Athletes and physically active people often have a cyst on the back wall of the knee, which consists of fluid. At first glance, it may resemble a swelling or hernia, its size can reach 1 cm.

Before you understand how to treat a cyst in the knee, you need to understand the symptoms. Often this problem occurs due to the progression of arthrosis. The cyst may lie dormant for a long time without causing any inconvenience.
A doctor should be consulted if a person has pain in the knee when extending, bending, walking. Numbness may also be associated with these manifestations. If the cyst ruptures, the patient's skin will become red, and there will be severe pain.
Treatment of a cyst under the knee depends entirely on the causes of the formation. The most common precipitating factor is trauma. Sometimes a cyst is formed due to a bruise or rupture of the meniscus. It used to be that fluid accumulates under the knee in professional athletes who do not spare their joints. However, later it turned out that often the cyst issecondary disease in arthritis, arthrosis and periarthritis. Formations of this type cause those processes that affect the condition and work of cartilage, ligaments and bone tissues.
It should be noted that sometimes cysts occur even as a result of inflammation in the body. Even the flu and bronchitis can lead to damage to the joints (not just the knee).

How to treat a cyst under the knee depends not only on the causes, but also on the type of problem. Each type has its own symptoms. Consider further each type separately.
Baker's cyst
This problem is considered the most common. Baker's cyst under the knee is manifested by the appearance of a neoplasm of a soft and elastic form. When moving, a person feels severe discomfort. Over time, destruction occurs in the capsule, and the patient experiences pain. The tumor itself grows larger over time.
Ganglion cyst
Women are most often diagnosed with this type of education. The metabolic processes in girls are unstable, if constant inflammation and strong physical activity are added to their violation, then a cyst will appear. Outwardly, it resembles a solid ball in which there is a duct. This capsule, where the liquid is located, is called a hygroma. Often leads to severe pain in the knee. With growth, the pressure on the vessels will only increase. Often, such a formation leads to varicose veins.
Meniscus cyst
A cyst behind the knee can occur and subsequently stretch the tissues of the meniscus. This body performsdamping properties. As soon as the liquid begins to accumulate due to a violation of its work, it begins to stretch. This leads to innovation. At the very beginning of the disease, the cyst can only be detected by histological examination. Over time, it will become palpable and visible to the naked eye.
If the cyst in the knee is not properly treated, pathological changes can occur not only in the joint capsule, but also in the ligaments. There are two types of meniscus lesions: internal and external. If you start the disease, then the disease will go into a parameniscal form. In this case, it will be quite difficult to cure her.
Synovial cyst
If a patient has hypertrophy of the synovial membrane, then he will probably have a cyst. Unfortunately, little is known about this formation at the moment. It is impossible to identify the cause by 100%, therefore, it will take time to find the right treatment. The only effective way to get rid of this type of knee cyst is surgery, since conservative treatment most often does not give a positive result.

Thanks to modern diagnostic methods, you can find out all the information regarding education. They allow you to understand the localization, shape and composition of the capsule. Most often, a puncture is performed. The liquid from the internal cavity of the cyst in the knee is taken for testing. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to determine possible causes in the shortest possible time and prescribe an approximate treatment.
Excellent diagnostic methodsMRI and ultrasound are considered. To understand the size and exact location of the cyst, these methods are used. MRI allows you to determine whether there are changes in bone tissue and cartilage. This approach makes it easy to prescribe the right treatment as quickly as possible.
In rare cases, resort to the use of arthroscopy. A small incision is made and a tube is inserted, with the help of which the doctor examines the joint cavity.
To prevent not only the development, but also the formation of a cyst, you need to periodically take blood and urine tests, the results will show whether there are inflammatory processes in the body.

