Cough in a child can be caused by various reasons. Parents are always worried when their child gets sick, so they are ready to try any cold medicine for children to help their baby. To choose the right medicine, you need to determine what triggered the cough.
Therefore, it is necessary to contact a medical specialist so as not to harm the child, since self-medication is extremely dangerous. Although the doctor will prescribe the drug, the parent must still have an idea about this or that medicine.
Syrups are in great demand in the treatment of colds and respiratory infections. All medicines for a small patient should be selected by a specialist, taking into account his individual characteristics.

Cough is a natural reaction to external stimuli. It is normal for a person to cough occasionally. Do not panic if the symptom does not cause concern to the child, and also does not interferesleep, not accompanied by fever and rhinitis. But if he does not allow the baby to sleep or eat peacefully, is an allergic manifestation, then urgent action must be taken.
Most parents are faced with the fact that a child refuses to take pills during an illness. If the baby has a sore throat or a painful cough that irritates the mucous membranes, he simply cannot swallow the drug. Trying to give a child a pill that is previously dissolved in tea also ends in nothing, as it provokes vomiting in the baby.
Syrups can solve the problem. This is the most optimal medicine, which is ideal for even the smallest patients. The main advantages of this form are as follows:
- Syrups have a thick consistency that wraps around the affected throat, has a mild and soothing effect, and does not cause vomiting.
- This dosage form has a pleasant aroma, sweetish taste, so it does not provoke disgust and the baby drinks it with pleasure.
- The liquid form is easier to dose. As a rule, there is a special measuring spoon in the package, which can be used to measure the dose required for one use.
- Cough medicines in the form of syrup are perfectly absorbed, and also alleviate the condition of a small patient already a couple of minutes after the first dose, and the pharmacological effect lasts for several hours.
Doctors say syrups are a great option for treating children. Parents are also highlyappreciated all the benefits of such medicines and prefer them to other medicines.
An effective cough medicine for a small patient is difficult to find. It is necessary to take into account age, type of cough, composition of the remedy, indications for use.
Initially, you should determine what type of cough torments the child and, in accordance with this, choose a drug. So, with a dry cough, drugs that neutralize the cough reflex will help. And if a pathological secret occurs, syrups with an expectorant effect are prescribed, which thin the sputum and accelerate its removal from the respiratory system. According to the principle of action, all medicines can be divided into three groups:
- cough suppressants;
- expectorants;
- mucolytic.
Besides this, it is imperative to look at the composition of the medicine. Syrups containing natural ingredients are considered the safest and most effective cough syrups.
They have almost no restrictions in use, as well as side effects, and most of them can be used already in the first weeks of a baby's life. Depending on the composition, syrups are divided into:
- synthetic;
- vegetable;
- combined.
Synthetic drugs contain chemical components that have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiseptic, mucolytic effects. They are able to eliminate bouts of dry cough and turn it into a wet one. Either help develop a pathological secretion, make it lessthick and accelerate the cleansing of the respiratory system.
Vegetable syrups are produced on the basis of natural herbs. They are the safest, and also show a pronounced pharmacological effect without harm.
Combined have synthetic substances that are supplemented with plant extracts. This combination helps to quickly neutralize the cough, as well as facilitate sputum discharge and speed up recovery.
Cough syrup
The choice of any drug is always made taking into account the age of the child. For example, the list of drugs for the treatment of cough in children is increasing due to syrups such as:
- "Doctor Mom".
- "Linkas".
- "Pertussin".
- "Stodal".
- "Sinecode".
- Licorice syrup.
- "Supreme Broncho".
- "Rengalin".
- "Ambrohexal".
- "Omnitus".
- "Joset".
- "Broncholithin".
Parents should strictly follow the indicated dosages and not exceed the duration of treatment prescribed by the doctor. Next, syrups that are used to eliminate dry and wet coughs in babies will be considered.

The drug is considered a combined remedy with a bronchodilator effect. According to the instructions for use, it is known that the substances that make up the drug have the following pharmacological effects:
- Ephedrine helps to expand the bronchi, activate breathing. With the help of a vasoconstrictor action, edema is reduced.
- Glaucin depresses the cough center. There is no suppression of breathing, no drug dependence.
- Basil oil has an antibacterial, antispasmodic and soothing effect.
Children from the age of three are prescribed 5 milliliters of "Bronholitin" three times a day. According to the instructions for use, it is known that the duration of therapy should not exceed five days.

