Treatment after paraproctitis surgery. Fistula of the rectum: postoperative period

Treatment after paraproctitis surgery. Fistula of the rectum: postoperative period
Treatment after paraproctitis surgery. Fistula of the rectum: postoperative period

Depending on the type of paraproctitis in an adult, he may need surgery, which can be emergency or planned. However, regardless of this, during therapy, as a rule, an abscess is opened and the inflamed anal crypt is removed. And with it, pus is removed.

Several doctors
Several doctors

After paraproctitis surgery, a person must undergo a certain rehabilitation course and steadily follow the doctor's recommendations in order to recover as quickly as possible. Post-surgical care is very important. Failure to follow the recommendations of a specialist can lead to various complications.

What is this disease?

This disease is a pathology of the anus, in which an abscess develops. This ailment is considered quite common, in its "popularity" it is second only to hemorrhoids, colitis or anal fissures.

ICD-10 paraproctitis code: K61 (abscess of the anus and rectum).

According to medical statistics, representatives of the strongsexes are more likely to suffer from this pathology. If we talk about the causes of the development of the disease, then, as a rule, paraproctitis appears against the background of an infection that enters the mucous membrane of the rectum. Also, a similar ailment can provoke anal fissures and hematogenous or lymphatic lesions. Problems also appear if inflammatory processes occur in neighboring organs.

hands on jeans
hands on jeans

According to the ICD-10 code, paraproctitis is divided into: subcutaneous, ischiorectal, submucosal or pelvic-rectal. Each of the varieties of pathology has its own characteristics.

Why is surgery needed?

The operation is necessary in order to identify the pararectal abscess, open it and remove the formed purulent masses. In the process of surgical intervention, the infected recess (there may be several) is excised, located in the anus or purulent tubules.

If we talk about the varieties of the procedure, then the abscess is removed by several methods. However, regardless of the doctor's choice, in any case, an abscess will be opened to remove the accumulated purulent masses. After that, additional measures can be taken to prevent the spread of infection in the intestine.

It is very important that after the operation of paraproctitis, the patient follows all the doctor's instructions. The specialist explains to the patient that he must follow a diet and adhere to small physical exertion. This is necessary in order to eliminate swelling or congestion. However, it is necessarykeep in mind that even if all the recommendations are followed, it is impossible to guarantee that the patient will fully recover and restore all his functions.

During the operation
During the operation

This is possible only if the operation was carried out in a timely manner. If doctors began to treat the disease too late or the patient delayed contacting specialists, then there is a possibility that even after excision of the fistula of the rectum, the patient will suffer from a chronic form of pathology. He will also have to adhere to certain rules throughout his life. Equally important is to watch your diet.

After surgery

After paraproctitis surgery, patients go through several stages. First of all, they need to follow a special diet and take care of the wound. The use of traditional medicine is allowed. In this case, it is not recommended to treat wounds on your own. It is necessary to visit a doctor or call a proctologist at home.

In the hospital
In the hospital

In the early days, you will need to carefully monitor your diet. It is forbidden to eat certain categories of foods, as well as foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates. You will have to adhere to the diet until complete recovery. Drinking plenty of water is also very important.

How is the recovery period?

You need to understand that the treatment of paraproctitis is not limited to opening the fistula. After it, a period of rehabilitation measures begins, which is very important for every patient.

As soon as the effect of anesthesia wears off, a person begins to experience severe pain in the area where the removal of purulent masses was carried out. To reduce pain, you need to take antispasmodics or other drugs that your doctor will prescribe.

In some situations, after surgery, patients experience a fever and a general deterioration in well-being. In this case, you must definitely see a specialist who must examine the seam. It is possible that pus appeared in it, other discharges and inflammation began. In order to get rid of unwanted manifestations, it is necessary to use disinfectants, as well as antibacterial drugs that are administered intramuscularly.

Injection drug
Injection drug

If there are complications after excision of the fistula of the rectum, then you will additionally have to undergo a course of antibiotic treatment. However, these drugs do not work immediately. In addition, they have a negative effect on the microflora of the stomach.


