Kidney pathologies are quite common. These include infections such as pyelo- and glomerulonephritis. In addition to them, there are other pathologies of the urinary system. One of them is Berger's disease. This pathology also refers to common anomalies. It is diagnosed in about 20% of cases of kidney disease in men. This violation applies not only to the problems of nephrology, as it has an immune mechanism of development. This pathology can be suspected by the main symptom - gross hematuria.

Berger's disease - what is it?
This pathology is a form of chronic glomerulonephritis. Compared with the hypertensive and nephrotic variant of the course, Berger's disease has a more favorable prognosis. Although it is diagnosed at an early age (15-30 years), it rarely develops into severe renal failure. The main manifestations of the disease are macrohematuria and discomfort in the lumbar region. This pathology can also occur in childhood. In the male population, it occurs 4 times more often than among women. As with all pathologies, the diagnosisexhibited according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Berger's nephropathy has the code N02, which means "persistent and recurrent hematuria".

Causes of disease development
The main cause of the disease is an infectious process. Most often, kidney pathology develops after a viral and bacterial infection. Fungal diseases can also be the cause. Usually, symptoms appear a few days after the infection in the upper respiratory tract subsides (ARVI, tonsillitis, pharyngitis). The immediate cause of the disease is the accumulation of immune complexes in the walls of the renal vessels. In some cases, there is a connection between the pathology and a burdened hereditary history (familial IgA nephropathy). In addition, the disease is associated with a genetic predisposition. The following provoking factors are distinguished:
- Hypercooling.
- Decreased immunity.
- Chronic viral and bacterial processes in the upper respiratory tract.
Mechanism of development of Berger's disease

The pathogenesis of the disease is associated with the deposition of immune complexes in the walls of blood vessels. Normally, the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys is responsible for filtering the blood. It consists of many nephrotic vessels. After an infection, the elements of the inflammatory process - immune complexes - remain in the body and settle in the glomerular apparatus. As a result, glomerulonephritis develops. Kidney vessels cannot function normally due to immunecomplexes, and blood filtration is disturbed. In addition, the inflammatory process causes fluid accumulation (parenchymal edema) and reduces the permeability of the basement membrane. As a result, macro- and microhematuria develop. The causes of these processes are damage to the glomeruli and the penetration of fluid (blood) through the basement membrane.

What are the symptoms of Berger's disease?
The clinical picture of Berger's disease resembles acute glomerulonephritis. However, it is important to distinguish between these diseases. The most common cause of glomerulonephritis is a staphylococcal infection. The methods of treatment of these diseases also differ. The main symptoms of Ig A nephropathy are:
- Hematuria. Most often, it is this symptom that causes patients to seek medical help. Gross hematuria means the appearance of blood when urinating. This is often accompanied by discomfort.
- Microhematuria is a symptom that remains invisible to a person and is detected only in special samples.
- Pain in the lumbar region. Most often they are dull aching in nature. Unlike other inflammatory processes in the kidneys (pyelonephritis), discomfort is observed on both sides.
- Having a previous upper respiratory tract infection.
- Increased body temperature.
- General weakness.
- Proteinuria - the appearance of protein in the urine. It is noted in rare cases, with an atypical course of the disease.
Ig diagnosticsA-nephropathy

The main diagnostic criterion for Berger's disease is a chronic course. Usually, the symptoms bother the patient 2-3 times a year, after the infection. It is also important to note that the disease is benign. Despite intermittent hematuria, the condition of the kidneys remains normal. Unlike other inflammatory processes (pyelo-, glomerulonephritis), CRF rarely develops with Berger's disease.
Laboratory diagnostics includes KLA, OAM and special urine samples (Nechiporenko, Zimnitsky). They are needed to detect erythrocytes and leukocytes. Depending on this, micro- and macrohematuria are isolated. In the general analysis of urine, protein may be present. To check if there is a violation of kidney function, the patient must donate blood from a vein for biochemistry. In this analysis, it is important to know the level of creatinine, which remains normal in Berger's disease. To make a final diagnosis, a test is performed for the presence of Ig A in the blood. In rare cases, a kidney biopsy is performed, in which immune complexes are found in the vascular apparatus. Ultrasound is also performed for differential diagnosis.
Immunological inflammation of the kidney: treatment
Despite the benign course of the disease, therapy is necessary during relapses. It is needed not only to alleviate the symptoms of pathology, but also to prevent complications and preserve kidney function. Treatment begins with the sanitation of foci of infection. Most often, antibiotics are prescribed for this (drugs "Amoxicillin","Cefazolin") and antiviral agents (drugs "Viferon", "Genferon"). In addition, NSAIDs are needed to relieve inflammation in the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys. The most commonly used drugs are Canephron, Ibuprofen. In kidney diseases, herbal medicines are effective. Special decoctions and infusions are also prescribed (knotweed, birch cones, bearberry).

If the disease is difficult to treat, there are frequent relapses or complications, then hormonal therapy is performed. Usually prescribe the drug "Prednisolone", as well as cytostatic agents. In some cases, antiplatelet therapy is needed, means to improve blood flow (medication "Kurantil").
Prevention of Berger's disease
It should be remembered that Berger's disease refers to chronic pathologies. Therefore, in order to avoid exacerbations, it is necessary to take preventive measures. It is important to sanitize the foci of infection (tonsillitis, sinusitis) in time, not to be exposed to hypothermia. Also, patients should periodically take courses of herbal medicine, support the immune system.