrumental research methods are used:
- Doppler ultrasound using color contrast. This study allows you to fully assess the condition of the walls of the veins, determine the presence of thrombotic masses and the true extent of the disease.
- Rheovasography.
Laboratory diagnostic methods are rarely used, since a regular blood test can only confirm moderate signs of an inflammatory process.

What should be the therapy?
The main treatment should be aimed at eliminating the inflammatory and thrombotic processes. Thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins of the lower extremities in the early stages of development requires the use of a special bandage made of elastic bandages. As symptoms subside, you can switch to special medical knitwear (compression underwear).
As for drug treatment, the following remedies are considered the most effective in the fight against this disease:
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ("Diclofenac", "Ketoprofen"). They reduce the inflammatory process, and also have an analgesic effect. These preparations are available in the form of gels and rectal suppositories.
- Derivatives of routine ("Troxerutin", "Rutozid", "Troxevasin"). Datafunds not only relieve inflammation, but also protect the walls of blood vessels.
- Enzymes ("Wobenzym", "Flogenzym"). These drugs are responsible for reducing swelling, stimulate the dissolution of blood clots.
- Disaggregants ("Trental", "Reopoliglyukin").
Special attention requires internal thrombophlebitis during pregnancy. As you know, expectant mothers are not recommended to take medicines. To avoid drug exposure, doctors strongly recommend using special compression underwear. At the same time, swelling of the legs is significantly reduced, fatigue disappears, and cramps disappear. In addition, it is important to walk and do special exercises that are responsible for improving venous outflow.

Surgical treatment
How else can thrombophlebitis be eliminated? The operation is prescribed only if the disease is characterized by an ascending form, when there is a threat of the transition of the pathology to the deep veins. Such patients are primarily recommended hospitalization, they undergo an ultrasound examination of the affected area, and then an operation is prescribed. Surgical treatment in this case involves ligation of the affected saphenous veins and removal of all existing varicose veins.

Possible Complications
The most dangerous complication of the disease occurs if the thrombus itself is loosely attached to the vascular wall, and its upper part "floats" in the lumen of the vein. At some point, its fragment can come off and, together with the blood, enter the heart and provoke an embolism (blockage of the pulmonary artery). Depending on the underlying circumstances, this complication can lead to death, shock, heart attack, or heart failure.
An equally dangerous complication is sepsis. Blood poisoning is also often fatal.
If the patient does not pay attention to the disease or prefers to use the methods of traditional medicine, the inflammatory process can move to the surrounding tissues. In this kind of situation, we are talking about an abscess or phlegmon of tissues.
How to prevent the development of the disease?
Prevention of thrombophlebitis primarily involves the timely and competent treatment of vein pathologies. Here we are talking, first of all, about the early stages of varicose veins. It is also important to eliminate all foci of infections in the body (caries, purulent processes, sinusitis, tonsillitis).
An active lifestyle, a balanced diet, a complete rejection of bad habits - all these factors are a direct component of the prevention of thrombophlebitis.
If the patient has already had to deal with the disease, every effort must be made to prevent its recurrence. In addition to the main drug therapy, it is important to include physiotherapy measures in the standard treatment complex.
In this article, we described what thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins of the lower extremities is, what are its main causes of development andaccompanying symptoms. This disease should not be left unattended, because this increases the risk of developing quite serious complications. An exceptionally qualified approach to treatment allows you to completely overcome this pathology.
We hope that all the information presented here will be really useful for you. Stay he althy!