Why does the top of my head hurt? Causes and Treatments

Why does the top of my head hurt? Causes and Treatments
Why does the top of my head hurt? Causes and Treatments

Headache is a common occurrence in people. It is also called cephalalgia. Usually a person takes painkillers and does not consider it necessary to seek help from a doctor. But it is worth noting that there are many causes of pain in the upper part of the head, and not all of them are harmless. Therefore, if such discomfort occurs frequently, a doctor's consultation will not hurt. It is worth considering questions about why the upper part of the head and temples hurt.

Why does the top of my head hurt?

top of head hurts
top of head hurts

The parietal part of the head can hurt due to many reasons. Sometimes this symptom is present as an independent phenomenon or is accompanied by a number of other signs. Even if there are no other symptoms besides pain in the head, you should not ignore this condition, still seek medical help. Information will be given by the nature of the manifestation of pain, its duration, etc.

Upper part hurtsheads? Reasons:

  1. Acute condition, when attacks of pain occur suddenly and are not regular. They occur with injuries, infections, against the background of stress, this condition causes a stroke or aneurysm rupture.
  2. Chronic condition is characterized by regular headaches, which sometimes do not go away even after taking the medicine. This happens due to a tumor in the brain, constant stress, frequent lack of sleep or due to osteochondrosis.
  3. If the pain appears in periods, for example once every few days or weeks, and is easily removed by analgesics, then this may indicate VSD, blood pressure disorders, neuralgia or female menopause.
  4. Recurrent syndrome. It manifests itself in hypertension, cluster pain, VVD or tumor process.

An experienced doctor will already be able to guess the cause of the crown pain by clinical manifestations, but additional studies will be needed to clarify the diagnosis.

Causes of headaches and how to eliminate them

If the upper part of the head hurts and presses, one can suspect such causes: trauma, migraine, hypertension, infectious and inflammatory processes, etc. All this will be discussed in more detail below.

Tranio-cerebral injuries

Post-traumatic pain in the head can disturb a person for the next two months. This condition may be associated with a concussion. The pain in this case is dull and pulling. Sometimes it pulsates.

Additional symptoms of cephalalgia are:

  • nausea and poor appetite;
  • fluctuating blood pressure;
  • weakness and craving for sleep;
  • mood change.

Ways to get rid of pain:

  • bed rest and medical examination;
  • analgesics and nootropics;
  • sedatives.


headache upper part of the skull
headache upper part of the skull

This disease can be divided into different types:

  1. Vasomotor migraine - pain occurs in the parietal region or on one side, for example, the left upper part of the head hurts. The reason is vascular changes in the brain.
  2. Neuralgic migraine - pain in the temples and upper part of the head. The reasons are weather changes, stress, overexertion and lack of sleep. Sometimes a person complains of nausea, decreased vision and impaired coordination of movements.
  3. Migraine with aura is accompanied by a number of symptoms, so this condition is called a syndrome. The person feels dry mouth, loss of appetite, nausea, dizziness, decreased vision, etc.


The most common cause of headaches. It may be present on the crown, but more often gives to the back of the head, occurs in the morning and intensifies during the day. The main symptom of hypertension is high blood pressure, which is the cause of the headache. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Infectious and inflammatory processes

The upper right side of the head or the top of the head can hurt against the background of infections such as influenza, tonsillitis, meningitis or encephalitis. Painmay increase depending on the degree of intoxication of the body. In addition, against the background of the inflammatory process, other symptoms occur, such as fever, general weakness, and respiratory manifestations.

A thorough diagnosis is carried out before treatment.


headache in the upper part of the head
headache in the upper part of the head

From nervous and mental stress, the upper part of the head often hurts. Particularly susceptible to this condition are women after 30 years of age, who are in constant emotional stress. In this case, it will be possible to get rid of the headache after the normalization of the situation.


If the upper part of the spinal column is affected, then blood circulation is disturbed first in the cervical region, and then in the brain. Due to this, radicular pathology occurs - neuralgia, when the upper part of the head hurts a lot. Pain can radiate to the temples, back of the head, cheekbones, shoulders, and even to the shoulder blades. The following signs of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine appear as concomitant symptoms:

  1. Loss of sensation in the upper limbs and in the back of the head.
  2. Frequent dizziness.
  3. Double vision.
  4. Weakness of the muscle tone of the cervical spine.
  5. Head and upper skull may hurt.

Treatment is supposed to be complex. First of all, the manifestations of osteochondrosis, including headache, are eliminated.


Often the culprits of headaches are benign or malignant tumors located in the brain. These circumstances cannot be eliminated with pills or improvised means of treatment, serious therapy will be needed under the supervision of the attending physician.

Pain in the presence of a tumor will be constant and intense. Painkillers do not help in this case. Pain gets worse in the morning or after physical activity.

Among other things, there are other symptoms:

  1. Nausea, often turning into vomiting.
  2. Vision or hearing loss.
  3. Poor coordination.
  4. Memory loss.
  5. Mood swings.
  6. Drowsiness and lethargy.

Symptoms that may accompany a headache on the top of your head

Headache is often accompanied by additional symptoms that may indicate a specific disease. Some of them can pose a significant threat to he alth, so you should immediately seek medical help. Additional symptoms of a headache may include:

  1. Sudden visual impairment.
  2. Irregular blood pressure.
  3. Headache persists even after taking painkillers.
  4. Increased body temperature due to headaches.
  5. Dry throat and nausea accompanying upper head pain.

