Prussic acid in the modern world is not only found in nature, but is also a product of human destructive activity. You need to know the symptoms of hydrocyanic acid poisoning and first aid in order to have time to prevent the most serious consequences for the body.
Prussic acid

Prussic acid is a dangerous poison that quickly acts on all body systems. It has been known since historical times, when it was used for murders, military operations and suicides. Currently, poisoning can more often be of a domestic nature due to ignorance or improper consumption of foods containing this toxic substance.
How can you get poisoned

Prussic acid is found in nature. The source is bitter almond kernels and fruit pits. Peach pits contain up to 3% of this substance, slightly less in apricots and plums. Derivativeacid is part of the seeds of cherries, sweet cherries and apple trees. Hydrocyanic acid is formed in the stomach during the decomposition of amygdalin, which is part of the seeds and almonds. Therefore, poisoning can occur with a large (30 pieces) consumption of bitter almond nuts, peach or apricot, plum and cherry jam with stones, as well as apple jam, especially when it is stored for a long time. The possibility of poisoning exists when drinking wines infused with these berries and fruits with stones. The lower the body weight, the less amygdalin is needed for poisoning, since it can cause death at a dosage of 1 mg per 1 kg of weight. Bitter almonds are not eaten, but are used only for the manufacture of cosmetics. But even sweet almonds contain a small amount of hydrocyanic acid.

There are substances produced from hydrocyanic acid (cyanides). They can be part of the means of combating mice and rats, so you can get poisoned by staying in the room where deratization takes place for a long time, as well as if rat poison gets into food.
Toxic substances (cyanides) can be components of pest control products, so you need to treat your garden plot in a special respirator so as not to inhale harmful fumes.
In metallurgical production, plastic plants and rubber factories, hydrogen cyanide is used in technological processes. Tobacco smoke is also rich in harmful substances.
Symptoms of hydrocyanic acid poisoning
The mechanism of the toxic effect of acid is associated with its ability to combine with oxygen in the blood. Taking on all the oxygen, the toxic substance blocks its entry into the cells of organs and tissues. There is a state of acute lack of oxygen - hypoxia. The brain is the first to react to nutritional deficiency, which leads to disruption of its work and depression of the central nervous system (headache, lethargy, drowsiness, fainting). Following the brain, other organs are affected. This leads to multiple organ failure.
Depending on the amount of substance that has entered the body, one can distinguish mild, moderate and severe degrees of poisoning.
Mild poisoning

In humans, the symptoms of hydrocyanic acid poisoning of a mild degree can be considered: general weakness, rapid muscle fatigue, an unpleasant bitter taste in the mouth, lack or decrease in appetite, pronounced salivation, nausea, aggravated to vomiting, dizziness and headache, shortness of breath without exercise.
In this case, a person may not even understand what exactly he was poisoned with. All unpleasant symptoms disappear after the complete removal of the toxic substance from the body (up to three days).
Medium poisoning
Signs of moderate hydrocyanic acid poisoning include agitation of the nervous system, accompanied by restlessness, fear and anxiety.
Skin and mucous membranes turn scarlet,the heart begins to beat less frequently, and the pressure, on the contrary, rises, which is associated with a lack of oxygen. Shortness of breath increases, breathing becomes shallow.
In the middle stage of poisoning, you can hear the characteristic bitter smell of almonds coming from the patient.
The brain reacts with disorientation and confusion. There may even be convulsive readiness.
The described symptoms, even in case of timely treatment, do not disappear quickly, so the patient must be under the supervision of medical professionals for at least six days.
Severe poisoning

