Lactostasis in a nursing mother, the symptoms and treatment of which can only be determined by an experienced specialist, is a fairly common disease. The woman experiences severe pain in the breast area. Some even have a desire to stop breastfeeding. If you neglect the treatment of pathology, the process of pus formation may begin in the glands.
What is lactostasis?
The mammary gland consists of several lobes, each of which has its own duct for excreting the secret into the external environment. When one of them is blocked, lactostasis develops. In the first few days, the disease is not dangerous, but may be accompanied by fever and soreness. Milk protein, gradually accumulating in the ducts, is perceived by the woman's body as a foreign body.

Lactostasis becomes dangerous on the third day. If the high temperature persists, you should consult a doctor. Around the fifth day, inflammation occurs, which turns into infectious mastitis. It is strictly forbidden to treat it at home. Therapy must be prescribed by a doctor with the mandatory use of antibiotics.
External causes of lactostasis
No woman is immune from milk stagnation. There are many factors that can lead to the development of the disease.
- If the shape of the nipple is not perfect, it is very difficult for the baby to take the breast correctly. As a result, the woman has to use special pads and pump her breasts.
- Narrow mammary ducts can also contribute to lactostasis. If the milk is high in fat, they will quickly form plugs.
- Among the avoidable factors leading to the development of the disease is improper breastfeeding. This is especially common for primiparous women who have no experience in this matter.
- Another cause of lactostasis is squeezing the ducts with tight underwear or your own body when a woman sleeps on her stomach. Many prefer to hold the breast with their hand while feeding, which also interferes with the outflow from some lobes of the gland.
- Mechanical damage, injury, hypothermia - all these factors contribute to milk stagnation.
Breast lactostasis often develops against the background of non-stop pumping. Our grandmothers and some pediatricians never tire of repeating that milk must be constantly expressed. As a result, the chest remains completely empty. The body receives a kind of signal about the need for additionalnutrition for the child. The baby, in turn, does not need such a large amount of food. After the next feeding, milk remains in the breast, and the mother begins to express it. A vicious circle is formed, which provokes stagnant processes.
Internal Causes
When hyperlactation milk secretion increases several times. It is formed several times more than the child needs. In addition, against the background of dehydration or constant stress, the milk becomes excessively thick. This is what affects the likelihood of blockage of the ducts.
If mommy does not get enough sleep regularly and is loaded with household chores, emotional instability can occur. Stress also provokes lactostasis in a nursing mother. Symptoms and treatment of the disease in such a situation require an immediate response from the woman. The thing is that emotional overload at the reflex level causes muscle spasm in the area of the ducts. That is why doctors recommend young mothers to rest more, try to avoid excessive stress.

Lactostasis in a nursing mother: symptoms
Both treatment and the likelihood of complications directly depend on timely diagnosis. Therefore, every lady should know the first signs of this disease.
- Breast soreness.
- Bumps and small irregularities protruding from the surface.
- Chest seals.
- Redness of the skin.
- Feeding discomfort.
If you ignore at the initial stagesigns of lactostasis, in a nursing woman, the breast quickly begins to swell and swell. The skin becomes hot and painful. The woman has a fever, weakness and chills. Expressing milk brings only discomfort. The baby is refusing the breast because he cannot latch on properly.

Treatment of lactostasis
Having found the initial signs of this disease, it is necessary to immediately begin its treatment. At first, each mother can cope with the disease on her own, without resorting to serious drug therapy. All medical procedures should be aimed at normalizing the movement of milk.
The best medicine is the newborn himself. If he suckles well, position him so that his nose and chin rest against the affected area. Despite all the pain of this process, it is recommended to offer unhe althy breasts twice as often. The sooner the full flow of milk through the ducts is restored, the sooner the discomfort will pass.
Now every feeding should turn into a real ritual.
- Initially, it is recommended to increase the outflow of milk with the help of heat. To do this, make compresses, take a hot shower.
- Massage with lactostasis allows you to increase the outflow of milk in the affected area. To reduce pain discomfort, you can use oil or a special cream.
- Some milk needs to be expressed regularly.
- If you periodically apply cold compresses to the sore spot,you can remove increased puffiness.
After pumping, it is necessary to gently attach the baby to the sore breast so that he can bring the therapeutic process to its logical conclusion. You can repeat such a healing ritual before each "meal".

Drug therapy
Of the medicines that are prescribed at the first signs of illness, they use Traumeel cream, Malavit solution, and Arnica ointment for lactostasis. A nursing mother should keep any of the listed funds in a home first-aid kit, and if necessary, immediately resort to his help.
If milk stasis is provoked by stress or strong emotional experiences, you can take a No-Shpy tablet before feeding. The drug helps to relieve spasms of the ducts and facilitates the passage of milk. The medicine is recommended to be taken three times a day, but before that you should consult your doctor.
When a young mother has a fever with lactostasis, you can take Ibuprofen. If it is not possible to get rid of the pathology in three days, doctors begin treatment with antibiotics. Usually prescribed "Amoxiclav" and "Augmentin". Self-medication is not recommended, medication should not be started without a doctor's prescription. Only in this case it is possible to prevent the development of mastitis.

Some women are prescribed physiotherapy to increase fluid outflow. For example, ultrasound helps to get rid of seals in just one session. If the desired effect cannot be achieved within several procedures, there is no point in continuing them. Magnetic therapy and light therapy are also actively used in medical practice.
Physiotherapy should be an element of complex treatment. Their use as the only treatment option is not very effective.
Folk recipes
Alternative medicine offers its own solutions to such a problem as lactostasis. Treatment at home with the help of folk recipes is recommended if kneading the breast did not give the desired results.
To reduce pain and facilitate general well-being, you can attach a cabbage leaf to the affected area. It must be rinsed under running water and make several cuts. Then the sheet should be applied to the chest and fixed with a bra.
Chamomile infusion promotes unblocking of the milk ducts. To prepare it, you need to pour two tablespoons of dry grass with a glass of boiling water, insist for an hour. Then, in the solution, it is necessary to moisten a gauze napkin and attach it to the sore chest. It is recommended to repeat the procedure at least three times a day.
The proposed compresses can be used as an additional remedy against such a disease as lactostasis. Treatment at home can reduce swelling and relieve discomfort. You should not reduce the frequency of feeding, because the main remedy for this ailment is still pumping.

Complications of lactostasis
The likelihood of complications increases if a woman is in no hurry to see a doctor. Common negative effects of this disease include the following:
- mastitis (inflammatory process in the mammary gland);
- tissue necrosis;
- abscess of the gland (formation of purulent foci);
- hypogalactia (reduced milk production).
Lactostasis itself is a complication of the postpartum period. Against the background of this disease, a number of other pathological processes may develop.
Unlike most ailments, the appearance of lactostasis can be prevented by constantly monitoring the condition of the breast and following fairly simple rules.
- It is recommended to feed the baby in different positions, periodically changing the position of the body.
- It is necessary to pay special attention to those areas of the gland where thickening is felt.
- It is better to use special underwear for nursing mothers, which does not have tight seams and bones.
- After discharge from the hospital, you need to follow your own daily routine, eat rationally. Compliance with the correct drinking regimen allows milk to have the perfect consistency.
- Mom of the baby should not neglect the rest. If the child is restless, during his sleep it is better for a woman to postpone household chores and devote time to herself. You can involve dad in caring for a newborn.

Lactostasis should not be underestimated. At a nursing motherthe symptoms and treatment of this disease require special attention. If you find seals in the chest, you should consult a doctor and follow all his recommendations. Stay he althy!