Even the very word "AIDS" sounds threatening and scary to many. But it is better to have information and be fully armed in order to know what to fear. It would be useful to know the main symptom of AIDS and its most common manifestations.

AIDS: what is it?
Before finding out which symptom of AIDS appears first, it is worth delving into the essence of this disease. HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus. In other words, it is a virus that attacks the immune cells of the body. It is transmitted through blood and sexual contact. And AIDS is an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, that is, a condition in which the virus is activated and begins to actively destroy immune cells. And in this case, the body simply loses its defenses and is unable to resist infections and various diseases. A person can be affected by all kinds of diseases, tumors begin to form. This is such a terrible disease.

Symptoms of AIDS infection: early and late
It is worth noting that when a virus enters the body, it may go unnoticed. And he will doze for a year, two or even 10. But somethose infected a week or two after infection report the following early symptoms of AIDS:
- general malaise;
- fatigue;
- weakness;
- slight increase in temperature;
- drowsy;
- enlarged lymph nodes.
All these manifestations disappear on their own after a few weeks. And then the disease can "sleep" and not let you know about yourself. But after some time, the virus can become active and begin to infect immune cells, as a result of which the body's defenses will weaken. Such a period is characterized by such manifestations:
- weight loss;
- chronic fungal and bacterial infections (this symptom of AIDS is associated with the inability of the body to neutralize pathogenic microorganisms);
- frequent fevers;
- increased perspiration;
- frequent herpetic eruptions on the genitals, mucous membranes and around the mouth (this symptom of AIDS is also associated with a decrease in immunity and the inability to suppress the herpes virus);
- loss of vitality;
- short-term and recurrent memory loss;
- chronic skin rash due to various dermatological diseases.

Such symptoms indicate that the immune system has already been attacked. But when there are very few immune cells left, the protection will practically disappear altogether. The last stage of the disease will begin, which will certainly lead to death. It is characterized by the following manifestations:
- persistent shortness of breath and cough;
- convulsions and convulsions;
- deviations in the work of the nervous system (forgetfulness, distraction);
- severe and persistent diarrhea;
- vomiting and nausea;
- chronic sore throat when swallowing;
- critical weight loss;
- severe headaches;
- heat;
- vision loss;
- loss of consciousness up to coma;
- not passing diseases;
- tumors.
Now you know how AIDS can manifest itself. Do everything so that this disease does not destroy your life, take care of yourself, follow the rules of prevention and do not endanger your loved ones!