Recurrent bronchitis (ICD 10 J20) is an inflammation of the bronchi that recurs in a child three times a year or more often. In this case, the duration of each period of exacerbation, as a rule, is at least two weeks. In this case, parents' attention should be paid to the prevention of bronchitis in children. Of great importance is the early sanitation of focal nasopharyngeal infection, along with emergency treatment of acute respiratory infections and pneumonia. Parents should protect their children from contact with sick people, and also do not forget to maintain normal humidity in the room and ventilate it.

Eliminating secondhand smoke and exposure to tobacco smoke
The detrimental effect of cigarette smoke on the development of inflammation in the bronchi in babies is beyond doubt. Pathogenic active substances in cigarettes produce the following effect:
- Irritation and toxic effect on the respiratory mucosa.
- Destruction of defensive abilitiesciliary apparatus of the bronchial surface.
- Damage to specific and non-specific protective factors.
- Reduced synthesis functions of pulmonary surfactant.
- Promote mucus stasis.
- Reducing the amount of oxygen in the blood of babies.
- Cigarette smoke is a factor that triggers asthma. Terrible statistics show that every fourth baby of smoking parents is allergic to smoke.
Basic methods and rules of prevention
Thus, the rule of protecting the body of a child from tobacco smoke should be put first among the methods for preventing bronchitis in children. Also no less important events will be:
- A complete rest for a child.
- Enable your baby to drink enough fluids.
- Indoor air conditioning. You need to know that warm and humid air is conducive to coughing up sputum.
- He alth massage sessions.
In polyclinics, parents should be consulted on hardening. It is worth paying attention to doing gymnastics in the morning, organizing a long stay in the fresh air, the habit of living in an apartment with open windows, wiping procedures, washing with cool water, and so on.

You can start hardening by wiping with a towel dipped in cool water. You can use a contrast shower with alternating warm and coolwater, and the duration of warm and cool showers should be chosen according to sensations.
All the actions described above lead to increased blood circulation, the cells of the body receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients, which means that the body as a whole is healed and strengthened.
Polyps and runny nose
If a child has polyps, they must be removed. It is also necessary to eliminate the curvature of the nasal septum in order to improve overall nasal breathing. As part of the prevention of acute bronchitis in children, sanitary and hygienic measures are required. Such measures include the fight against alcoholism and smoking in the child's family.
Children should not be allowed to have prolonged runny noses: any inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs should be methodically treated. It is necessary to additionally systematically strengthen the children's body. The child must take vitamins and go to the sea so that bronchitis (ICD 10 J20) does not bother him.
Basic principles for choosing clothes
Many parents don't know how to dress their child for the weather.
For children, freezing is unacceptable, as well as overheating. This is one of the most important points, since there are a lot of factors to consider: for example, what is the temperature outside, humidity, is there a wind, is the sun shining, is the baby's age, how mobile is he on a walk, and so on.
How to dress a child according to the weather, it is important to find out in advance. In order to understand how comfortable the baby feels, during the walk, mothers often have to check the temperature of his hands and nose. For example, from the wind, children should be wrapped in a blanket or, conversely, take off one blouse in the gentle sun. This is necessary because young children cannot tell if they are cold or hot. You can not rely on personal feelings when choosing clothes. A child's body is very different from an adult's. For example, adults in windy weather can be quite comfortable in a thin turtleneck, and kids can easily freeze quickly. Therefore, when leaving the house, parents must cover the head of the crumbs with a hat and dress them warmly.

The main principle of dressing kids for a walk is layering. This means that all things should be tried to put on in several layers. Thus, it will always be possible to adjust the amount of clothing. For example, in the heat, you can take off an extra jacket, and in cool weather, this principle will help to warm the baby better. But this does not mean at all that it is necessary to put on absolutely everything that parents can find on their hands. So that the child does not feel restrictions in movement, it is better to put on two thin suits instead of one warm one.
In order not to get confused, you must adhere to the following rule: a baby should have the same number of layers of clothing as an adult, plus one extra. For example, if mom is wearing a light dress in summer, and dad is wearing a T-shirt with shorts, then this is considered one layer. In this case, the child should have as many as two layers of clothing. When in winter one of the parents wears a T-shirt, a jacket and a jacket over it, and pants or tights on their legs, then thisalready three layers. Therefore, in a situation like this, a child should have four of them.
As children age, activity tends to increase. Monthly babies sleep peacefully on walks, and six-month-old children spin in different directions in a stroller. When the child begins to walk independently, his activity increases each time. Usually older children do not need an extra layer. Due to mobility, they do not freeze, compared to newborns. This must be understood when carrying out the prevention of bronchitis in children.
When dressing a child, parents should be guided not only by his age and weather conditions, but also by the temperament of the crumbs. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the baby. Pale skin combined with a cold nose or hands, along with restlessness, are signs of a baby being cold. The presence of heavy sweating and drowsiness is a signal that the baby is very hot.

