Why does my head hurt?
Starting a conversation about the pain syndrome, it should be noted that the probable cause can be determined by the area of pain localization. For example, a headache that radiates to the back of the head is most likely caused by problems with the spine. Therefore, you can get rid of pain forever only by curing your back. If we talk about specific diseases, we should first of all mention osteochondrosis, spondylosis and a herniated disc.

How does pain occur?
So, what changes in the body provoke such a symptom as a headache in the back of the head? With osteochondrosis, osteophytes, sharp formations, grow on the edges of the vertebrae. When a person moves his neck, they dig into the soft tissues and blood vessels, which naturally causes discomfort in the back of the head, which are aggravated by bending over. Headache in the back of the head in this case is accompanied by nausea and dizziness. The patient may complain of tinnitus and loss of coordination.
A headache in the back of the head caused by a hernia is explained by the fact that the growth on the spine compresses the vessels and nerves inside. Diagnosing a hernia is easy: spasms from the head radiate to the arm, the tipsfingers become numb.
Cervical spondylosis
This disease is characterized by the degeneration of ligaments into bone tissue; neck mobility becomes limited. Headache in the back of the head in this case is paroxysmal in nature; it gradually moves to the temples and descends down the shoulders, intensifying with each movement.

Speaking of treatment, it should be noted that a person suffering from constant pain should be observed by a specialist. It is not difficult to relieve the symptoms yourself, but the cause must be eliminated.
Traditional medicine
What to do with a headache? Many in this case begin to turn over their first-aid kit in search of a Nurofen tablet, but this is not necessary. There are many effective folk methods. For example, an attack of severe pain can be relieved with the help of ordinary oregano - just add a pinch of herbs to the tea leaves. Regular consumption of this tea will relieve you of muscle tension and help restore blood vessels. Also, with acute pain, a lovage compress helps a lot - to prepare it, chop fresh leaves and fill them with hot water. Many say that you can cope with a headache with an aromatic pillow with eucalyptus and edelweiss.

So now you know what to drink for a headache. However, this does not eliminate the need for treatment. First of all, you need to make a correct diagnosis - for this you need to docervical x-ray and MRI. If during the examination it turns out that the discomfort is caused by a pinched nerve, the treatment will be aimed at releasing it. In this case, massage and wearing a special orthopedic collar help a lot. If you are diagnosed with spondylosis, instead of massage, manual therapy, physiotherapy and electrophoresis will be prescribed. In parallel with the main course of treatment, it is advisable to take painkillers and antispasmodics. All these measures will help you get rid of debilitating headaches forever.