A mucolytic agent effectively dilutes the pathological secretion, improves and facilitates its removal from the body. Ambroxol hydrochloride (active substance) belongs to the therapeutic group of expectorant drugs. According to the instructions for use, it is known that Ambrohexal has certain pharmacological effects, which include:
- Decrease in pathological secretions.
- Activation of liquid sputum production.
These therapeutic actions of Ambroxol are considered pathogenetic, they are aimed at the rapid removal of pathological secretions and purification of the respiratory organs from pathogens.
According to the instructions for use, it is known that the drug is contraindicated for use in the following conditions:
- Individual intolerance to components.
- Hereditary fructose intolerance.
- Ulcerativedamage to the stomach or duodenum.
Syrup is taken orally, the dosage of "Ambroxol" is carried out using a measuring spoon. Small patients aged two to six years are prescribed one-fourth scoop three times a day.

A mucolytic drug that suppresses a coughing fit. According to the instructions for use, it is known that the medicine is prescribed in the following situations:
- Eliminate dry cough.
- Whooping cough (a respiratory infection characterized by paroxysmal cough).
"Sinekod" is considered one of the best cough syrups for children. The drug has a number of serious limitations, therefore, before therapy, you should read the annotation for the use of the drug. "Sinecode" is prohibited under the following conditions:
- child under 3 years of age;
- individual intolerance.
Most often, syrup is prescribed for a child of 3 years old for dry cough. According to the instructions for use, it is known that children are advised to give 5 milliliters of medicine three times a day.
As a rule, the duration of therapy should not exceed a week, but if the signs of the disease persist, then the baby's parent should contact the doctor again to adjust the treatment.
Measuring cap should be used to measure single dosage. What syrup is prescribed for children 3 years old from a wet cough?

Doctor MOM
This is a medicine that contains natural ingredients. The drug has a pronounced mucolytic effect and is prescribed for young patients to facilitate the discharge of pathological secretions.
According to the annotation for the use of "Doctor MOM", cough syrup for children 3 years old is recommended for the following diseases:
- Bronchitis (damage to the respiratory system, in which the bronchi are involved in the inflammatory process).
- Broncho-pneumonia (an acute illness that affects the lungs).
- Laryngitis (inflammatory lesion of the mucous membrane of the larynx).
- Laryngotracheitis (inflammatory lesion with combined damage to the larynx and trachea, the appearance of which is caused by a viral or bacterial infectious process).
- Tracheitis (a disease characterized by inflammatory lesions of the tracheal mucosa and is a manifestation of respiratory diseases that develop both acutely and chronically).
- Bronchiolitis (an inflammatory disease that affects the small bronchioles).
According to the instructions for use for Doctor MOM, cough syrup for children is suitable both for eliminating acute inflammatory processes in the respiratory system and for treating exacerbations of chronic diseases.
Before therapy, it is necessary to study the annotation, since the medication has a number of contraindications:
- Individual intolerance to components.
- Under 3 years old.
- Bronchoconstriction with herbal medicines.
"Doctor MOM" is one of the effective cough syrups for children. According to the instructions for use for the drug, it is known that children from three years old are prescribed 2.5 milliliters of the drug three times a day after meals. If necessary, the medicine can be diluted in water or tea.
The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually, but, as a rule, therapy does not exceed seven days. In the absence of a positive effect or even a deterioration in he alth, you need to contact a specialist again.

This is a drug that is produced in liquid form and has antitussive, mucolytic, and anti-inflammatory effects. According to the instructions, "Linkas", cough syrup for children 3 years old, is used for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system.
The drug is taken orally, the duration of treatment varies from 5 to 7 days and, if necessary, can be repeated with the permission of the doctor. Children over the age of 3 years are given one teaspoon of the medicine, the frequency of application is three times a day.
According to the instructions for cough syrup for children, "Linkas" has practically no contraindications, you can not take it only with hypersensitivity.
The drug is used for various infectious and inflammatory diseases that are accompanied by a cough with viscous sputum:
- Acute respiratory diseases (a group of diseases of the respiratory system, the sources of which are considered to be pneumotropic viruses).
- Tracheitis (a disease in which an inflammatory lesion of the mucous membrane of the trachea occurs, due to which an increased formation of mucus begins).
- Bronchitis (diffuse and inflammatory lesion of the bronchi, which affects the mucous membrane or the entire thickness of the wall of the bronchi).
- Laryngitis (inflammatory lesion of the mucous membrane of the larynx).
- Bronchial asthma (chronic and non-infectious damage to the respiratory organs of inflammatory origin).
- Pneumonia (acute inflammation of the lungs, usually of infectious etiology, which affects all elements of the structure of the organ, as well as the alveoli and interstitial tissue).
- Influenza (acute and infectious lesion of the respiratory tract).

