Commonly known hemangioma of the spine is not quite the right term. This pathology affects only one vertebra or several, so the correct medical term is vertebral hemangioma. This formation is a benign tumor consisting of vascular tissue. The disease can not manifest itself in any way and is often detected only during examinations for other diseases.

A small proportion of patients with hemangioma (ten percent) have pain. The risk zone for developing hemangioma of the spine is predominantly women who are over forty years old. But sometimes men also undergo pathological changes, and, in addition, children. Despite the fact that this tumor progresses slowly, it is better to start therapy as soon as it is detected.
Let's figure out what it is - hemangioma of the spine. Treatment will also consider.
Description of pathology
Some blood vessels expand and intertwine with others of their own kind. Tumors are formed, the inner part of which is the epithelium. It is important to know that a benign tumor can form absolutely anywhere in the body, with the exception of some areas. But spinal hemangioma can be really dangerous. Despite the fact that the tumor slowly increases in size, it still grows and over time can cause a fracture of the spine. The most common localization of the pathological formation is the lumbar and thoracic spine.
Hemangioma treatment is a very real procedure, but the danger lies precisely in the fact that the detection and diagnosis of pathology may be too late.
What is the pathology dangerous?
Since the hemangioma of the spine is benign, you should not be very afraid of it. But this pathological formation has the property, albeit slowly, but to grow in size. In a neglected state, this neoplasm can grow through the bone tissue and violate its integrity with the structure. In this case, the vertebrae can become fragile, and a compression fracture is possible overnight. The level of danger in vertebral hemangioma directly depends on some of the following parameters:

- It depends on whether it's a female or a male body. For example, the male spine is characterized by more massive vertebrae.
- From agea person, since the older the patient, the more dangerous the pathology becomes for him.
- Localization of education.
- Number of affected vertebrae.
How dangerous is spinal hemangioma?
Another dangerous moment is the fact that even without a fracture, pressure on the spinal canals can occur, and a person can simply be paralyzed, and problems may appear in the work of various internal organs. Next, we will understand the reasons for the appearance of such a tumor.
Causes of pathology
After the appearance of a pathological formation from the vessels, their further destruction often occurs. The blood leaving the vessels goes into the formed cavity. In its place, tumors appear that fill the entire cavity, growing beyond its size. Such a hemangioma can form for the following number of reasons:
- Having a genetic predisposition. The hereditary factor plays a huge role in the formation of pathological tumors.
- Influence of hormonal levels. Women have higher estrogen levels. It is this hormone that takes an active part in the appearance of vertebral hemangioma.
- The presence of increased physical activity. In the presence of excessive pressure, the vertebrae age very quickly, and microcracks appear in them.
- Exposure to radiation.
- Exposure to certain drug substances.
Often meet thoracic hemangioma. But directly for the cervical region, this pathology is even more dangerous. According to the degree of aggressivenesstumors are classified as follows:
- Development of an aggressive hemangioma. In this case, the condition is marked by a rapid increase in the size of the tumor. Soon cracks and compression fractures appear in the vertebrae.
- With the development of non-aggressive hemangioma, symptoms may be absent or mild. The course of the disease in this case is favorable, and the patient himself may not even know about the presence of such a pathology in him.
Varieties of tumors
Hemangiomas of the body of the spine are conditionally divided into types. When assessing them by number in one patient, they are distinguished:
- Single hemangiomas, which are the most common type of formation.
- Multiple type. This species is very rare, but such a case is the most dangerous.
By the nature of the content, I classify them as follows:
- Vascular formations. The main component of this pathological formation is the vessels, which are covered with adipose tissue.
- Cavernous tumors are formed from pieces of hard tissue, they can consist of several sections.
- Vascular-cavernous type is a pathological formation that is partially filled with vascular and bone tissue.
Symptoms of pathology
Consider the symptoms of spinal hemangioma.

There may be some signs or symptoms, sometimes completely absent. Manifestations directly depend on the age of formation, the area of localizationand the degree of aggressiveness of the disease:
- Non-aggressive hemangiomas can be completely asymptomatic for life, and their presence can eventually be detected only by a pathologist. But similar tumors can also be detected during various examinations that are carried out to detect other pathologies.
- Aggressive soon begin to disturb the patient, causing pain and disruption of some body functions. The size of the spinal hemangioma matters.
In most cases, symptoms appear only when the tumor reaches a certain size and begins to interfere with normal functioning. For both sexes, these sizes are different. Depending on the localization area, certain symptoms appear:
- In the presence of hemangioma of the thoracic spine, back pain is most often present. This is the most common localization of the neoplasm. When the tumor reaches a certain size, a person may experience numbness in the hands, or at least their poor sensitivity, along with loss of appetite.
- Lumbar hemangioma is also often encountered due to regular increased stress on the lower back. In this case, there may be signs in the form of pain radiating to the legs and groin, there is also a malfunction in the genitourinary system along with stool disorders.
- Hemangioma of the cervical spine is the most rare case, and at the same time the most dangerous. Pronounced symptoms are manifested in violation of visual functions and coordination of movements. In addition, atsuch patients have impaired blood supply to the brain, they suffer from insomnia and headaches.

