Perfectly smooth skin is the property of every person who takes care of himself and worries about his appearance. But what if there are scars on the body that remain after acne, operations, burns, contact with aggressive chemicals, or injuries? In such cases, it is worth paying attention to the means designed to eliminate pronounced defects in the epidermis. Let's figure out which methods are most effective in treating scars and scars.
One of the most effective traditional medicine methods that is used to treat scars is the use of beeswax-based ointment. The substance perfectly softens the collagen fibers of the epidermis, promotes the resorption of scar tissue.

To prepare such an ointment for the treatment of scars, you must do the following. Prepare about 400 grams of sunflower oil. Add about 100 grams of beeswax here. Thoroughly mix the ingredients and put on a smallthe fire. The composition must be heated for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. The beeswax scar treatment ointment will be ready to use after it has completely cooled.
Apply the remedy to the places of scar formation several times a day. The positive effect of using the product can be seen already for a month. However, if you use this method to treat a scar on your face, you should not expect instant results. After all, the connective tissue in the presented area is absorbed extremely slowly.
Marshmallow Root
The healing plant is known not only for its anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties, but also for its rather effective absorbing action. No wonder traditional healers have used marshmallow root for centuries to heal scars.
How to prepare the remedy? It is not difficult to make an infusion from marshmallow root. To begin with, a tablespoon of vegetable raw materials is carefully crushed. The resulting mass is soaked in a glass of cold water. The remedy is insisted throughout the day. The resulting composition is used to lubricate scars. It is recommended to resort to the procedure 5-6 times a day. Such a medicine perfectly softens the skin and gradually dissolves the scar tissue.
Grass woodlice

A plant such as woodlice will help in the fight against scars. To prepare the product, freshly picked grass is placed in a deep container, poured with vegetable oil and tightly sealed. The medicine is sent to infuse in the refrigerator forfew weeks. After the specified time has passed, the composition is carefully filtered. The resulting remedy is used in the form of compresses, which are applied to the places where scars form. Each procedure should last about half an hour. For the speedy elimination of cosmetic defects, it is necessary to resort to this method daily.
Cabbage packs
Cabbage leaves contain in their structure substances that are distinguished by healing and anti-inflammatory qualities. In particular, the regeneration of skin cells contributes to the abundance of E vitamins.
To prepare a remedy for scars and scars, cabbage is crushed to form a slurry. A small amount of liquid honey is added to the composition. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed. The product is applied to problem areas and covered with napkins. Such a compress is kept on the skin for several hours. The procedure is resorted to daily until a positive effect is achieved.
Contractubex Gel

The presented remedy for the treatment of scars is considered one of the most effective among the medications for this purpose. "Kontraktubeks" has the form of a gel-like substance that has a neutral aroma. The active ingredients here are: heparin sodium, allantoin and onion extract Serae. These components have qualities that contribute to the resorption of keratinized scar tissue. Regular use of the product helps to accelerate the formation of new, he althy cells of the epidermis. During therapy withusing the gel "Kontraktubeks" elimination of inflammatory processes and allergic reactions in the defect area is observed.
The use of the product looks like a great solution if you need to treat postoperative scars. The gel is also suitable for prevention, aimed at preventing the formation of new scar tissue on a completely healed wound surface.
How to use Contractubex correctly? The agent is applied to the scar area, performing light rubbing movements. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day. As a rule, the scar tissue begins to actively dissolve after about a month after the start of treatment using the gel.
The obvious advantage of the tool is the possibility of its use by people of any gender and age. The substance does absolutely no harm to the body of women during the period of bearing or feeding a child. As for contraindications, these are only individual intolerance to certain components in the gel.
Zeraderm Gel

The drug includes the active substance polysiloxane. The component is a high molecular weight silicone compound. The composition also includes vitamins E and K. An additional element is coenzyme Q10, which takes part in the formation of new epidermal cells.
The use of Zeraderm gel in the treatment of scars contributes to:
- Saturation of scar tissue with moisture, softening of deformed collagen fibers, rapid resorption of neoplasms on the skinand flattening of scars.
- Eliminate the burning sensation in the area of scar formation.
- Preventing the development of inflammatory reactions.
- Active cell renewal in areas of skin damage.
You can start treatment using the gel immediately after the wound has healed. The agent is applied in a thin layer on pre-cleaned, disinfected skin. The procedure is performed several times a day, rubbing the gel with light movements.
The time it takes to achieve a positive effect here depends on the size of the scar, the age of the defect, and the individual skin type. Usually positive changes are observed after 2-3 weeks. In the most difficult clinical cases, treatment takes several months.
Like the previous remedy, Zeraderm gel is absolutely safe, not only for adults, but also for children. Women can use the medicine during the period of gestation and lactation.
Skargard cream

The tool is a viscous substance, which includes silicone, vitamins of group E, and hydrocortisone. The medicine is applied to the scar tissue using a special applicator. After drying, the cream forms a film that compresses and tightens the skin. The active substances in the composition of the product stimulate the production of collagen and provide softening of the tissues of the epidermis. All this contributes to the gradual resorption of scars.
Before using the Scargard cream, the skin is cleaned, disinfected and dried. The tool is applied todefective area several times a day. The course of treatment is about a month. In the presence of large, extremely deformed scars, therapy can be delayed up to six months.
Side effects when using the cream are extremely rare. The tool is allowed to be used to eliminate scars for adults, as well as for babies over the age of 2 years. This treatment is not recommended for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.
Laser Scar Treatment

The use of the laser method of scar removal makes it possible in a fairly short time to smooth out the deformed collagen fibers of the epidermis and make the shade of the formations on the skin less red. As a rule, only a few procedures are required to achieve a noticeable effect.
Despite its effectiveness, the method has several disadvantages. It is possible to resort to laser treatment of scars only after six months have passed after the formation of a defect. At the same time, there is a possibility that over time, the damaged tissues of the epidermis will resume their growth again.
Cryogenic therapy
Application of the method looks like an effective solution in cases where there are hypertrophied, chronic scars and scars. The impact on such defects of extremely low temperature allows you to change the internal structure of collagen fibers. During the procedure, unnecessary cells are destroyed, which are the cause of the formation of textured surfaces on the skin.
It is worth noting that such scar treatment is absolutelypainless and allows you to eliminate the problem over a short period of time. However, after completing all the necessary procedures, small dark areas may form on the skin.
Surgical removal of scars

Surgical removal of scars and scars is used in extreme cases, for example, if a person has tried all available methods and has not received any positive changes. In addition, surgical intervention makes it possible to reduce the size of a large, extremely textured defect on the skin, which is located on an open, visible area of the body.
This method is quite effective. However, there is a risk of damage to he althy tissues, which can provoke the growth of another neoplasm. In order to prevent negative consequences, doctors often prescribe a course of postoperative radiation to patients.
In conclusion
As you can see, there are a lot of effective remedies available today to eliminate scars and scars. It is reasonable to resort to complex treatment, adopting not only folk recipes, but also cosmetic procedures and pharmacological preparations. This approach to the organization of therapy makes it possible to get rid of cosmetic defects as soon as possible and avoids unnecessary, prolonged suffering.