Can nerves vomit: symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention

Can nerves vomit: symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention
Can nerves vomit: symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention

Every person at least once in their life has experienced nausea, the cause of which was difficult to explain. Sometimes it happens that in dangerous or difficult situations this unpleasant sensation makes itself felt. Can nerves make you sick? There are many causes of nervous disorders that cause nausea or vomiting.

Why do you feel sick from nerves?

  • Nausea can occur with strong emotional overload or fear of something in he althy people.
  • Somatoform autonomic dysfunction that disrupts the upper digestive tract, most often causes nausea.
  • Depression can cleverly disguise itself as a stomach ailment, manifesting as nausea.
  • Neurasthenia, as one of the diseases, which is accompanied by nausea from the nerves.
  • Anxiety disorders, in addition to disorders of the nervous system, worsen the functioning of the stomach.
  • Anorexia and bulimia cause nausea and vomiting from the nerves.
  • An imaginary pregnancy in a woman who is trying with all her might to have a baby or, on the contrary, is afraid of it, can manifest itself inmorning sickness, similar to morning sickness.
  • Sensation Conversion Disorder, which occurs as a pathology of the nervous system, explains whether nerves can make you sick, since this sensation, along with other feelings, is characteristic of a hysterical illness.
  • Hypochondriacal disorder, which is a mental illness, can be accompanied by a large number of different complaints, including nausea, confusing doctors.
  • Nausea and vomiting are a companion of gastric and duodenal ulcers, which very often occur and worsen due to nerves.

Nervous nausea in mentally he althy people

Nausea with severe overexertion
Nausea with severe overexertion

Can he althy people feel sick from the nerves? A feeling of nausea and a feeling of a lump in the throat when food does not fit into the mouth can occur with strong emotional experiences. Most often, unrest is associated with a negative situation or an important event where you can’t lose face. Pupils and students may complain of nausea before exams. Adults may experience this state before speaking in public or before an important meeting, hiring. With losses, bad news at the peak of negative emotions and crying, nausea and urge to vomit on a nervous basis may occur. During the experience of positive emotional reactions or strong sexual arousal, the feeling of nausea also occurs in perfectly he althy people.

Somatoform autonomic dysfunction

Somatoform autonomicdysfunction
Somatoform autonomicdysfunction

One of the neurotic disorders, the result of which is an imbalance in the regulation of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system over the internal organs. Dysfunction affects the entire human body, but it proceeds differently in different people, having a negative impact to a greater extent on one of the organ systems. Patients who often complain of pain in the stomach, interruptions in appetite, heartburn, belching, nausea, vomiting, rumbling in the abdomen, examined and treated by a gastroenterologist, but without organic changes in the structure of the digestive organs, fit into the category of people with somatoform autonomic dysfunction affecting upper parts of the digestive tract. These patients carefully listen to their feelings, so they can state an increase in nausea against the background of nerves and overstrain, as well as an increase in other painful symptoms in a non-standard or unpleasant situation.

Nausea in depressive disorders

Depression can hide behind nausea
Depression can hide behind nausea

Depression in its classic form is characterized by apathy, low mood, tearfulness, irritability, anxiety, sleep disturbance, loss of interest in one's appearance and hobbies, lack or decrease in appetite. This condition is associated with a lack of serotonin in the brain. A mood disorder can be hidden behind pain or other unpleasant sensations. This is most often a headache, back pain or abdominal pain. A person undergoes a lot of examinations, which practically do not reveal deviations. Cansick of the nerves and experiences of such a patient? Undoubtedly, it can either from the endless cycle of diagnostic procedures, or other troubles and situations. Such nausea can also hide a mask of depression, which, with the right approach, will come out and become clear to the patient himself.


Symptoms of nausea from the nerves may be associated with such a neurotic disease as neurasthenia. In most cases, it is characterized by a lack of strength, painful weakness, difficulty in performing one's duties, fatigue from any work, unstable mood, headache, dizziness, poor appetite, discomfort in the stomach. Such patients are strongly asthenized and concerned about their condition. In laboratory, instrumental examinations and examinations by specialists of a narrow profile, doctors do not see serious diseases. The condition can last for months, with an undulating course. The pathology is associated with neurotransmitter processes in the brain and is being treated by a psychotherapist.

Anxiety disorders

This is a large layer of mental disorders associated with the malfunctioning of systems for the transfer of biologically active substances in brain cells. Anxiety in a sick person often occurs for no reason or has no good reason, pursuing him throughout the day, preventing him from sleeping normally at night. Such patients feel sick from the nerves, the symptoms of nausea may be aggravated by emotional stress. Anxiety may become more pronounced in crowded places, on public transport, onstreet, shops, clinics. In addition to nausea, patients may experience heartburn and pain in the upper abdomen.