Risk of catching a cold
Now let's find out why a draft is dangerous. It is a very harmful phenomenon for babies who fall under its action for the first time: the fact is that their body has not yet learned to control the processes of heat transfer.
Of course, short-term exposure to low temperatures on the body is very useful. This method is called hardening. But drafts affect, sometimes imperceptibly, exerting an insidious effect on the children's body. They are formed by means of a weak air flow, which is practically not felt in the heat, and therefore the body usually does not turn on itsdefensive forces.
What is dangerous draft, everyone should know. Acting on a certain part of the body for a long time and rapidly taking away all the heat, they can cause hypothermia. As a result, muscle inflammation, otitis media and other dangerous diseases occur.
Draft acts equally on young children and adults. It can affect a toddler who diligently collects blocks on the floor, and an employee who fills papers for a long time next to an open window.
In order for a child to always have good he alth along with strong immunity, his body is in dire need of vitamins for children to increase immunity. One of the sources of these useful components is food, which must be present in the diet of children.

There are a number of vitamins, and, in addition, trace elements and other nutrients that are simply irreplaceable:
- The use of vitamin A protects the baby's body from infectious diseases. It can be found in the liver, and in addition, in dairy products, carrots, eggs, and so on.
- Vitamin B2 is involved in the metabolic process, nourishing cells with oxygen and reducing the risks of toxic effects on the body. It is found in fish, egg white, meat and cereals.
- Vitamin B5 is involved in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, which are required for the synthesis of important amino acids. It is found in peas, yeast, cauliflower, offaland so on.
- Vitamin B12 makes red blood cells. It is found in poultry, fish, eggs and milk.
- Vitamin C significantly increases protective functions, increasing immunity. It is found in citrus fruits, berries, green vegetables.
- Vitamin E is an antioxidant that prevents the destruction of immune cells and is found in nuts, grains, seeds, and the like.
What other substances, besides vitamins, are needed for children to increase immunity? There are many of them:
- Zinc can positively affect the immune system by improving skin regeneration. It is found in dark meats.
- Thanks to iron, the level of hemoglobin increases. This trace element is found in beets, blueberries, legumes, meat, sea buckthorn and apples.
- Magnesium is actively involved in biochemical reactions, it is found in green leafy vegetables, nuts and legumes.
- Calcium can activate enzymes to improve bone formation. It is found in milk, yogurt and cheese.
- Omega-3 acids are great for improving brain function.
Now let's find out what kind of food a child should have so that his body receives all the necessary trace elements and vitamins to promote he alth and protective functions. There are some fairly simple rules.
Rational nutrition for children
Under such nutrition is understood the use of food, which provides the growing body with all the nutrients necessary for harmonious development and growth, in sufficient quantities and in the rightratio. Every day, meat must be included in the child's diet along with milk, butter and vegetable oil, rye and wheat bread. Fish with eggs, cheese, cottage cheese and dairy products should be introduced into the diet once every three days.

A child's breakfast should consist of a snack, one hot meal and a drink. Pediatricians recommend including fruits and vegetables in them as well. Lunch should consist of an appetizer, first, second and sweet dishes. As an appetizer, you need to prepare a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, fresh cabbage, carrots, beets and the like. It will not be superfluous to add fresh herbs. As an appetizer, portioned vegetables are allowed (that is, an additional side dish). In order to improve the taste, fresh fruits are added to the salad, for example, apples with prunes, raisins or nuts are suitable.
In the afternoon, it is recommended to include a drink in the children's diet (for example, milk is suitable, along with fermented milk products, kissels, juices). A muffin or confection without cream should also be given. Dinner for a child must necessarily consist of some vegetable dish or porridge. Also, dinner must include the main second course (meat, fish) and a drink. Additionally, it is recommended to give sour-milk products, fruits and buns, or some other confectionery, but without cream, as a second dinner.
ARI treatment
In the first few years of life, babies can endure, on average, eight colds a year. Children who attend kindergarten may get sickmore often home children. But kindergarteners catch colds less often before school, but those who did not attend kindergarten suffer from SARS in primary grades.
The reason for this is the vulnerability of the baby's immune system. In order to learn how to resist cold infections, the immune system must first get to know it. Such an acquaintance occurs only due to illness, therefore frequent colds in children are always inevitable, but with age their number will become less and less.
It is important to carry out timely treatment of acute respiratory infections.
Babies between the ages of three and four are normally sick no more than six times a year. From four to five years no more than five times. And after five years no more than four times a year. In the event that ARI in a baby is observed more often, it is necessary to contact an immunologist.

Immune Medicines
Despite a he althy diet and consumption of vitamin products, unfortunately, it is not always possible to eliminate hypovitaminosis. Therefore, in order to improve he alth, drugs are needed to increase immunity in children. Vitamins are required not only when babies are sick. They should also be given for prevention purposes. In addition to vitamin complexes, there are a number of drugs on the pharmaceutical market designed to increase immunity.
In particular, pediatricians recommend the use of herbal products that contain natural plant substances in their composition that have adaptogenic and immunostimulating properties. Such drugs include"Immunal", "Doctor Theis" and others. These medicines can be used not only during periods of colds, but also as part of prevention. The drug "Immunal" is considered the most effective and therefore the preferred drug designed to increase children's immunity, this has been proven by a number of clinical studies.
We looked at what is the prevention of bronchitis in children. It is necessary to strictly follow all the rules to preserve the he alth of the child.