Such an ophthalmic process as an extensive purulent formation on the eyelid is called an abscess of the eyelid (according to ICD-10 - H00.0). The disease is manifested by swelling and redness, soreness and even an increase in body temperature. Headaches and a feeling of general weakness are not excluded.
In this case, it is extremely important to see a doctor, as there is a risk of spreading the inflammatory process, including to the brain area.
What causes festering?

The active activity of pathogenic microorganisms, such as streptococci and staphylococci, contributes to the development of the disease.
Abscess of the eyelid is a rapid process that often develops against the background of other ophthalmic ailments. For example, it may be preceded by styes on the eye or blepharitis. In addition, an abscess of the eyelid can occur if a person is in a very dusty place and does not use protective equipment.
In advanced cases and in the presence of provoking factors, the purulent process spreads to adjacent tissues and leads to dangerous consequences.
Main reasons

The following main causes that cause eyelid abscess can be identified:
- Herpes virus.
- Diseases of the nose or eyes.
- Dental diseases.
- Presence of infectious foci in the body.
- Blood poisoning.
- Further inflammatory process in the present boil on the eye.
- Sinusitis or other inflammation in the paranasal sinuses.
- Development of complications after an insect bite.
In childhood, the named ailment can also develop due to poor hygiene of the child - often kids unconsciously rub their eyes with dirty hands, which contributes to infection.
And in adulthood, an abscess of the eyelid can occur due to untreated inflammation or an unsuccessful attempt to squeeze out an abscess in the eye area.

According to the international classification of diseases, pathology has its own code. The upper eyelid abscess according to ICD-10, as already mentioned, was assigned the code H00.0.
Symptomatics with this pathology is bright:
- Inflammation develops rapidly, as a result of which a person begins to feel general weakness.
- He has a fever.
- The eye swells and fester.
Possible Complications
Such symptoms should prompt the patient to seek immediate medical attention. If this is not done, then complications will soon begin, the most dangerous among them are:
- meningitis;
- phlegmon;
- thrombophlebitis of the veins of the eye.
At the initial stage of the disease, the eyelid becomes swollen, and the tissues on it become denser. Many confuse the abscess of the upper eyelid and phlegmon, which means that it is worth mentioning their differences. With an abscess, pus is localized in one place, and with phlegmon, the purulent contents spread over the adjacent tissues.
There are also noticeable differences between abscess and barley: in the latter case, the suppuration process develops much faster (since the photo of the abscess of the eyelid is unaesthetic, we will not post it in the article).
Diagnostic measures

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by palpation of the inflamed area and the delivery of laboratory tests. If the process is started, the patient is offered to take:
- complete blood count;
- blood on RW;
- for sugar;
- urine data needed;
- Hbs-antigen check.
If there are indications, then you will need to consult a therapist, dentist, otolaryngologist.
Often, with an abscess of the eyelid, the tissues of the latter increase quite strongly, and often the patient cannot even open his eyes. He is in severe pain. At the same time, his lymph nodes are enlarged, and in the area of inflammation, the tissues become red and hot.
The acute period of the disease is characterized by the development of fever, decreased visual acuity and headache. Under the skin of the eyelid, a yellow purulent formation is clearly visible. In case of its breakthrough, pus flows out and the inflammation stops. But if a fistula has formed at the site of the breakthrough, then this aggravatesposition. Re-infection may occur and the disease will become more severe.
If an abscess of the lower eyelid is diagnosed, the patient's visual function is not lost, and the upper eyelid closes and opens freely. But this does not mean that treatment can be delayed, the inflammatory process can spread to he althy tissues. Therefore, do not hesitate to go to the doctor.