Depending on the type of tumor and its location, a decision will be made on the treatment of a cyst under the knee. Surgery is one of the most effective methods. As a rule, drug treatment is used only to suppress symptoms and the inflammatory process. Before surgery, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be used. Sometimes they are prescribed after surgery.
As mentioned above, the most successful method of treatment is surgery. After the operation, the recovery period will be long, as the joint needs a long period to recover.
Specialists note that the most sparing method of treatment will be puncture. The doctor must insert a needle into the tumor and drain fluid from it. Thanks to modern anesthetics, this procedure is completely painless. Recovery does not take long.
What and howto treat a cyst under the knee depends entirely on the condition of the patient. Thanks to rapid diagnosis, you can get rid of the disease at an early stage of its development. This allows you to keep your he alth at a good level.
Baker's cyst treatment
Baker's cyst is also known as Becker's cyst. Treatment is prescribed only for a complete diagnosis and exclusion of the development of another type of education. Therapeutic methods are also affected by the presence of chronic pathologies, lifestyle, age, profession.
Treatment will be directed at the cause of the Becker cyst in the knee. Doctors recommend patients to reduce the load, to ensure maximum peace. Cold can be used to relieve pain and swelling. This method will be effective only during the first two days after the onset of the first symptoms.
If you need to remove puffiness, then you should use an elastic or regular bandage. They need to fix the knee. The bandage must be applied tightly, but so as not to pinch the vessels and veins. The leg should be positioned in an elevated position to improve blood circulation and reduce swelling. In the event that the doctor has prescribed and there is no need for inpatient treatment, painkillers can be used, the additional effect of which is the removal of inflammation. These include Ibuprofen, Naproxen, and so on.
Complex therapy for Baker's cyst
First of all, the specialist prescribes a treatment that will relieve the symptoms. That is, the task of the doctor is to remove inflammation, remove puffiness and reduce the pain effect. If there is an increase in temperature, then it must be brought down. The specialist should choose analgesics. The drug used will be selected individually, depending on the patient's condition. To the already above funds, Ketorol, Diclofenac should be noted. To relieve inflammation, Nimesulide and Indomethacin are often added.
How to treat Becker's cyst under the knee if the temperature has risen? In this case, Ibuprofen or Paracetamol is prescribed. Often the temperature rises as the cyst ruptures and begins to rot.
In parallel, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. To eliminate the causes of the appearance of a neoplasm, etiotropic treatment is prescribed. In the event that the cyst was caused by an autoimmune disease associated with connective tissue, corticosteroid hormonal agents are prescribed. These causes include rheumatoid arthritis. Examples of drugs: "Prednisolone", "Dexamethasone". These drugs neutralize the immune system's response to connective tissue cells.
If the patient has polyarthritis, then corticosteroids are prescribed. In order to get rid of itching, you need to take antihistamines. To improve the functioning of the immune system, the doctor prescribes immunomodulating agents.
With gouty arthritis, experts prescribe "Benemid", "Allopurinol". They allow you to remove uric acid from the body. It is she who provokes inflammation and the production of joint fluid.
In the event that osteoarthritis caused the cyst behind the knee, the patient is prescribed corticosteroid drugs. Thanks to them, inflammation and swelling are quickly removed.
Often, specialists resort to drainage during therapy. It is necessary to use a thick needle, insert it into the cyst, suck out the liquid. After that, it is necessary to introduce hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. This procedure may be repeated several times. It allows you to relieve inflammation, relieve pain and restore the function of the knee joint.

Physiotherapy methods for Baker's cyst
Together with the conservative method of treatment, it is best to carry out physiotherapy in parallel. Doctors advise bioresonance therapy and pulsed electromagnetic field. The first method destroys all pathological substances in the body and improves the functioning of the immune system. The second one returns diseased cells to their original state.

Folk treatment
Today, traditional healers offer many ways to cure their joints. However, all of them will give a positive effect only at the first stages of cyst development. Decoctions, lotions, compresses, baths and medicinal herbs are used. Before taking any remedy, you should consult a doctor. He must make a diagnosis and advise the patient on the state of his he alth.
As a rule, all folk remedies only allow you to remove the symptoms and relieve the inflammatory process for a while. But the cyst in the knee still remains, so its treatment should not be ignored. Doctors adviseresort to alternative treatment only after a successful operation. Compresses and herbal lotions are perfect. They will relieve swelling and reduce pain.
In order to treat the discomfort that occurs in the joint, it is recommended to use the setting of the golden whisker. It is necessary to insist on parts of this plant on alcohol for a month, and then you need to rub the resulting mixture into a sore spot. It is advisable to do this at night. Many healers note that the remedy also has a resolving effect.
Clay applications also receive positive feedback. They will relieve both inflammation and pain. Clay can be diluted with water, herbal decoction. She needs to cover the sore spot. The procedure should be done every day before going to bed. Wash off the clay after 30 minutes.
Preventive measures
If a person is prone to joint problems, then it is necessary to monitor the physical activity that he performs. Otherwise, a cyst in the knee may occur. If it is present, extra exercises will only provoke an aggravation.
Overweight often leads to joint problems. That is why a person needs to eat he althy food, and also, if necessary, diet.
If the cyst has been removed, the doctor will prescribe special therapeutic exercises that will bring the joint back to normal and prevent the development of relapse. In addition, they are aimed at reducing the load on the knee.
If there is a desire to use medications that are designed to restore cartilage and tissues, then you need to first discuss this withthe attending physician. Many drugs have not only side effects, but also a large number of contraindications.

It is important to notice the disease in time to avoid serious complications and long-term treatment. In severe conditions, surgical intervention cannot be avoided. In the early stages, conservative treatment can be carried out.
Reviews of folk methods make it clear that it is effective only for relieving symptoms and only in the early stages of inflammation.
Reviews about the operation are positive from all patients. Thanks to surgical intervention, the problem is solved once and for all.