After paraproctitis surgery, the patient must undergo a series of activities. First of all, dressings are performed. This is a daily procedure that includes the treatment of sutures with antiseptic agents. Dressings are also necessary so that the doctor can assess the degree of healing of the affected area and make sure that the wound heals without any inflammation or pus. If after surgery the patient cannot visit the doctor on his own, it is recommended to call the proctologist at home.

You will also need to use antibacterialointments. As a rule, the seams are processed with Chlorhexidine. In this case, Levomekol is considered the best ointment. This drug helps to draw out the formed pus and has excellent disinfecting properties. If the doctor notes that the wound after the operation of paraproctitis looks satisfactory and there are no accumulations of pus in it, then such treatment is performed only as a preventive measure to prevent possible suppuration.

Additionally, regenerating agents are used. They are essential to speed up the healing process. As a rule, special ointments are used for these purposes. Thanks to them, patients quickly get rid of discomfort, and crusts do not appear on the wounds. In addition, rough and ugly scars can be avoided through the use of such ointments after the operated area has completely healed.

Features of the recovery period

You need to see a doctor every day. The specialist should carefully examine the wound. If you miss at least one visit, then there is a risk of losing sight of the first signs of inflammation or other unpleasant consequences. Also, during the medical examination, you can tell the specialist about all the unpleasant symptoms. Sometimes, if the patient is experiencing severe pain, the doctor may prescribe a course of pain medication.

old man at the doctor
old man at the doctor

On the 2nd or 3rd day, magnetic therapy is performed, as well as ultraviolet irradiation. Such physiotherapy is possible only if the doctor confirms that the patientreally on the mend. Such procedures will help speed up the healing process.

Hygiene after surgery

If we talk about reviews after rectal fistula surgery, many patients note a number of problems that they had to face. For example, after a while, hair begins to grow in the anal area. They can make it difficult to treat the wound, so experts recommend periodically shaving or cutting them with scissors. If the patient actively used depilatory creams before the operation, then they will have to be abandoned for the recovery period. The fact is that in such compositions there are chemical components that irritate the mucous membranes and tissues.

It should be borne in mind that after each defecation process, the patient will have to very carefully clean the anus and the area around it. For this, not only ordinary toilet paper is used, but also disinfectants. The best option is to take sitz baths after a bowel movement. You can add disinfecting herbal infusions or special preparations to them.

Features of wound healing

If in the process of going to the toilet the patient finds a slight discharge, then this is considered the norm. This is due to the fact that the rectum was significantly damaged, so it is not surprising that the first days after the procedure there will be small bruises. However, in case of severe bleeding, you should immediately consult a specialist to rule out possible complications.

Features of food

Diet is oneof the basic rules for a successful recovery after the operation. In the process of rehabilitation, the patient's diet should be carefully reviewed. First of all, you need to give up spicy and s alty foods. In no case should you eat acidic products, as well as fresh fruits. At first, it is recommended to give preference to baked apples, but you can’t use them uncontrolled either.

In the postoperative period, in no case should you drink alcoholic beverages and sweet soda. You also need to exclude junk food, so you should forget about convenience foods, chips, crackers, etc.

We need to improve the process of digestion. To do this, the patient should consume as much liquid as possible, cereals and dishes that contain a lot of dietary fiber. Drinking plenty of pure water will help soften the stool, which will make going to the toilet much easier.

Possible Complications

If you look at the information that patients who have undergone such procedures provide about the postoperative period, then, as a rule, everyone says that it is very important to adhere to proper nutrition and hygiene.

If a few days after the operation, the patient feels some tightness and discharge appears from the wound, then this may be a normal healing process. However, you need to check with a specialist the type of fluid flowing out. If we are talking about the accumulation of pus, then the wound must be cleaned immediately.

Sometimes, after surgery to remove a fistula, some patients do not notice any changes in their condition. ATin such a situation, a second surgical procedure may be required. However, such events are held no earlier than a year after the first surgical intervention.

On the operation
On the operation

Some patients suffer from too much pain. In this case, they are prescribed conservative treatment or antibiotic therapy. However, even successful wound healing does not mean that the patient will never again have to undergo a second fistula excision procedure.


It is important to remember that recovery directly depends on the actions of the patient himself. If he does not follow hygiene, visit a doctor and start consuming junk food and alcohol, this will negatively affect his he alth. After any operation, the immune system weakens, so you need to be extremely careful.
