From what red spots appear on the face: possible causes and methods of treatment

From what red spots appear on the face: possible causes and methods of treatment
From what red spots appear on the face: possible causes and methods of treatment

Many women and men are wondering what causes red spots on the face. They affect a person's self-esteem and appearance. This leads to psychological problems and, as a result, interferes with communication with other people. Most often, this problem is not serious, while in other cases it indicates the occurrence of serious diseases. The latter, depending on the stage, can be cured either with medication or folk remedies. What are the causes of spots on the face and what to do with them - we will consider in the course of the article.

dangerous cosmetics
dangerous cosmetics


Spots can be different in shape, size. They differ in color intensity, as well as the presence of peeling. At the moment, about 30 types of skin rashes are known and 6 of them fit the description.

  • Hemorrhage. Such a spot is caused by subcutaneous hemorrhage. The color can be not only red, but, depending on prescription,take on a blue, green, yellow or gray tint.
  • Stain. In diameter, its size ranges from 5 to 20 mm. It does not protrude above the surface of the skin and disappears when pressed.
  • Papule. This formation has a diameter of 1 to 20 mm. Rising above the surface. The structure is domed.
  • Roseola on the face. This formation is pale pink in color, its diameter is 1-2 mm. The shape is round, does not stick out of the skin.
  • Lump. Has an inflammatory infiltrate. The structure is dense, there are no internal cavities. Diameter up to 2 mm.
  • Erythema. What's this? Fairly large areas of redness. Their color can vary from red to purple.

In reality, two or more variants of the rash can merge on the face at once. Because of this, it is difficult to diagnose the problem quickly and choose the right effective treatment.


The causes of red spots can be completely different. And they are not always associated with skin problems. Similar symptoms can cause diseases of internal organs and systems. Let's take a closer look at the causes of the problem.

Physiological redness

Red rash on the face can sometimes be caused by physiological causes. In this case, it is not considered a disease. To hide the defect, you can use cosmetics. Such features in most cases are not curable. This feature is associated with the vascular network. If it is located superficially, then the face acquires a reddish tint. In some cases, only some vessels may protrude.


If there are spots on the face that are accompanied by itching, then there is a high probability of an allergy. If we are talking about urticaria, then the rash will be from 3 to 50 mm in size. Color is bright red. Along with itching, a burning sensation may occur. The capillaries are compressed, and the exudate will gradually accumulate. Because of this, the rashes become white. Once the cause of the allergy is eliminated, the problem disappears. Often in a critical stage, scratching can be observed. Allergic red rash is common in children.

Pathological redness

It was described above that this is erythema? She and the other variants described are considered pathological. They can indicate problems of the stomach, vascular bed, heart, and so on. Sometimes redness can be fragmentary, that is, affect only some areas of the skin, or total.

vascular network
vascular network

Psychological reasons

Considering what causes red spots on the face, psychological reasons can also be identified. This problem affects both women and men. The most common trigger is stressful situations. This problem is considered quite popular.

When the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated, the vascular network becomes very noticeable. In this case, the capillaries increase and expand, blood flow increases. As a result, irregularly shaped spots appear on the face.

Infectious and inflammatory problems

Rash is often caused by infectious problems. These include a large numberdiseases, but consider the most common.

  • Deprive. The rashes have a bubbly structure. This rash does not transform into another type of rash.
  • Sycosis. The occurrence of redness at the site of the bristles.
  • Pyoderma. Red spots that are filled with purulent contents. Looks like bumps.
  • Erysipelas. Such inflammation is often localized on the cheeks, near the nose, in the corners of the mouth. In this case, often the spots merge and protrude above the skin.
  • Furunculosis. Volumetric education. Rising above the skin.

Some doctors are able to add psoriasis to this list. However, this is wrong, since this problem does not develop due to an infectious agent.

Problems with the heart and blood vessels

Is there anything else that causes red spots on the face? Cardiac problems can also be attributed to provoking factors. This is directly related to the state of the vessels. Atherosclerosis may occur. Because of the plaque, blood flow is disrupted and the vessels are stretched. The spots are irregular in shape. If the stretch is severe, the vessel itself may be visible.

