What are the symptoms of duodenitis

What are the symptoms of duodenitis
What are the symptoms of duodenitis

Very common is a disease of the duodenum, like duodenitis. It is characterized by inflammatory and degenerative processes in the mucous membrane, the structure of which changes, the glandular apparatus atrophies in it.


More often affects chronic duodenitis, which is divided into primary and secondary. The primary form is an independent disease, but the secondary becomes a continuation of diseases such as pancreatitis, cholecystitis, ulcers, gastritis.

symptoms of duodenitis
symptoms of duodenitis

The inflammatory process of the entire intestine is called diffuse duodenitis, and the inflammation of its bulb is called bulbitis. Inflammation of the part of the duodenum adjacent to the intestine is considered local duodenitis. Inflammatory processes of the large papilla, which connects the duodenum and gallbladder, are called papillitis. The primary chronic form is rare, usually the disease develops against the background of other diseases of the digestive system.

Symptoms of duodenitis

The primary chronic nature of the disease appears for the following reasons:

  • love for spicy and sour food;
  • wrong eating routine;
  • food is chewed badly;
  • love for strong tea and coffee;
  • alcohol abuse.

All this has the peculiarity of increasing the acidity of the juice in the stomach, which damages the intestinal mucosa. In rare cases, the primary chronic form of duodenitis is caused by an acute "brother".

superficial duodenitis
superficial duodenitis

Plays a role in the development of chronic addiction to nicotine. Tobacco smoke reduces the production of alkaline duodenal juice, which quenches acidity, and contributes to the formation of overly acidic gastric juice.

How and why the symptoms of duodenitis appear and how it is formed is not fully known. According to scientists, the disease occurs because the interaction of hydrochloric acid, gastric juice and alkaline intestinal secretion is disturbed. The secondary variant of the disease occurs much more often against the background of diseases of the stomach.

Symptoms of secondary duodenitis occur due to:

  • ulcers,
  • helicobacter infection,
  • gastritis,
  • pancreatitis,
  • colitis,
  • worms,
  • cholecystitis,
  • allergies,
  • diseases of internal organs.

Superficial duodenitis extends only to the upper layer of the mucosa, which swells, its cells become thin, and their nutrition and blood supply are disturbed. If the symptoms of duodenitis are dystrophic processes, and inflammations go throughout the entire line

erosive duodenitis
erosive duodenitis

of the colon, even affecting its glands, thenhere we can talk about diffuse duodenitis. The formation of erosions on the mucous membrane indicates a type of disease such as erosive duodenitis.

Treatment of chronic duodenitis

It is very important to follow a specially selected diet. Food should be sparing and not irritate the mucous membrane with chemical compounds. Eat little by little - up to five times a day.

Classes of drugs used for treatment include drugs to enhance cell regeneration, antacids and drugs to reduce the production of hydrochloric acid, restore gastric motility. In combination with them, physiotherapy procedures are carried out, it is possible to visit a sanatorium according to the profile.