Survey methods

top of head hurts
top of head hurts

You need to contact a specialist if your head hurts in the upper part of the head constantly. Even the most qualified doctor will not be able to determine the cause of the pain on his own, thereforethe patient is sent for examination.

Fortunately, at the present time, thanks to innovations in the field of medicine, it is not difficult to identify the cause of this condition. The most informative method is MRI. With the help of this device, the doctor can examine in detail the brain of a sick person and determine the pathological condition.

But in case of circulatory disorders, a CT scan will have to be performed. The vascular state is determined by the MRA method (magnetic resonance angiography).

To detect the presence of infection, it is necessary to take a blood test. If, in addition to the fact that the upper part of the head hurts, your vision has also decreased, you will need to consult an ophthalmologist. He will examine the fundus and determine possible violations.

Principles of treatment

severe pain in the upper part of the head
severe pain in the upper part of the head

If the head and the upper part of the skull hurt, treatment will be prescribed only after a complete examination of the patient. This must be done, especially if the pain bothers you often or regularly.

It is not forbidden to drink painkillers on your own, but if the headache is one-time, with repeated discomfort in the head, the pills can even do harm. If the problem is minor, you can use the Asterisk balm. It will temporarily relieve the symptoms of a headache.

When purchasing any medicine in a pharmacy, first read the instructions for it. This is especially true for children. Be aware that many medicines may not be suitable for young children.

How to treat a headache?

This treatment is provided for headaches, notassociated with serious pathologies:

  1. Analgesics. They will help to get rid of the pain for a while, but will not eradicate the cause. It is also worth remembering that pills can be addictive, and each time the pain will increase, and even more medication will be needed.
  2. With moderate pain, do not take pills, just take a walk in the fresh air, make an alternating compress - hot and cold. Usually these measures help if the head hurts from overwork or nervous tension. Do not smoke and drink alcohol during this time, they will only aggravate the situation.
  3. Acupuncture or acupressure can also help with one-time headaches. It is advisable to contact a specialist who knows which points to influence.
  4. Head massage helps with minor aches and migraines. The person relaxes and the discomfort goes away.
  5. Music therapy. It is better to include classical or ethnic music. But not all types of headaches endure extraneous noise, for example, with a migraine it is better to abandon this idea.
  6. The introduction of the drug "Botox". If this remedy is administered intramuscularly, a lasting result will be created that will eliminate tension and spasms in the head.

All of these methods can be effective if the pain is the result of stress, tension, overwork, etc.

Drug therapy

To know which drugs help with crown pain, you should read this list:

  1. "Citramon", "Askofen" are shown if there is a decrease in pressure.
  2. "Farmadipin", "Captopril" - these drugs are indicated for increased pressure.
  3. Vitamin and mineral complexes are indicated for migraine.
  4. "Sedalgin" is prescribed for cluster pains.
  5. "Spasmalgon", "Ibuprofen", "Nurofen" are painkillers that are recommended for paroxysmal pain in the head. After that, the patient should lie down.
  6. Walking in the fresh air is recommended for neurosis, depression or after stress. Such people are often prescribed antidepressants, psychotherapy courses and relaxing massages.

All medicines are recommended to be taken after consulting a doctor.

Folk therapy for headache relief

pain in upper left side of head
pain in upper left side of head

From folk recipes, the following have proven themselves:

  1. Use of cabbage leaf. This method has been proven over the years. The sheet is applied to the top of the head and left for 30 minutes.
  2. Dip your feet in a basin of hot water, for greater efficiency, a cloth soaked in cold water is wrapped around your head.
  3. If the top of your head hurts, make soothing teas based on herbs like mint, valerian, marjoram.
  4. Aromatherapy will be useful for migraines, the aromas of herbs such as sage, mint, marjoram or lavender can temporarily relieve headaches.
  5. Try wearing amber beads or a bracelet, they help with headaches.
  6. Oddly enough, by applying a mask of fresh cucumber on your face, you help yourself get rid of the pain inhead.
  7. Applying a cold compress to the head reduces soreness in it.


why does the top of my head hurt
why does the top of my head hurt

To prevent the occurrence of pain in the upper part of the head, the following preventive measures are necessary:

  1. Don't sit still, stay active, exercise and walk.
  2. Reduce coffee and alcohol consumption, they increase blood pressure, the he althiest and safest drink is ordinary drinking water.
  3. Pain will not bother if a person includes foods rich in vitamin B2 in his diet. It is found in nuts, spinach, eggs and broccoli.
  4. Food should be balanced, if there are not enough of some products, it means that there will be a shortage of the necessary trace elements. It is also necessary to avoid too fatty foods, fried, spicy and s alty foods. Always in the diet should be fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals and dairy products.
  5. Lack of sleep can cause headaches, so you need to get good sleep, which is an average of 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Before going to bed, ventilate the room, fresh air helps to fall asleep quickly.
  6. Do not allow stress in your life, do not overwork. Remember to have a good rest, which perfectly sets you up for the upcoming work. Often, pain in the top of the head occurs due to overexertion, after a good rest, it usually disappears.
  7. You should give up bad habits.

When the top of your head hurtslost interest in life. I want to do everything possible and impossible to eliminate discomfort. Early diagnosis will help start timely therapy, so do not delay the visit to the doctor.