Another reason to note is the lack of the right amount of magnesium in the body. This leads to heart problems.

red spot on the cheek in an adult
red spot on the cheek in an adult

Diseases of the digestive tract

Speaking of what causes red spots on the face, problems with the digestive tract should be highlighted. Spider veins may also occur. Often spots indicate the presence of problems with the liver. Occur with cirrhosis or cancer. Sometimes they appear whenbowel problems. At the same time, the process of occurrence of symptoms is quite understandable. Toxins are released into the blood. It causes allergies.

Skin structure

If a person's blood vessels are shallow, hyperpigmentation may appear. This provokes the appearance of reddened areas of the body, which are colored more intensely than others. An example of such problems can be considered vitiligo.

Other possible causes

Red skin on the face is often the result of autoimmune processes. Psoriasis can also be the cause. It often progresses due to stress or genetic factors. The problem manifests itself in the form of flaky spots. They can appear on the face, elbows, knees, armpits. If the disease progresses, then the plaques can cover the entire body of the patient.

In addition, psoriasis is often manifested by periods of remission and relapse. Plaques protrude above the skin, blood dew syndrome appears. The legs look like they've been poked with a needle.

After what the face turns red?

There are often red spots on the face after sleeping.

Contact with an allergic substance may cause similar problems.

When a person stays in a place where the temperature is high for a long time, hyperemia occurs due to excessive vasodilation.

Washing or rubbing the face with great intensity also provokes irritation in the form of redness.

Such conditions do not require urgent intervention. If we are talking about an allergic reaction, then you need to takeantihistamines. In other cases, hyperemia resolves on its own after the cause is eliminated.

ruptured vessel on face
ruptured vessel on face

When is facial redness considered dangerous?

A red face in an adult is considered a dangerous symptom if other signs appear. It can be anaphylactic shock or angioedema of the lungs. The first is manifested by pallor, decreased pressure, loss of coordination, deterioration of well-being, and the second - by a blue tint of the ears or lips, hoarseness, problems with breathing. In this case, you need to call an ambulance and give an antiallergic agent. Doctors recommend Suprastin or Zyrtec.

The risk group should include situations when spots appear on the face due to problems with the intestines, liver or heart. However, due to the fact that such a symptom is not considered indicative and objective, it is impossible to immediately identify the disease. With infectious causes, as well as psychological, reddening of the skin does not carry a special danger. Sometimes when taking alcohol, as well as rubbing, the vessels can expand excessively. It is not dangerous to human life.

Why do red spots appear when drinking alcohol?

A red spot on the cheek of an adult who drinks alcohol is considered the norm. This is due to the fact that due to the effects of alcohol, blood vessels dilate. A large amount of blood begins to flow to the skin and hyperemia occurs. Such a phenomenon cannot be called pathological, since it passes on its own after a while without harm to a person. If a personsuffers from chronic alcoholism, his face may be red all the time.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnosis is carried out by taking an anamnesis, analyzing his complaints and visual examination of an adult red spot on the cheek or on another area of the face. Most often this is enough to make a diagnosis. If there is a suspicion of the infectious nature of the rash, then a scraping is taken. In cases where everything is in order with the skin and no problems were identified during the diagnosis, examinations of the heart, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and so on are prescribed.

red spots on face after sleep
red spots on face after sleep

Which doctor should I go to?

First of all, you need to contact a dermatovenereologist. Often there is such a doctor in all settlements. If necessary, he will write out a referral to other doctors (therapist, oncologist, gastroenterologist, and so on). If red flaky spots appear, then you need to go to the doctor urgently, as this may be a symptom of a serious illness.

Medicated treatment

It is necessary to treat spots on the face only after the doctor establishes the exact cause of their occurrence. Rashes are often atypical, so home diagnosis can be difficult.

If psoriasis is the cause, you can use tar-based soaps and shampoos. You need to wash yourself no more than 4 times a day. Apply a moisturizer before bed to hydrate your skin. This is a necessary measure, since tar dries out a lot.surface.

