If you believe literature and folk art, the heart is a very sensitive organ that knows how to love, feel, think, in addition, it is very fragile. From the point of view of medicine, only the last statement is true, despite the fact that it is the strongest muscle in the body, working without sleep and rest throughout life. The main task of the heart is to ensure the movement of blood through the vessels, and it begins to fulfill it even in the process of intrauterine development. With pathologies of the cardiac system, the body is exposed to a blow, since the importance of the proper functioning of this organ is very high, it is difficult to exaggerate it. One of these pathologies is the blockade of the legs of the bundle of His.

When blockade (complete or incomplete), the normal patency of the sinus impulse through the cardiac system is disturbed, more precisely, its path and time of passage. This impulse, formed in the sinus node, should excite the atrial system. In case of violations, this does not happen or does not happen in a routine manner. Violations are different: dangerous (complete blockade) and not very (incomplete). One of the serious dangers of the blockade is the distortion of the results of the electrocardiogram, due towhich makes it difficult to diagnose many heart diseases, in particular myocardial infarction.
Blockade of the left bundle branch block - what is the point?

Blockade of the left bundle branch block (or LBBB) is a pathology that may be based on damage to the heart apparatus at various levels. For example, the left leg in the trunk of the bundle of His may be affected. Or the main trunk of the left leg before branching. The anterior and posterior branches of the stem can be simultaneously affected after the place of their release from the body of the main trunk. The left half of the septum between the ventricles is also damaged, while both branches of the pedicle are involved in the process. The reason may also lie in pronounced diffuse changes in the myocardium in the peripheral branches of the posterior and anterior branches. With LBBB, the passage of excitation to the myocardium of the left ventricle along the left leg is difficult. It is conducted in an unusual way, as a result of which the QRS complex is widened, and the direction of repolarization in the left ventricle is changed. We will not consider this in detail, this is a task for cardiac specialists. Consider some of the features of this disease. Damage to the leg can be the result of fibrous processes that are associated with coronary sclerosis and less often with limited myocarditis (syphilitic, rheumatic, diphtheria, infectious). Very rarely, but it happens that the blockade occurs with an absolutely he althy heart. There is a complete and incomplete blockade of the left leg of the bundle of His. If we are talking about complete, excitation first covers only the septum between the ventricles,not the entire stomach. Incomplete blockade develops in violation of electrolyte metabolism, or drug overdose, or various kinds of intoxication. Because of this, the typical conduction of the cardiac system is disrupted, and full excitation of the left section does not occur. You can diagnose this violation using a conventional electrocardiogram, when decoding changes will be visible.

Is it dangerous?
If the blockade has spread to only one leg, then no, it is not life-threatening, although there is certainly nothing good in this. Many modern cardiologists believe that this deviation has already ceased to be a deviation in cases where it is not a consequence of other heart diseases. Complete blockage of both legs is dangerous, in such cases it is necessary to implant a pacemaker.
Blockade of the left bundle branch block: treatment and prevention
The main therapeutic measure relevant for incomplete blockade is the identification of the disease that caused the blockade and its treatment. This disorder does not have a specific therapeutic complex. In cases where the patient suffers from hypertension, dangerous heart failure or angina pectoris, special therapy is required related to the support of the cardiac apparatus. It is carried out on the basis of drugs containing cardiac glycosides, antihypertensive and antiarrhythmic drugs. With congenital heart disease, the blockade requires only surgical intervention. It happens that for young people such a blockade isthe norm, this can only be established by a specialist after a series of studies. Remember that self-medication can be dangerous to your he alth, especially when it comes to the heart. Stay he althy!