Knees and elbows are the places most likely to be injured. When falling back, they often land on their elbows, a push forward - and they suffer again. Therefore, so often a rash on the knees and elbows in an adult and a child (this is especially true for them) occurs initially here - in places that take part everywhere. On the elbows themselves, the rash can be of different localization: on the outside, on the folds, on the side, etc. The same applies to the knees, and there are a lot of reasons for this.
When a child has pimples and itches on his elbows, you should pay attention to this, because the pathology can be contagious. Pimples on the knees are no less rare.
Causes of a rash on the elbows

The skin can be damaged not only from the outside in the form of a rash, but also from the inside by:
- infection;
- allergicreactions;
- trophic and innervation disorders in chronic diseases;
- oncology;
- from old age.
Causes of a rash on the elbows and knees of a child can be:
- diaper dermatitis;
- chickenpox, scarlet fever, rubella, measles;
- food allergy;
- polyweed;
- skin irritation from clothing washed with allergenic powder;
- bites of stinging and blood-sucking insects;
- skin contact with certain plants (nettle).
In adults, the etiology is somewhat determined by age. In the elderly, for example, there is a clear connection between the rash and the intake of certain drugs, stress, metabolic and dystrophic disorders and inflammation (neurodermatitis, bursitis, etc.). Since the structure of the skin and the elbows, as well as the function of these areas, is practically the same, everything said below will apply to both areas.
There are some pathologies that like to hit the elbows: for example, constant friction of the elbows on the surface of the tables, desks.
Such constant contact creates a certain degree of humidity and temperature, microcracks appear in the skin, microbes settle in them, multiply, they cause inflammation.
This is especially common when working at a computer desk, bartenders, accountants, etc. The skin on the elbows is sensitive, dry and prone to peeling.
Causes of a rash on the elbows and knees in children and adults may be the following factors:
- urticaria;
- atopic dermatitis;
- eczema;
- psoriasis;
- lichen;
- scabies;
- mycosis (rare).
The nature of the rash

The rash in these areas can be located: on the inside or outside of the elbow, on the kneecap, on the inside of the knee, above and below the knee.
A rash under the knee is almost always combined with the same on the elbow, and chronic allergies often become its cause. The outer side of the elbow and knee "love" the fungus.
Rashes come in the form of: small dots, red spots, white vesicles, cracks, peeling, bumps.
Blisters and bubbles should never be popped. Rash may be accompanied by:
- itching with swelling;
- weeping;
- inflammation;
- flaking.
But the rash may not be accompanied by additional symptoms. Wetting suggests a bacterial etiology for the rash.
Diseases with rashes on the elbows
Among them are the following: granuloma annulare, psoriasis, eczema, pityriasis versicolor.
Granuloma annulare is a type of chronic rash that is common in women and children. The bodies of such people are usually he althy. The etiology of the rash is unknown. A rash in the form of round annular papules appears on the elbows, knees and hands.
There is no danger in it, except for the violation of appearance. Communication with homeless animals or caring for sick animals, if protection measures are not followed, can lead to the appearance of ringworm, scabies,settlement of fleas from animals on the body. All of these lesions cause a rash in the indicated areas.
Lack of body and clothing care

Wearing dirty clothes promotes the growth of pathological flora on the body. Unwashed skin is extremely attractive to mosquitoes and mosquitoes, various ticks. They love the smell of sweat. Mosquitoes, for example, can smell it at a distance of 10-15 meters.
Such skin is dangerous for wasp and bee stings. Dirty skin will contribute to the appearance of a pustular rash. Its unwashed surface has enlarged pores where allergens and infection can easily penetrate.
During the heat, the rash on the elbows and knees of the child itches and causes a lot of anxiety for the baby. This is a manifestation of prickly heat, in which a red dotted rash appears on the folds of the limbs due to irritation with sweat. This is a great environment for bacteria.
Eczema causes a rash, an inflammatory reaction in the skin, flaking, redness and itching. The disease is characterized by periodic disappearance and occurrence of a rash. Pathology can be manifested by rashes not only on the elbows, but also on the knees and other open areas of the body. First, pinkish blisters appear, which then crack, itching and peeling begin, then crusts appear, they become wet, while a watery liquid oozes from the wound.
The essence of the pathology is that there is a failure in the nervous regulation of the trophic processes of the skin. Moreover, all types of violations are present at the same time - destructionskin structures and the process of its regeneration. But attempts to "repair" remain futile, everything ends with tissue dystrophy. There is no complete healing, so the remission episode is inevitably replaced by an exacerbation.
On the skin, you can see areas with active red inflammation and tissue in the scarring stage (all shades of pink). On the border of inflammation and he althy skin, a peeling strip appears, covered with whitish scales. They can be completely detached and loose, or still retain their connection to the skin.
The exact etiology of the disease is unknown. One of the manifestations of psoriasis is plaques with itching and a rash on the elbows. At the initial stage, the rashes are invisible and do not cause inconvenience. Then plaques with silvery scales are formed. Psoriasis is a hereditary pathology, so it is not contagious.
Vitamin deficiency
The lack of vitamins causes not only a rash on the skin, but also microcracks. The condition is normalized after taking vitamins A and D.
On the elbows, the fungus is rare. He goes here from the armpits, interdigital spaces. If untreated, the fungus affects the entire body. On the elbows, the rash looks like oval-shaped spots, consisting of small white pimples.
Endocrine disorders
Also can cause rashes and peeling on the elbows. It is worth noting that a failure in the production of hormones easily occurs during stress.
Allergic reactions

