Many parents are touched when they see their newborn baby sucking his thumb in his sleep. However, later, when the baby is two years old, and he still cannot give up this habit, admiration is replaced by anxiety. Let's figure out how to wean a child from sucking his thumb.

Newborn Habit
While still in the womb, the baby sucks his finger, and, having been born, he simply continues the “good” activity, because it calms him, reduces the feeling of loneliness that often occurs, helps to overcome physical pain, for example, when colic in the abdomen, and also makes up for the lack of affection and attention.
The sucking reflex is the main one in infancy. If the mother stopped breastfeeding the baby early, then the question of how to wean the child from sucking his thumb is solved very simply - it is enough to feed him naturally more often, reducing the one-time portion of food.

Reasons for bad habits
When a child turns one year old, he should gradually begin to wean from his favorite pastime. However, if the child is older but still won't stop sucking his thumb, here is a list of possible reasons:
1. too harsh orearly weaning.
2. The child wants to sleep or is focused on something.
3. The baby has formed a habit, it is difficult for him to give it up.
4. Mom pays little attention to the child.
5. He is excited, anxious, or lacks affection.
6. The kid is very scared of something and is trying to suppress the child's tantrum.
Consequences of thumb sucking
From time to time, thumb sucking is observed along with pulling out hair, eyelashes, with stroking the head, stomach. Your baby may also pull other objects into her mouth, such as a corner of a blanket, a soft toy paw, or a pillow.

Doctors believe that thumb sucking by a child older than a year old can lead to deformation of the lower jaw, crooked teeth, and malocclusion. So the question of how to wean a child to suck his thumb should be your main question.
Methods of weaning
There are several of them. So, how to wean a child to suck his thumb? No need to scare, punish, talk about how bad it is, shame in every possible way. So you only further consolidate the bad habit in the child. Try to stop sucking your thumb in more gentle ways. First, pay due attention to the child. How exactly? Play with him, fool around together, hug him and sing lullabies for the baby. Secondly, try not to sort things out with someone and quarrel in front of him. A bad psychological atmosphere in the home is the main cause of stress in children. Thirdly, increase the period of breastfeeding, because ithelps the baby feel more confident. Fourth, keep an eye on the mood of the crumbs. Notice fear and anxiety in time, calm the baby. Fifth, do not constantly talk about a bad habit, just divert the attention of your offspring. Sixth, control what the child watches: horror films, action films and thrillers - all this must be excluded. Seventh, increase the range of interests of the baby: go with him to the zoo, circus or cinema. And, eighth, if the baby sleeps with a finger in his mouth, quietly take it out.
So that you can quickly wean your child from sucking his thumb, we recommend that you follow all these tips in combination.