As a rule, many people think that a person's body temperature should always be 36.6°, so if it fluctuates a little, they immediately start to sound the alarm, especially if there are no visible reasons for this. But not everyone knows that a temperature without symptoms can be observed in a perfectly he althy person, for example, in the evening after work. But it is worth considering that here we are talking about a small increase in it. After all, if the temperature rises to a significant extent, then this may already indicate the presence of some kind of disease, and a serious one.

Let's take a closer look at what could be the reasons for this:
- With neurological disorders, temperature without symptoms may indicate the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
- Metabolic disorders, as a result - dehydration of the body.
- The presence of an allergy is one of the reasons why a fever appears without symptoms. Its causative agents can be either simple drops from the common cold, or any other medicines. In thissituations, it is better to contact a specialist for advice.
- Overheating is the most common cause of fever in young children, especially infants. This can happen when it is hot enough outside or at home, or the baby is too wrapped up, so parents need to ensure that the child is dressed for the weather, and the room where he is always ventilated.
- In children, fever without symptoms may be due to teething. Also, such a condition can occur after vaccination, especially if it is performed with live vaccines.

In general, the most common cause of fever is a cold. Experts believe that in this way the body fights against the infection that has penetrated into it. Therefore, if there are signs of a cold, but there is no increase in temperature, then it can be assumed that an undiagnosed disease is present. Very often there are cases when a disease that has similar or identical symptoms can be much more serious and dangerous than a common cold or acute respiratory infections. As an example, we can cite a disease that recently scared the whole world - bird flu. By all its signs (cough, runny nose, aching joints and sore throat), it is very similar to acute respiratory infections. Many people think that this is just a simple cold without fever and do not pay due attention to the disease, letting everything take its course and making a huge mistake.

Oftenthere are people who have an elevated body temperature - a feature of the body, and they get used to it so much that they live quietly all their lives. Also, asymptomatic temperature, which fluctuates around 37-37, 2 ° C, is also considered normal in children, because they are very mobile, which means that their blood circulation goes at an accelerated pace.
But still, in order to prevent dangerous diseases that may not manifest themselves in anything other than temperature, at the first increase, you should consult a doctor and take some tests. Based on them, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment for you or will be glad that everything is in order with you.