Acute infections of the upper respiratory tract - diagnosis j06 on sick leave

Acute infections of the upper respiratory tract - diagnosis j06 on sick leave
Acute infections of the upper respiratory tract - diagnosis j06 on sick leave

Acute infections of the upper respiratory tract j06 - a diagnosis used by doctors to encrypt sick leaves according to the International Classification of Diseases. The cipher is often used due to the frequent lesions of the nasopharyngeal organs by viral agents.

j06 diagnosis

This code from the International Classification of Diseases means acute infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. On sick leave, diagnosis j06 can be classified as follows:

  • J06.0 - acute laryngopharyngitis;
  • J06.8 is placed in case of multiple location of infectious lesions of the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract in the acute stage;
  • J06.9 Set when an acute infection cannot be specified.

Incidence and etiology

Viruses are the cause of acute laryngopharyngitis
Viruses are the cause of acute laryngopharyngitis

In many cases, the decoding of the diagnosis j06 is used to determine acute laryngopharyngitis. The incidence is especially high in winter. It can occur with approximately the same frequency in women and men.

Acute laryngopharyngitis is an inflammatory lesion of the mucous layer of the pharynx and larynx. The disease is caused by viruses (influenza viruses, parainfluenza, rhinoviruses), bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci) and fungi. There are catarrhal, edematous, hemorrhagic and phlegmanous forms of the disease.

Acute laryngopharyngitis in adults

diagnosis j06 transcript
diagnosis j06 transcript

J06 is diagnosed with sore throat, aggravated by swallowing, perspiration, coughing, hoarseness, enlarged submandibular and cervical lymph nodes. The general condition also suffers. Increased body temperature, headache, sweating, muscle pain and weakness.

Diagnosed by examining the pharynx, edematous and red. Laryngoscopy allows you to see inflammatory changes in the larynx and vocal cords. In the general blood test there will be leukocytosis and an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. A chest x-ray is necessary to exclude the development of bronchitis and pneumonia.

Treatment of acute laryngopharyngitis in adults depends on the cause of the disease. In case of viral etiology, antiviral agents (Anaferon, Groprinosin, Arbidol, Cycloferon, Remantadin) are the drugs of choice, antibiotics (macrolides, penicillins, cephalosporins) are prescribed for bacterial infections. Anti-inflammatory therapy - to relieve pain, swelling and temperature ("Ibuprofen", "Aspirin", "Paracetamol"). Topical treatment includes the appointment of sprays and absorbable lozenges to relieve the condition. Rinsing with antiseptics:furacilin, chlorhexidine, herbal remedies (chamomile, sage, calendula). Antitussive drugs (Libexin, Ambroxol) are also important. Physiotherapeutic procedures are used only after the temperature drops.

Prevention of acute laryngopharyngitis comes down to hardening the body, increasing immunity, a he althy fortified diet, physical activity and walking in the fresh air.

Acute laryngopharyngitis in children

j06 sick leave diagnosis
j06 sick leave diagnosis

J06 is diagnosed by pediatricians in the presence of fever, sore throat, painful swallowing, perspiration, dry barking cough, enlargement and sensitivity of the lymph nodes in the neck, sweating, weakness and hoarseness of voice, up to its disappearance. The doctor will examine the child's throat, listen to the lungs, prescribe tests, throat swabs and x-rays.

For the treatment of children, depending on age, antiviral drugs are used. "Amiksin" is used from the age of 7, "Anaferon" - from one month of life, "Influcid" - from 3 years. In the presence of bacterial microflora in the discharge from the pharynx, antibiotics are prescribed. Anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antipyretic drugs should be used strictly according to age. Topical treatment will help reduce pain and sore throat.

Sick leave in case of illness of a child over the age of three is issued to the mother or father.
