Before explaining what a bundle of His is, let's turn to the structure of the human heart. As you probably remember from school biology lessons, this organ consists of atria and ventricles. Their contractions provide blood circulation in the body. The work of the heart occurs under the influence of electrical impulses that are produced by its structures. The sinus node is dominant in this respect. It generates impulses that contract the atria. After that, the impulse reaches the atrioventricular node, located exactly between the atria and ventricles. The impulse is delayed in it for a moment, and then passes through the bundle of His. The common trunk splits into two bundles - along them the impulse enters the ventricles.

The term "blockade of the bundle branch" in surgery denotes a conduction disorder. In this case, the electrical impulse slows down just below the point where the said beam is divided in two. The causes of this phenomenon, as a rule, are hypertension or other heart problems. It should be emphasized that if the blockade is observed in a patient for the first time, it is necessary first of all to exclude the possibility of myocardial infarction.

The bundle of His, as noted above, at the exit from the atrioventricular node is divided into two legs: right and left. Blockade can occur anywhere on the leg. In addition, in medicine it is customary to distinguish its complete and incomplete varieties. Each of them can be recognized by specific features reflected on the cardiogram. Do not forget that the blockade can appear and disappear without a trace for no apparent reason. In the latter case, an intermittent blockade is diagnosed. Constantly rapid heartbeat is almost always accompanied by a tachydependent blockade - it extends exclusively to the right leg and completely disappears after the heart rate returns to normal.

The right or left leg of the bundle of His, if a blockade occurs with them, does not threaten a person's life. The impulse can take a detour and cause the heart to beat. The same applies to the semi-blocks of the anterior and posterior inferior. In general, this type of conduction disorder does not imply any special treatment. It is usually completely asymptomatic and detected on an ECG. But if both legs are blocked, most likely, a pacemaker implantation will be required. The danger also lies in the fact that the blocked bundle of His is capable of distorting the cardiogram beyond recognition. It will be extremely difficult to establish the fact of myocardial infarction in this case.
If you want to protect yourself from such troubles, observe a fewsimple recommendations. Try not to overwork, sleep as much as you need, eat right. Try also to give up smoking and alcohol - this negatively affects the state of the heart. Seek immediate medical attention as soon as you experience warning signs such as chest pain.