Allergy on the knees and elbows in an adult and a child develops according to the same pattern, is associated with the release of biologically active substances -histamine, which causes unbearable itching. The reason is only one - contact with the allergen. This may be exposure to household chemicals, temperature changes, the use of certain products, inappropriate cosmetics, dust, pollen, washing powders.
The cause of an allergy can sometimes be assumed depending on the localization of the rash: for example, when the diet is overloaded, the rash will be sweet on the inside of the elbows; from the outside - the action of chemical allergens, etc.
Manifestations of allergies on the elbows
After contact with the allergen, the elbow area swells and severe itching appears. The rash is in the form of papules and vesicles, they are almost the same size. Their content is transparent. All elements of the rash tend to occur at once at the same time, they have no clear boundaries, they tend to merge.
If contact with the allergen continues, the rash spreads to the entire surface of the elbow joint. Over time, the bubbles burst, leaving a wet surface, increasing the risk of infection. If the allergen is removed, the rash disappears without a trace.
Treatment of rash on elbows
When a rash on the elbows and knees causes and treatment are interrelated. The therapy is unconventional, selected individually, and includes medications, herbal medicine, physiotherapy, cryotherapy.
Drug therapy

Consider the cause of the rash, the age of the patient, the type and size of the rash. May be assigned:
- Antibacterial agents - help to destroy pathogens, removing thisinflammation and itching. Forms of release are very different, which is convenient for any age. These drugs prevent infection and complications.
- Antiseptic drugs - these solutions treat the entire affected surface of the skin. They have drying and antibacterial properties. This prevents further infection and the spread of pathology to other areas. Moisturizers are indicated for dry skin, flaking and cracks.
- Hormonal ointments are the most powerful remedies for rashes. They have high anti-inflammatory properties, but in case of overdose they cause side effects. Use only as directed by a physician.
- For rashes and pimples on the folds of the arms and legs in children, symptomatic drugs are prescribed: antihistamines, pain and antipyretics; ointments, gels with regenerating, cooling effects.
After removing the rashes, treatment will be aimed at suppressing the inadequate response of the body's immune system to:
- appearance of antigen;
- improvement of all types of metabolism - general and local;
- strengthening the overall tone of the body and immunocorrection ("Ergoferon", "Cycloferon", etc.).
Self-medication without testing can be dangerous.
For scabies, external acaricides such as sulfuric ointment, Benzyl Benzoate, sodium thiosulfate, Permethrin, etc. are used.

When eczema is mandatory and the most important even at the beginning of treatment is the appointment of sedatives. Forlocal treatment shows hydrocortisone, prednisolone, zinc ointment, Soderm, Advantan. Baths with a decoction of string, celandine, calendula will help dry wet areas.
With psoriasis, ointments and creams will help - Daivobet, Akrustal, Elokom. Required to take vitamins, photochemotherapy.
If the cause of a rash on the elbows and knees of a child is an allergic reaction, then the allergen must first be determined. It is difficult for children, here the mother herself must find it. In addition to local treatment, it is necessary to take antiallergic drugs. They suppress the production of histamine and relieve itching. These drugs include: Pipolfen, Tavegil, Suprastin, Claritin, Erius, Diphenhydramine, etc. There are 4 generations of such drugs today and they have a wide range of release forms.
When the tablets are ineffective, the drugs are administered parenterally. In case of severe allergies on the elbows and knees, glucocorticosteroids are used - Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone, etc. "Loratadin", "Celestoderm", "Fenistil", etc.
If granuloma annulare is diagnosed, then with concomitant infections, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, drugs to improve microcirculation - Tocopherol, Actovegin, Retinol. Sometimes the lesions are chipped with "Dapson" or "Acetonide" (anti-leprosy, antibacterial). Cryotherapy is also used.
With mycosis, antimycotics are prescribed topically and orally: "Fluconazole","Mikoseptin", "Nystatin", "Ketoconazole", "Clotrimazole", etc. To improve metabolic processes, biostimulants are used - Aloe extract, FiBS, vitamins, circulatory stimulants ("Mildronate", "Ripronat").
Physiotherapy is indicated for general recovery and tone maintenance: magnetotherapy, UV radiation, radon baths, etc.
Treatment in children

Treatment of an allergic rash on the knees and elbows of a child also begins with the elimination of the allergen, as in adults. It can be difficult for small children under 3 years old to identify an allergen, and much depends on the attentiveness of the mother herself.
The baby's immune system is not yet fully formed. Even if the rash on the knees and elbows of a child delivers unbearable itching, parents should make sure that he does not comb it.
The mother should review the child's diet and adjust it, excluding pastries, chocolate, milk, red fruits, etc. In addition, sorbents are needed: Smecta, Polysorb, Laktofiltrum.
How to treat a rash on the elbows and knees in a child of a different etiology? This is determined by the doctor after finding out its cause.
Preventive measures
They always start with hygiene. It is necessary to avoid prolonged mechanical impact on the skin in the elbow area, to control its condition. Allergens and stress should be excluded. Adequate sleep is essential.
Vaccination is used for infections in children. Against dry elbows, creams and ointments are used to moisturize and soften their surface.
In case of damageskin should be treated with an antiseptic. With a tendency to allergies, cosmetics and perfumes are chosen very carefully.
Don't forget about hypoallergenic products. Gloves must be worn when using chemicals. Clothing (especially for a child) should be made only from natural fabrics. To exclude a rash on the elbows and knees, the child should not have chemical fibers in the composition of clothing fabrics. After contact with pets, hands should be washed thoroughly with soap, and it is better not to come into contact with stray animals at all.