Eating disorders

Nausea and vomiting
Nausea and vomiting

These disorders are characterized by impaired food intake. With anorexia, a pathological craving for a slim figure leads through diets to a complete refusal of food. Sick people after an imaginary overeating deliberately cause themselves to vomit. The habit of sticking two fingers after eating leads to loss of appetite and nausea. Nausea and vomiting can lead to dehydration, emaciation and exhaustion. The situation is extremely dangerous, because without proper help it leads to death within a year after the onset. With bulimia, active overeating leads to overdistension of the stomach and nausea. Inducing vomiting is also common in these patients.

Phantom pregnancy

Nausea is possible with an imaginary pregnancy
Nausea is possible with an imaginary pregnancy

Can a woman expecting a pregnancy feel sick from nerves and worries? Of course it can. Moreover, sometimes a pathological condition develops when there is no pregnancy, but there are symptoms of its occurrence. A woman with an imaginary pregnancy feels an increase in the mammary glands, weakness, dizziness and nausea in the morning. Nausea is the most common sensation in patients who feel pregnant. This condition is also possible with fear or unwillingness to have children, fear of becoming pregnant.

Conversion Disorders

This disease has been known for a very long time under the "name" of hysteria, and more oftendevelops in women. The sensation disorder develops due to insufficient synthesis of serotonin and dysregulation of the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the patient's nervous system. Nausea and vomiting often occur at the peak of emotional distress and may be accompanied by other symptoms, including pain.

Hypochondriacal disorder

This disease is characterized by a persistent search for any disease, producing various symptoms. Nausea is one of the most common. Such patients always make a lot of complaints that relate to their bodily condition. The disease lasts for a long time, some complaints follow others, anxiety about he alth can grow against the background of diseases of relatives and friends. Many examinations passed by such people reveal only minor functional abnormalities that are not associated with a serious pathology of organs or body systems.


Psychosomatoses are called diseases of the organs, the trigger mechanism in which is stress and nervous strain. These pathologies include gastric and duodenal ulcers. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether a patient with a peptic ulcer can feel sick from the nerves will be positive. The disease is chronic, and exacerbations depend on seasonality and the functioning of the nervous system. Any stressful negative situations can cause an aggravation.

How to recognize the disease?

It is necessary to examine the patient thoroughly
It is necessary to examine the patient thoroughly

The main criterion that helps to put the rightthe diagnosis of nervous nausea is the absence of pathological changes in the organs that can provoke it. Therefore, the patient must be fully examined. It is necessary to carefully ask all the circumstances of the occurrence of nausea, what provokes and exacerbates it. Find out what other complaints the person has. Clarify the details of his behavior with close relatives living with him.

A general and biochemical blood test should be performed to differentiate nervous nausea from inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract.

Make a urinalysis, examining the condition of the kidneys, diseases of which can lead to nausea due to poisoning of the body with metabolic products.

Ultrasound examination will help to recognize cholecystitis, pathology of the liver, kidneys and pancreas.

Fibrogastroduodenoscopy will assess the condition of the stomach and duodenum. Using a probe, you can see the presence of ulcers, erosions, inflammation, bile reflux, oncopathology. As a result of the examination, a biopsy is taken to look at the cells of the tissues of the stomach under a microscope.

If it is impossible to do an EGD, an x-ray of the stomach and intestines is prescribed, which will also show an ulcerative defect in the wall of the organ.

Examination of the small and large intestines will rule out the pathology of these organs, which can cause nausea, including intestinal obstruction.

Monitoring pressure will reveal hypertension, which often causes nausea.

Examination by a neurologist is also included in the mandatory list,to rule out brain pathology.

Only after all the examinations, as a result of which no serious deviations in the structure of the organ were revealed, the patient should be referred to a psychotherapist to correct nervous nausea.

How to deal with nausea from nerves?

How to help yourself with nausea
How to help yourself with nausea

Help with nausea, accompanying an exciting situation, a he althy person can provide himself. During an attack, breathing exercises are effective with tension on inhalation of the muscles of the press and chest, and then they are relaxed on exhalation. You should focus on breathing and muscle work.

Breathing with a long breath will help to bring the nerves in order. Inhalation is done in four counts, the breath is held for seven seconds, and then there is a slow exhalation, which must be done twice as long as the inhalation.

If breathing exercises do not help, then medicines come to the rescue. Glycine, being an amino acid that improves brain function and calms at the same time, is ideal. Two tablets should be kept under the tongue until dissolved. Before a session or an important project, take it well for 20-30 days. You can combine the intake with B vitamins.

Anti-anxiety herbal remedies will help with nervous nausea. These are "Novopassit", "Persen", "Herbastress". For those who do not like to take pills, there are soothing teas that can be drunk by adding lemon, honey or sugar to taste.

Directly for nauseain cases where the above methods do not help, you can take "Hofitol". This preparation is herbal and safe, even for pregnant women.

How to get rid of nausea from nerves in the presence of mental disorders, a psychotherapist or psychiatrist will tell you. The doctor will select not only drug treatment, but also develop a program of measures to alleviate all symptoms and rebuild life positions and beliefs. This painstaking work largely depends on the patient himself, on his desire to be he althy and successful.
