Acne is a real scourge for many people. They are not limited in the place of deployment, and there can be several dozen reasons for their appearance. Why do pimples appear on the hands? How to deal with them? Can beautiful smooth skin be restored to hands?

Pimples below the elbow are most often an allergic reaction to household chemicals, food, cosmetics, etc. Strong food allergens include citrus fruits and honey. You should definitely contact a dermatologist to find out the cause. He will prescribe special samples, on the basis of which he will select medicines and ointments. If you're prone to allergies, try changing your household chemicals or do all your housework while wearing gloves.
If you see small pimples on your hands, more precisely, on the back of your hand, then you most likely have scabies. This is an infectious disease caused by the scabies mite. It feeds on the skin, while the infected person develops severe itching. Scratching re-infects.

Pimples on the hands in this case can spread tothe whole body, if treatment is not started in time.
Any disruption in the functioning of the body entails problems. Its protective functions decrease, hormonal failure occurs, metabolism is disturbed, etc.
Weak immunity is a green light for all viruses, bacteria, infections, fungi living in the body and on its surface. Lead an active lifestyle, go in for sports, be outdoors more often, eat right, then your protective barrier will be strong and reliable.
Pimples on the hands can be the result of disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. For example, dysbacteriosis often causes skin problems. Also, the reason may be a lack of vitamins and minerals.
If you notice water pimples on your hands, then you may have rubella or measles, or another similar infectious disease. The fungus also causes such a reaction. Just don't self-medicate. Getting rid of fungal infections is a complex and lengthy process, and it is important to start it on time and correctly. Therefore, do not miss the time and consult a doctor immediately.
Don't neglect hand hygiene - dirt also causes skin diseases.

Hormonal imbalance is a very common factor in the appearance of various rashes, and they can be observed throughout the body. Pay attention to your attitude towards yourself, do not underestimate self-esteem, do not compare yourself with others. Love yourself! Actually it is very important. Any emotional stress causes a hormonal surge, which can lead toto acne and other imperfections.
Pimples on the hands (and in other places) should not be combed and squeezed out. Never cauterize an inflammatory element of unclear etiology. Wash your body daily with special cosmetics for sensitive skin. Better avoid soaps and gels with fragrances and perfume additives. It is very useful to wipe the skin with a decoction of celandine. Eat fresh fruits, vegetables, berries.
Whenever possible, get out into nature. Fresh air and sun are good for the whole body.