Child bitten by mosquitoes: what to do?

Child bitten by mosquitoes: what to do?
Child bitten by mosquitoes: what to do?

Where do almost all children go on vacation? Of course, in the village, in the fresh air. Indeed, in the countryside, the most beautiful nature, meadows, rivers - a paradise for a child. But in any such fabulous place, as you know, “mosquito hunting” for people begins in the evening. A mosquito bite can cause an allergic reaction and lead to serious problems. The child was bitten by mosquitoes: what to do? What means of protection against blood-sucking insects are effective? Let's figure it out.

baby bitten by mosquitoes what to do
baby bitten by mosquitoes what to do

How to recognize a mosquito bite?

When you are outdoors in the evening (or when the windows are open before going to bed and during sleep), you can certainly hear the squeak of a mosquito. Usually children do not pay much attention to such a trifle, and often because of this, it is the kids who are prone to a large number of bites. Signs confirming a mosquito bite:

• redness;

• swelling of the bite area;

• itchy.

Bite: what to do?

The child was bittenmosquitoes. What to do? How to provide first aid? Many parents ask this question.

Alcohol, vodka

First of all, the bite site should be disinfected. Thus, the risk of inflammation can be significantly reduced.

Saline solution

It is very important not to scratch the area of the body that has been bitten. Scratching a mosquito bite with dirty hands can cause infection. But it is very difficult for children to refrain from scratching this place, as they experience severe itching. To get rid of it, there is a very simple and effective way. In a glass of water, stir the s alt (about a teaspoon) and grease the bite with a cotton swab dipped in this solution. This procedure will certainly relieve itching if you treat the inflamed areas of the body with this solution several times.

child safety
child safety


If a child is bitten by mosquitoes, what to do with swelling? Ice can be applied to the swelling of the inflamed area. Just wrap the ice cubes in a bag or wrap in a thin cotton cloth and apply to the sore (from a mosquito bite) place. This will relieve itching and relieve some inflammation.


The active ingredients of the ointment are anti-allergic and fight the visible signs of an allergic reaction.


Cut off a small piece from a potato and tie to the bite. Or you can grate it, wring it out a little and tie it.


Toothpaste will also help to cope with this unpleasant problem. Put her down for a fewminutes in the freezer, and then anoint the itchy place. The baby will feel a pleasant coolness, and the swollen area on the skin will become smaller. Such simple tips will help get rid of the consequences if the child was bitten by mosquitoes.

baby bitten by mosquitoes
baby bitten by mosquitoes

What should I do to prevent such trouble in the future?

Mosquito net

If you have plastic windows at home, then a mosquito net is already provided in the design of the windows. If the windows are not equipped with protection, then by all means in the summer it is necessary to stretch a special mesh or gauze in order to protect yourself from mosquitoes.

Mosquito plates and liquids

Such control methods help to easily get rid of not only mosquitoes, but also flies and midges. The only downside is that not all plates and liquids are safe for children. And for all of us, the safety of the child is of global importance.