As soon as the tumor grows to a critical size, there is almost always a violation of motor functions, numbness of the limbs and paralysis.
Diagnosis of disease
Understanding what a vertebral hemangioma is, one can guess that a regular blood test, of course, will not work for diagnosis. Accurate, but at the same time high-quality examination is necessary. Doctors offer the following types of examinations:
- Carrying out x-rays. Several images of the spine, which display a picture of the disease in various projections, provide a lot of information.
- Performing computed tomography is a fairly informative diagnostic method and is often used to identify such a tumor.
- Magnetic resonance imaging helps to most effectively determine the pathological formation and is the best diagnostic option.
- Ultrasound examination is performed for problems with blood supply and in the presence of vascular compression.
I must say that magnetic resonance imaging creates a special field in which a person is placed. The sensor captures changes in the charge of the molecules of the human body, which gives a complete picture of the disease. This study is very informative and provides information about the size of the tumor, its structure and location.

Treatment of this pathology
How to treat spinal hemangioma? Therapy in this case is divided into three types, namely: operational, conservative and special. The need for a particular technique is determined by the doctor. If the tumor is small and its growth is very slow, then it is better to do nothing at all. Such treatment measures will not be able to completely cure the disease, but they stop the progression and alleviate the condition of the person.
Performing medication
Some medications relieve and eliminate pain in the presence of back hemangioma. Such medicines strengthen the spine, preventing tumor growth. Your doctor may prescribe the following medications:
- Painkillers that have analgesic effects.
- Treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Therapy by taking a vitamin complex.
- Treatment with hormonal drugs.
- Use for muscle relaxant therapy.
It should be noted that the use of certain drugs is allowed only by prescription.

Treatment of disease with massage and physiotherapy
When treating a problem such as spinal hemangioma, some therapies may be contraindicated. This list includes massage and physiotherapy treatments. The fact is that such treatment can improve blood circulation, which significantly increases unwanted tumor growth. There are alsoallowed massage procedures, but a doctor will give a more accurate recommendation. The main thing is to keep in mind that it is strictly forbidden to perform massages with a course of physiotherapy without permission.
Folk techniques
Any products that produce a warming effect are strictly prohibited. In the event that a person has a hemangioma of the spine, folk methods will only aggravate the situation. Any treatment at home must be agreed with the doctor.
Special Therapies
Like any cancer, cervical or thoracic hemangioma has special treatment methods:
- Injection of a solution with alcohol into the neoplasm. The tumor is destroyed, and the vascular tissue is soon replaced by connective tissue.
- Injection of a special drug that forms blood clots. Under the influence of the injection, blood circulation is disturbed in the area of the localization of the disease, and it does not progress further.
- The use of special radiation. This is a rather dangerous technique that has many side effects.
- The use of a vertebroplasty solution that causes the tumor to harden, which stops its growth, strengthening the damaged vertebra. The process of injecting bone cement is called embolization. Feedback on this procedure is mostly positive.
Surgery as a way to treat pathology
In case of ineffectiveness of conservative methods of treatment, doctors give a referral for surgery. Such a treatment technique can harm the patient, making him disabled. Physicians understand the risk and thereforesurgery is performed only in the presence of an aggressive hemangioma, which can progress rapidly or has a critical size. At the same time, a person has constant pain, which prevents him from leading a normal life.
The operation is carried out by standard removal of the formation through an incision made on the back. But sometimes the tumor can strongly compress part of the vertebra, and if it is completely removed, a fracture can occur along with internal hemorrhage. In such cases, only part of the tumor is removed, which puts pressure on the channels of the spinal cord.

Reviews on spinal hemangioma. Patient opinions
About the surgical removal of hemangioma of the spine, they write that this procedure is painless, as it is done under anesthesia. But it has many disadvantages, among which are a long and difficult rehabilitation and the risk of injury. Patients say that during rehabilitation it is forbidden to carry weights and stay in a sitting position for a long time.
The most successful method of treatment, patients consider the embolization procedure and say that after its implementation, in fact, it is possible to achieve a suspension of tumor growth along with strengthening the damaged vertebra.
We looked at what it is hemangioma of the spine. And the treatment of this pathology was also discussed by us.