Cough with pharyngitis. How to treat dry and wet cough? Pharyngitis in children: symptoms and treatment

Cough with pharyngitis. How to treat dry and wet cough? Pharyngitis in children: symptoms and treatment
Cough with pharyngitis. How to treat dry and wet cough? Pharyngitis in children: symptoms and treatment

Treatment and sore throat, a feeling of a lump and a desire to clear your throat - these symptoms are familiar to every person. Often they accompany pharyngitis. Today's article will tell you about this disease. You will learn the main signs and ways to eliminate pathology.

cough with pharyngitis
cough with pharyngitis

Preliminary characterization

Pharyngitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the larynx. It affects the lymphoid tissue. According to the nature of the origin, the disease is infectious and non-infectious. In the first case, pathology develops due to damage by viruses and bacteria, as well as due to some other disease (scarlet fever, influenza, whooping cough). Noninfectious pharyngitis is less common. Its appearance is provoked by the inhalation of polluted air or chemical (irritating) substances. The only way to find out what exactly caused the disease is through laboratory research.

The most commonly diagnosed pharyngitis in children. Symptoms and treatment will be presented to you next. Before that, it is worth saying that there are two forms of pathology: acute and chronic. The latter results fromwrong therapy or lack thereof.

The appearance of pharyngitis of various forms

The most common pharyngitis children of preschool and school age. If the pathology arose suddenly, then it proceeds in an acute form. With it, there are symptoms such as severe sore throat, perspiration. During the examination, you can see a strong reddening of the mucous membrane, swelling. Often there is a dry cough with pharyngitis. The disease can be accompanied by a high temperature (up to 39 degrees). In children, pathology provokes a headache, general malaise, increased drowsiness. If a runny nose is added (which is not uncommon), then we are talking about acute nasopharyngitis. The lack of modern therapy provokes the transition of pathology into a chronic form.

With neglected or undertreated pharyngitis in children, itching and irritation in the throat persists. There is no more acute pain, and the body temperature is within normal limits. It would seem that the child is on the mend. But it was not there. Chronic pharyngitis provokes frequent headaches. It can be exacerbated by complications such as sinusitis or otitis media. Less commonly, pathology affects the kidneys, but this is not excluded. Cough with chronic pharyngitis, often dry or wet, but with very difficult sputum discharge. The child's appetite worsens, working capacity decreases.

pharyngitis in children symptoms and treatment
pharyngitis in children symptoms and treatment

How to eliminate pharyngitis in children?

Symptoms and treatment must overlap. The main therapy for pathology is symptomatic. This means that when increasingtemperatures to high values, the child must be given antipyretics: Panadol, Ibuprofen, Nimulid. Many of them also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Cough with pharyngitis must be eliminated by suitable means. Note that they depend on the nature of the symptom.

If you have a runny nose, then it must be treated with antiseptics, antivirals or antibiotics. The appropriate drug is selected depending on the cause of pharyngitis. Often, parents resort to grandmother's methods of treatment: they use folk remedies. This is acceptable, but you should always be aware of possible allergies. In addition, the use of improvised means does not exempt you from taking medication. Herbal decoctions and folk recipes cough with pharyngitis is quite difficult to eliminate. If the disease is neglected, then it will go into a chronic stage - you already know about this. That is why it is so important to take the child to the doctor and get an appointment.

cough with pharyngitis than to treat
cough with pharyngitis than to treat

Antibiotics or antivirals?

Cough with pharyngitis often has an infectious origin. It appears due to damage to the larynx by bacteria or viruses. The latter option is more common in children. For the treatment of acute viral pharyngitis, it is necessary to use drugs that eliminate the cause of the disease. Doctors prefer to prescribe safe medicines for children: interferon inducers. Drugs boost your own immunity, helping the body cope with the infection on its own. It is permissible for children to give "Anaferon","Ergoferon", "Cytophyr". After 2 years, "Isoprinosine" is prescribed, and field 4 - "Cycloferon". Children of school age can be given the well-known "Rimantadine".

