Urine is a natural waste product of the body, excreted by the kidneys. This physiological fluid includes a number of chemicals, including s alts. Having received the results of the tests, many mothers are concerned about the high content of s alt in the urine of the child. But the presence of s alts does not yet indicate pathological manifestations, especially if they are found only once. In this case, the analysis cannot be considered indicative at all. If s alts are detected regularly, then this may be due to diseases of the digestive system or kidneys.

Do not be afraid and panic if s alts are found in the urine of a child. Often this is due to malnutrition. Our kidneys filter all the fluid that enters the body, separate harmful toxic substances and remove them to the outside. S alts in the urine of a child may be the result of the abuse of products that contain guanine or adenine (purine bases). They are found in large quantities in legumes, meat, herring. Broths based on these products retain 50% purine. Oxalic acid, which is part of tomatoes, sorrel, radish, can also provoke the deposition of s alt in the urine of a child.

A small amount of s alt is easily excreted from the body. Some of them are deposited on the walls of the kidneys and urinary tract. These deposits thicken and increase in size over time. This is how stones are formed that impede the outflow of urine, clogging the ducts. This process is accompanied by pain in the kidneys and painful urination. The accumulation of toxins due to impaired kidney function causes infectious diseases. Untimely treatment leads to the fact that the inflammatory focus passes to the tissues of the kidneys. This stage threatens with serious consequences that will make themselves felt throughout life.
As a preventive measure, you should follow a diet that helps balance the concentration of s alt in the urine. It is also necessary to undergo periodic examinations. A modern urine analyzer allows you to conduct a study as accurately as possible.
If the baby is breastfed, then the s alt sediment may indicate that the above foods are present in the mother's diet. But you should not neglect going to the pediatrician, as this can also be a signal of kidney dysfunction. In any case, it is necessary to pass all urine tests prescribed by a specialist, undergo an ultrasound scan, etc.

If the amount of s alt is higher than the permissible norm, then it is necessary to adhere tostrict diet. Nephrologists in this case recommend completely eliminating peas, lentils, tomatoes, sorrel and concentrated juices. During the day, you should drink a liter of water (at least), preferably filtered. When the s alt concentration reaches a normal level, it is necessary to completely revise the child's daily menu and accustom him to a he althy balanced diet. You should not deprive the baby of vital products, you just need to observe the measure. For example, he should eat no more than 100 g of meat and no more than 60 g of liver per day.