Severe symptoms of hydrocyanic acid poisoning require immediate treatment. Any delay threatens the patient with death. At this stage, changes with the body occur in several stages.
At the first stage, there is a gradual aggravation of the symptoms that were observed with an average degree of poisoning.
At the second stage, there is a significant increase in shortness of breath, as the organs and tissues do not have enough oxygen. The skin and mucous membranes acquire a reddish tint. Pain in the region of the heart begins, the pulse quickens, arrhythmia may occur. There is depression of the central nervous system: pupils dilate, agitation and disorientation increase. A persistent smell of almonds emanates from the patient. It is very difficult for him to breathe on his own. The breath is short, does not alleviate the condition, occurs often and intermittently.
The third stage is characterized by convulsions, both clonic and tonic. A person can even bitelanguage. This is characterized by loss of consciousness, aggravation of shortness of breath, a drop in heart rate and an increase in blood pressure. Muscle spasms can continue and build up to several hours.
The state at the fourth stage leads to respiratory arrest, a drop in blood pressure and a cessation of cardiac activity. Clinical death ensues.
Complications and consequences of toxic exposure
Complications of symptoms of hydrocyanic acid poisoning depend on what dose of the toxic substance the patient received, and also at what stage the help was provided.
Since oxygen starvation primarily affects the brain, complications in the central nervous system can be irreversible. The patient should be wary of the development of secondary parkinsonism, gait disturbance associated with changes in the cerebellum, encephalopathy of toxic origin, muscle paresis and paralysis, depression and neurotic disorders.
Effect on the heart of hydrocyanic acid can lead to toxic cardiomyopathy. Of the rapidly developing complications, the occurrence of pneumonia, acute heart failure and kidney damage should be noted. To avoid all these harmful effects, treatment should be started as soon as possible.
Determining the symptoms of hydrocyanic acid poisoning should take place as soon as possible. The ambulance crew or any other medical worker who first encounters the victim should quickly determine the possibility of poisoning in the violations described above. Atclose people or relatives should clarify the fact of using products containing amygdalin. Find out if rats were poisoned in the house, if the household plot was treated with harmful chemicals, in which industry the patient works.
When the patient is delivered to the hospital, blood and urine tests are taken, electrocardiography and other studies are performed as indicated.
Help with hydrocyanic acid poisoning

Whoever first discovers a person poisoned by hydrocyanic acid should immediately call an ambulance. Independently, without wasting time in vain, the victim should be given sweet water to drink (three tablespoons per half liter of water), give activated charcoal (two tablets per 10 kg of body weight). It will help to wake up by inhaling the vapors of ammonia for three to four seconds. When poisoning has occurred due to the fault of poisonous fumes, the patient should be transferred to clean air.
If the person is unconscious, with heart rate and breathing difficult to track, begin CPR with chest compressions and CPR in a five-to-one ratio.
Upon arrival, ambulance workers will administer a specific antidote for hydrocyanic acid poisoning. Such a substance is sodium thiosulfate (up to 50 ml of a 30% solution), which, when released into the blood, breaks the chain of pathological reactions. In case of severe poisoning, it is possible to re-administer the drug at a lower dose. Decomposition products of hydrocyanicacids after neutralization with sodium thiosulfate will be excreted in the urine.
Further treatment
After providing first aid and introducing an antidote, the patient is taken to the hospital for examination and further treatment of hydrocyanic acid poisoning.
If the patient is mild, they can quickly let him go home, taking the necessary tests and making sure that his life is not in danger.
In case of moderate and severe poisoning, the victims should be under the supervision of doctors. In life-threatening cases, treatment continues in intensive care. Carry out infusion therapy with saline solutions and glucose for the speedy removal of toxic substances from the body. Shown oxygen therapy, funds that support the work of the heart and lungs, drugs that restore the brain.
After discharge from the hospital, follow-up treatment takes place on an outpatient basis, observation by diversified narrow specialists, rehabilitation measures are carried out aimed at restoring he alth.
Prevention of poisoning

To prevent symptoms of hydrocyanic acid poisoning, the following rules must be observed:
- Peaches, plums, apricots, cherries, sweet cherries and apples should be pitted when making homemade jams and wines.
- Don't eat bitter almonds and make sure children don't eat too much, even sweet almonds.
- Keep food and skin away from poisons used forextermination of rats and mice.
- Treat plants with chemicals using personal protective equipment.
- Use the necessary protective attributes in hazardous production.
- Do not smoke and try not to stay in a smoky room for a long time.