Therapy is prescribed only after diagnosis. The ophthalmologist determines the method of treating an abscess of the eyelid. In order for the therapy to be effective, the diagnosis of the disease is preliminarily carried out.
The doctor must determine whether an autopsy of a purulent formation is necessary. If there is a medical indication, then anesthesia is first done, and then an autopsy is performed, followed by removal of the contents of the abscess. Finally, the resulting cavity is treated with an antibacterial and antiseptic agent.
If everything is done carefully, the healing process is fast and there is no scar afterwards, since the incision is made along the edge of the eyelid. The opening procedure lasts an average of 10 minutes. But do not hope that this treatment is completed. The main therapy will be carried out after the removal of pus.

First of all, antibiotic therapy is carried out. Antimicrobial agents are used in the form of drops or eye ointments, which are laid behind the eyelid. To prevent the occurrence of re-inflammation, physiotherapy is carried out with suchmethods:
- autohemotherapy;
- photohemotherapy (UVI).
In addition, medical treatment is also carried out:
- Painkillers are taken for severe pain.
- Indicated taking sulfonamides
- The place where there was an accumulation of pus is treated with 70% alcohol.
- Before an abscess is opened, dry heat is applied to the site of inflammation.
- It is possible to carry out irradiation with a blue lamp.
While therapy is being carried out, some rules must be observed in everyday life:
- Don't get cold.
- Shelter your face from natural phenomena: rain, wind, snow and even direct sunlight.
- Avoid excessive exercise.
- If a surgical intervention was performed, then it is not worth straining, even slightly, during the entire period of treatment.
If the body temperature has risen, then symptomatic treatment is carried out with the use of antipyretic drugs and plenty of fluids.
Duration of therapy - an average of about two weeks. At this time, a person is recommended to take general tonic:
- anti-inflammatory herbal supplements;
- vitamins;
- immunomodulators.
Even after the treatment is over, it is necessary to protect the organs of vision, because in the next six months the risk of relapse is still quite high.
To reduce the likelihood of a re-inflammatory process, it is necessary to protect not only the eyes, but also the ENT organs: nose, ears andthroat. Treatment of an abscess of the eyelid is always carried out in a hospital, as the disease can cause complications in a short period of time.
How to avoid re-inflammation

To prevent the appearance of the described disease, be more attentive to your he alth, stop the inflammatory process in the face in a timely manner, increase immunity. Immune protection is sometimes the best prevention of many diseases. In addition to hardening procedures and sports, it is necessary to pay special attention to proper nutrition. First of all, plant foods are needed, which will enrich the body with useful vitamins and trace elements.
Thus, we can highlight the main actions for the overall strengthening of the body:
- Water treatments.
- Frequent outdoor activities.
- More movement and hiking.
- Physical education. For people aged and in the presence of chronic ailments, it should be moderate.
- Regular visits to the ophthalmologist.
- Timely elimination of infections, including in the eye area.
If it is possible to replace contact lenses with regular glasses, then do it. If you have a need to constantly touch your eyes, for example, with a decrease in vision, contact an ophthalmologist to select the means to correct it.
In the summer, do not neglect sunglasses, they will not only protect against bright sunlight, but also prevent dust from entering your eyes, protect you from mechanical damage andtear.
If qualified medical care was received in a timely manner, then the prognosis for a century abscess will be favorable. The main thing is not to miss the process of spreading pus to other tissues of the body.
Recovery with a favorable prognosis occurs in two weeks. But in some cases, there may be a risk of serious complications:
- infection of the membrane of the eye;
- general infection of the whole organism, with the penetration of pus into the blood;
- the development of meningitis, with the penetration of purulent masses into the brain area.
If you do not want such consequences of an eyelid abscess (according to ICD-10 - H00.0), do not touch your eyes with dirty hands, do not act on them mechanically and do not use various drugs without medical prescription.
If you suspect that an abscess is developing in the eyelid area, that is, swelling of the eyes, swelling has developed, pain is present, headaches and general weakness have appeared, body temperature has risen, do not hesitate to go to the doctor. The sooner you seek help, the faster and easier you will get rid of suppuration. In addition, the likelihood of complications will be reduced to zero.