Cough with pharyngitis in children can be caused by the growth of bacteria. In this case, doctors prescribe antibiotics. It is important to remember that such funds are not allowed to be taken independently. It is believed that the most effective antimicrobial agents for pharyngitis are penicillins. Preference is given to Augmentin or Amoxiclav. Less commonly prescribed "Flemoxin" or "Amoxicillin". If a child has intolerance to this series of antibiotics, then the drug is selected taking into account individual characteristics.

dry cough with pharyngitis
dry cough with pharyngitis

Treat a runny nose

Wet cough in pharyngitis in children is often caused by nasal mucus running down the back of the throat. It seems that the child does not have snot, and the nose grunts. During the examination, you can see that the pharynx is inflamed, and purulent sputum flows through it. Treatment of such an irritant is always complex. Doctors prescribe the following remedies.

  1. Saline solutions "Aquamaris", "Rinostop", "Dolphin". They are necessary for washing the nasal passages in order to eliminate accumulated pus and cleanse the mucous membranes.
  2. Vasoconstrictors "Nazivin", "Vibrocil", "Snoop". The drugs are designed to relieve swelling. They eliminate nasal congestion and remove itching, restore breathing.
  3. Antibiotics and antiseptics "Isofra", "Protargol", "Miramistin". The purpose of these drugs is to eliminate microbes that irritate the larynx andcough provoking.

Stop your cough

Before you remove the cough with pharyngitis, you need to make sure that it is really dry. To do this, show the child to the doctor. The doctor will listen to the breath, bronchi and lungs. If everything is clear in the lower respiratory tract, then it will be allowed to take antitussive formulations. For children are assigned: "Sinekod", "Codelac Neo", "Gerbion". The purpose of medication is to relieve spasm and reduce the activity of a complex reflex arc.

Often, children cough with pharyngitis torments so much that they have vomiting. If this reflex is not stopped in time, the child will vomit. This symptom is very painful and debilitating. More often it appears in the acute course of the disease.

cough with pharyngitis in children
cough with pharyngitis in children


If a child has a wet cough with pharyngitis - how to treat? More often, a debilitating cough with difficult discharge of viscous sputum appears in the chronic course of the disease. A child with this problem coughs all the time, cannot push the lump out of the airways. To alleviate the condition, doctors recommend using expectorants: ACC, Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Muk altin. The effect of their use becomes noticeable already in the first two days: sputum becomes thinner, it comes off easier. The general well-being of the child also improves. Some drugs can be taken in the form of inhalations. The effectiveness of such treatment is several times higher than with oral expectorants.

Doctors may also recommend anti-inflammatory syrupsand tablets, such as Ascoril, Erespal, Pectusin. It is acceptable to take them in accordance with the age of the child, in the right dosage.

rinse with pharyngitis
rinse with pharyngitis

Local funds

Since pharyngitis cough is provoked by irritation of the larynx, emollients can be taken. Doctors prescribe lozenges for resorption, irrigating solutions for children. This always takes into account the age of the child. Many drugs are contraindicated in children under 3 or even 6 years old.

To reduce cough and sore throat, Lizobakt, Doctor Mom, Strepsils, Septolete, Grammidin are used. You can treat the inflamed larynx with Ingalipt, Tantum Verde, Hexoral, Bioparox solutions. Be sure to read the instructions before using the medicine.

Folk treatments

Many kids are helped by rinsing with pharyngitis. Such manipulations can be carried out independently, but do not forget to follow the received appointments. For rinsing, choose decoctions that have an anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect: chamomile, sage, calendula. It is permissible to gargle with saline solution. To prepare it, you will need a teaspoon of baking soda and s alt, as well as a glass of warm water.

Cough with pharyngitis can be treated with plenty of warm drink. Drink tea with raspberries or lemon, milk with honey. Onion decoction helps a lot. When choosing a folk remedy, always consider the age of the child. Children under 3 years of age are not recommended to give allergenic products on their own: honey, cow's milk, vegetable decoctions.

wet cough with pharyngitis
wet cough with pharyngitis


Pharyngitis accompanied by a cough is a common occurrence in childhood. A small, fragile body cannot yet cope with the disease on its own. Therefore, it is so important to notice the pathology and carry out the correct treatment. Remember that an acute cough is much easier to eliminate than a chronic one. Good he alth to you and your baby!
