Ointment "Linkas": instructions for use, description, analogues, composition

Ointment "Linkas": instructions for use, description, analogues, composition
Ointment "Linkas": instructions for use, description, analogues, composition

Ointment "Linkas Balm" is very popular due to its natural composition and high efficiency. The plant elements present in its composition can significantly improve the general condition of the patient, eliminate the symptoms of a cold, and clear the respiratory tract of pathological mucus. The drug has a mucolytic and expectorant effect, which helps to stop the cough reflex, reduce its frequency and intensity.

linkas for kids
linkas for kids


The content of Linkas ointment is represented exclusively by natural substances of plant origin. The ointment is available in plastic containers. The weight of the medication is 25 g.

One gram of ointment balm contains:

  • menthol - 200 mg;
  • camphor - 70 mg;
  • eucalyptus oil - 60mg;
  • turpentine oil - 20 mg;
  • clove oil - 40mg;
  • paraffin white, soft and hard (as optional components).

Thisthe medicinal product of natural origin has a thick consistency and is white in color.

Description and pharmacological properties

linkas ointment instructions for use
linkas ointment instructions for use

Linkas ointment promotes the evacuation of sputum from the respiratory tract and eliminates the manifestations of a cold, shows its effectiveness due to the properties of the elements of the composition:

  1. Menthol has a cooling effect on skin receptors, which reduces irritation. At the same time, a local anesthetic effect is noted. This substance can also have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. During inhalation procedures, the organic substance helps to liquefy the pathological secretion and removes its respiratory channels, normalizing the respiratory functions of the body.
  2. Camphor, being a medicinal substance of plant origin, has local irritating, antimicrobial and analgesic properties, and also reduces the manifestations of the inflammatory process, acting directly on the lesions. Due to the excitation of sensitive skin receptors, blood vessels expand, the trophism of tissues and organs improves.
  3. Eucalyptus oil, which contains eucalyptol, pinene, myrtenol, has antiviral, bactericidal and fungicidal properties. After application, it has a local anesthetic and irritant effect. Showing local anesthetic properties, this active substance eliminates itching. When inhaled, it has an antihypoxic, expectorant and mucolytic effect, whichallows you to get rid of cough and clear the respiratory channels of accumulated mucus.
  4. Turpentine oil is produced on the basis of pine resin, has a disinfecting effect, helps to reduce the severity of discomfort by irritating skin receptors. At the same time, histamine and specific active substances are released, which has a general tonic effect. When turpentine vapor is inhaled, secretion is activated through the bronchial glands.

Linkas ointment with a combination of vegetable oils present in its composition is a highly effective remedy with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. During the use of this remedy, the symptoms of colds and flu are relieved, thick mucus in the bronchi with bronchitis quickly liquefies, the frequency of coughing attacks decreases, muscle and headaches become less intense.

linkas balm ointment instruction
linkas balm ointment instruction

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Linkas ointment is used for the following pathological conditions:

  • acute respiratory pathology, in which symptoms occur in the form of cough, severe runny nose, muscle pain;
  • accumulation of stubborn sputum formations characteristic of the development of bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis.

Consider the instructions for the medication.

How to use the drug correctly?

If cough is one of the symptoms of a cold, it is recommended to apply this medicine to the neck, chest and back. Toto enhance the effectiveness of the drug, a warm bandage should be applied over the treated area of the skin.

As indicated by the instructions for the Linkas Balm ointment, in the event of a severe runny nose, nasal congestion and difficulty breathing, it is necessary to treat the wings of the nose and the bridge of the nose.

linkas ointment for children
linkas ointment for children

It is also possible to eliminate muscle pain through the use of an ointment, while applying it should be on painful areas. For maximum effectiveness, it is also recommended to apply a warm bandage to the treated area.

If cold symptoms are marked by severe intensity, then this pharmacological agent should be used as the main medicine for inhalation procedures. To do this, you need to dissolve 1/4 teaspoon of the ointment in hot water, after which, using an inhaler, inhale vapors or sprayed liquid. Inhalation procedures can only be carried out by adult patients. During pregnancy, such treatment is also undesirable. The course of treatment lasts an average of 7 days, the number of therapeutic procedures should not exceed 4 times a day.

Instructions for use for Linkas ointment must be strictly observed.

Possible adverse reactions

Among the negative effects that may occur during the period of application of the ointment, we can distinguish:

  • burning sensation;
  • allergic symptoms;
  • reddening of the skin on the areas treated with ointment;
  • itch.

When alarming symptoms appear, it is necessarysee a doctor immediately.

linkas ointment instructions for use for children
linkas ointment instructions for use for children


Restrictions regarding the use of this pharmacological agent include:

  • high sensitivity to the composition of the drug;
  • the presence of violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • under 18;
  • predisposition to develop bronchospasm.

This must be considered before appointment.

Special Recommendations

The use of Linkas ointment is allowed only externally and for inhalation activities. It is important to ensure that the product does not get into the eyes or mucous membranes.

If the ointment was used in high dosages, then there is a high probability of increasing side effects.

Lincas ointment for children

Children's immunity is not sufficiently formed, which is why it is susceptible to a variety of viral diseases, and this is especially noticeable in the cold season. Infectious pathologies are accompanied by fever, sore throat and runny nose.

Linkas ointment application
Linkas ointment application

Linkas ointment eliminates general inflammation of the respiratory tract, relieves swelling of the bronchial mucosa, softens cough, helps to eliminate sputum, thinning its structure. Despite the fact that the instructions indicate the restriction of the use of the ointment in childhood, pediatricians often prescribe this remedy to children, since it has a natural composition and is relatively safe. This medicine improves the immunity of the child, and its antibacterial properties contribute to a quick recovery.


linkas ointment
linkas ointment

Ointment analogues include:

  1. Turpentine ointment. The active element of this remedy is turpentine oil, which is extracted from needles. The drug has a warming effect on the upper respiratory tract, has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, which makes it effective in the treatment of infections of the respiratory system of an infectious nature with the occurrence of complications.
  2. "Doctor Theiss". This is a warming ointment that is used for coughs, based on essential eucalyptus oil and camphor. Due to the properties of these active substances, sputum thinning, a decrease in the severity of inflammation, and the normalization of the secretion of bronchial structures are observed. The medicine is effective in the treatment of colds and seasonal respiratory infections.
  3. "Doctor Mom". This medicine consists of camphor, menthol, nutmeg, eucalyptus oil, turpentine. The mechanism of action is based on warming properties, reducing inflammation. A distinctive feature of this remedy is a pronounced analgesic effect.

We reviewed the instructions for use for Linkas ointment for children and adults, studied all the features of the drug.