If there is inflammation or an allergic reaction, then you need to use products such as Sinaflan, Akriderm. These drugs should be applied in a small layer, without rubbing. They are used no more than 4 times a day. How many times you have to apply depends on the degree of damage and the clinical picture.

The described ointments contain hormones, so only a doctor can prescribe them. If the rash is of an infectious nature, then such remedies will be contraindicated. Antibacterial or antifungal are used, depending on the pathogen.

Creams and ointments

Which ointment or cream will be used depends entirely on the diagnosis. Consider the remedies that doctors recommend in most cases.

  • "Akriderm". The drug is based on steroids. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, acts aggressively. Edema and inflammation are removed quite quickly, exudation decreases. Prescribed for psoriasis, seborrhea, as well as non-bacterial problems that occur in a chronic form. It is necessary to apply from 1 to 6 times a day, depending on the clinical picture. The layer should be thin. Prolonged use is prohibited. The course is prescribed by a doctor.
  • "Losterin". This drug is used if a person has chronic dermatitis. It moisturizes the skin, softens it and relieves itching. It is applied in a small layer no more than 2 times a day. Often the drug is used as an additional remedy.
  • "Exoderil". Ointment of bactericidal and mycocidal type. Used incase of a fungal rash. The lesion is treated no more than 4 times a day, it is often advised to apply it as a compress.
  • "Naftader". It is an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic ointment. Used for ulcers, dermatitis and furunculosis. Used 2 times a day. If indicated, the dosage may be increased.

The tools described should not be used on their own. This is due to the fact that each of them has contraindications and side effects. Choosing the wrong remedy can only make the problem worse.

Folk remedies

Often, along with drug treatment, people also use folk remedies. You must first consult with your doctor so as not to make a mistake in the selection of compresses and masks. Often, young girls come to this type of treatment, who, after using dangerous cosmetics, suffer from allergies on the skin of the face.

erythema what is it
erythema what is it


Masks are recommended for both infectious and non-infectious problems. You can use store options, but you need to pay attention to their effect. If a person develops psoriasis, eczema, or other non-bacterial problems, then you can use the mask according to the following recipe.

We need to take a walnut-kerosene extract, two spoons of tar and a little fish oil. All components must be mixed and applied to the skin no more than 1 time per day. The mask should be kept up to 40 minutes. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. The base for the mask is made from greenwalnuts (0.3 liters). They should be crushed, poured into a liter jar and filled with kerosene to the top. The bank must be closed and left for three weeks. After the expiration date, you need to filter the mixture.

If it is an inflammatory rash, then you need to use a different mask.

You should take equal amounts of carrots and turnips. They need to be ground and brought to a homogeneous consistency. The mixture on the face lasts up to 20 minutes. The mask should be applied every day for 1-2 weeks. Wash off better with milk.


If a vessel on the face of a person has burst, then rubbing can help. They also help with skin conditions.

A decoction of blackberry leaves is used. You need to take 100 grams of a leaf, pour it with water (900 ml) and boil for 15-20 minutes. Next, the product should be filtered and cooled. You can use this rubbing for lichen, eczema, or for problems of an infectious nature.

Sea buckthorn oil can be used to make an excellent remedy. You need to take 5 grams of oil, mix with a fatty base (95 gr). This mixture should be wiped face no more than 3 times a day. This remedy disinfects, relieves inflammation and soothes the skin. If the vessel on the face has burst, then the drug will be an excellent remedy for fixing the problem.

red rash on face
red rash on face


In order for a person not to have a problem with facial redness, he needs to lead a he althy lifestyle, do not drink alcohol, avoid stress, and also consume more citrus fruits. They stabilize the body. Good nutrition and proper sleep are important.

In the dietyou need to add those foods that contain bioflavonoids, eggs, carrots, nuts, meat.

Besides this, you need to take care of your skin and not use dangerous cosmetics. If masks are past their expiration date, they should not be used. To wash off drugs from the face, you need to use running water and tar soap.