The drug belongs to the group of homeopathic medicines. "Stodal" is prescribed for babies to suppress the cough reflex of various origins as part of complex treatment. They give syrup to children for wet coughs, as well as dry ones.
The product is intended for oral use. According to the instructions for use, it is known that children from three years old are prescribed 5 milliliters of medication two to three times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the medical specialist for each individual patient individually.
Before using cough syrup for children "Stodal" it is important to carefully readannotation, since the drug has a number of limitations:
- individual intolerance to the composition of the drug;
- hypersensitivity to substances.
If a child has been taking "Stodal" for more than three days, and the signs of the disease have not disappeared or the cough is getting worse, then you need to consult a doctor to find out the cause and adjust the treatment.

Cough licorice syrup for 3 year olds
The drug is a mucolytic, which is used to eliminate various respiratory diseases accompanied by cough.
The medicine contains an active substance of natural origin - licorice root extract. It includes glycyrrhizic acid and glycyrrhizin, which have the following pharmacological actions:
- anti-inflammatory;
- mucolytic;
- immunostimulatory;
- regenerating;
- antispasmodic;
- antiviral.
According to the instructions for use, it is known that there are several conditions in which the use of licorice syrup is considered a restriction to use, for example:
- Gastritis (inflammatory or inflammatory-dystrophic changes in the gastric mucosa).
- Increased sensitivity.
According to the instructions for use, the syrup is known to be for oral use. The dosage of the drug depends on the age of the patient, as a rule, children from three years old are prescribed half a teaspoonthree times a day.
For more convenient use, the drug can be dissolved in water. The average duration of treatment varies from 7 to 10 days. This is an inexpensive cough syrup for children 3 years old. Its cost is approximately 40 rubles.

The drug is recommended for any cough in children from three years of age. But before giving "Rengalin" to a child, parents need to know about the features of its use, as well as contraindications and dosing.
During the use of the drug, the following pharmacological effects are observed:
- reducing the duration and intensity of coughing throughout the day and night;
- decrease in inflammation;
- reduce pain when coughing;
- elimination of mucosal edema.
According to the instructions for use for "Rengalin", cough syrup for children 3 years old is prescribed for use in dry, which is caused by stenosis of the respiratory tract. They also prescribe a medication for a wet cough, during which a lot of pathological secretion is produced.
According to the instructions for use, it is known that the drug is recommended for use in the following diseases:
- Influenza (acute and viral disease that affects the upper and lower respiratory organs, and is also accompanied by severe intoxication).
- Inflammation of the bronchi.
- Cold.
- Laryngitis (inflammatory lesion of the mucous membrane of the vocalbundles).
- Tuberculosis (an infectious disease caused by various pathogens, but usually Koch's wand).
- Laryngotracheitis (otorhinolaryngological disease, which is characterized by damage to the larynx and trachea).
- Inflammation of the lungs.
- ARVI (damage to the respiratory tract, the cause of the development of the disease is the ingestion of infection).
- Pharyngitis (acute or chronic inflammation, which is localized in the pharynx, damaging its mucous membrane and the deepest layers, as well as the soft palate and lymph nodes).
"Rengalin" in the form of syrup is given to the child, dosing it with a teaspoon. A single concentration of the drug, depending on the disease, can be either 5 or 10 milliliters per dose.
According to the instructions for use, it is known that the frequency of use is three times a day, but with a strong cough, the doctor can increase the frequency of taking the medicine up to six times. As a rule, the most frequent use of "Rengalin" is required on the first day of the disease, when the signs of the disease are more pronounced. The medicine must be taken until complete recovery.
According to the instructions for use, it is known that the drug is produced in liquid form, which is used for dry cough of various origins.
Omnitus cough syrup for children is applied three to four times a day. The concentration of the drug depends on the age category of the patient, children from 3 to 6 years old, whose weight is 15-22 kg, are prescribed to receive 10 millilitersmedicines.
According to the instructions for use, it is known that Omnitus, if dosed incorrectly, can provoke the following side effects:
- nausea;
- diarrhea;
- vomiting;
- dizziness;
- drowsy;
- lower blood pressure.
As a therapy, an enterosorbent is prescribed orally, and, if necessary, complex treatment is carried out.
Patient testimonials
Feedback on cough syrups in children 3 years old is only positive. Parents report that this is a convenient and easy-to-use form of medication. Little patients take such drugs without aversion, as most of them have a pleasant, sweet taste. Syrups quickly cope with various types of coughs, as well as alleviate the condition and help achieve full recovery.
In addition, despite the extensive list of cough medicines, only a medical specialist can prescribe a therapy regimen. He can give certain recommendations if the child has been coughing for a long time. In addition, during the course of therapy, the doctor carefully monitors the patient's condition.