If a woman has begun to look noticeably older than her age, it's time to sound the alarm. There are a large number of factors contributing to a change in appearance. In our article, we will dwell in more detail on only one that ages the face by at least 10 years. This misfortune is a tear trough.
Defect description
The tear trough (otherwise called the nasolacrimal trough) is a small fold that is localized next to the bony orbital margin. Its formation is due to the anatomical features of the facial zone. As a rule, we are talking about the presence of a dense partition in this area - a septum. The nasolacrimal groove connects the skin to the orbicular muscles of the eyes and is fixed on the bone structures.

In young people, this fold is almost imperceptible, since up to 25 years of age, tissues are highly elastic and resilient. With increasing age and as the body ages, the septal ligaments gradually weaken, lengthen and stretch. As a result, retractions form in some areas, and sagging and protrusions in others. Characteristic "circles" appear under the eyes. Due to the translucence of the vessels, they acquire a bluish tint. Facea person visually becomes sick and exhausted.
Of course, the laws of nature cannot be cancelled. However, you can try to stop the visible signs of aging and slow their development.
How to prevent tear trough?
Any problem is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, the prevention of this defect should begin immediately. Simple innovations in the daily routine will help correct the problem:
- Balanced diet (more fresh vegetables and fruits, less sweets and smoked meats).
- Daily physical activity (walking, swimming in the pool).
- Compliance with the drinking regime (2 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day).
- Use special creams to moisturize the skin.
In many people, the nasolacrimal sulcus begins to appear clearly against the background of chronic diseases, which are accompanied by severe swelling. Therefore, another preventive measure is the timely treatment of all ailments.

How to get rid of a defect?
If all the measures taken have not been successful, it's time to move on to more serious manipulations. Modern medicine offers an extensive list of methods to deal with such a problem as the nasolacrimal sulcus. Photos before and after the procedures do not allow to doubt their effectiveness. All techniques used can be divided into two groups: surgical and non-surgical. Let's consider each of the options in more detail.

Surgical correction methods
Today, a woman is forced to fulfill many roles every day. In the morning, she is a caring mother and tries to feed her family with a delicious breakfast. During the day, she has to do all the housework or work in the office. And in the evening you need to meet your beloved husband with a smile on your face after a hard day.
In such a cycle of events there is no time for cosmetic procedures. The only way to cope with age-related changes is the surgical correction of the nasolacrimal sulcus. To obtain the desired result, the doctor uses one of the following methods:
- Surgical lipofilling. This procedure is relevant for patients of the middle age category. It does not provide for a serious change in appearance, but does an excellent job with the tasks. The essence of lipofilling is that the specialist fills the tear trough with fatty tissue from other parts of the patient's body. The duration of all manipulations does not exceed 40 minutes, but local anesthesia is required.
- Another way of surgical intervention involves the removal of adipose tissue from the lower eyelids. After that, the material is injected subcutaneously in the area of the defect. This operation is usually used as an adjunct to standard blepharoplasty.
Surgical correction methods are highly effective, long-term and well tolerated. However, not every woman will decide on an operation that promises to correct the nasolacrimal grooves. Testimonials from real patients often helpdecide whether to take this step.

Non-surgical procedures
Non-surgical includes certain cosmetic procedures that do not involve damage to the skin. The effect of them is not as pronounced as after the operation. However, they do not require a long rehabilitation period. Among the most popular non-surgical methods for correcting an age-related defect are:
- contouring (filler injections);
- RF-lifting;
- ultrasonic lifting.
The choice of a specific procedure among those proposed depends on several factors. This is the current condition of the skin, and the severity of the defect, and the age of the woman. For example, it makes sense to start filling the nasolacrimal sulcus with fillers as early as 30 years old. At about the same age, you can try RF-lifting. Let's look at each of the procedures in more detail below.
Ultrasonic lifting
This is a serious procedure in which the impact occurs not only on the skin, but also on the muscles of the face. Therefore, one of the indications for its implementation is the age after 45 years. The result of ultrasonic lifting looks like the effect of plastic surgery, but it lasts no more than a year.

Tear trough correction with RF pulses is popular with women over 30 years of age. Regular performance of the procedure promotes the natural production of collagen andhyaluronic acid, which the skin loses with age.
It is advisable to use hardware correction methods (ultrasonic lifting and RF-lifting) in combination with contouring. You must first consult with your doctor, since the list of contraindications for these procedures is very extensive. Includes:
- benign neoplasms;
- prone to vitiligo;
- herpes;
- taking oral retinoids;
- acute infectious diseases.
A specialist can tell you more about contraindications. If one or more items from the list match, it is better to refuse the procedures.
The procedure involves filling the nasolacrimal sulcus with special fillers based on hyaluronic acid. The composition used allows to reduce the depth of the fold in the area of the lower eyelid, to increase the elasticity of the epidermis in this area. The visible result lasts for a year.
How is the contour correction of the nasolacrimal trough carried out? Before and after the procedure, the doctor photographs the woman in order to follow the dynamics of her external changes. Then he prepares the skin area where all the manipulations will take place. To do this, it is cleaned of decorative cosmetics and other contaminants. Then they give anesthesia and start marking with a special injection pencil.

The process of introducing the composition itself is also carried out in a certain sequence. Nasolacrim althe furrow is corrected by introducing small doses of the drug. During each injection, the doctor zigzags the needle under the skin.
It should be noted that contouring is dangerous for its side effects. These include redness in the eye area, slight swelling. To eliminate such problems, experts advise washing with cold water, not sleeping on your stomach. You also need to give up nourishing care creams for a while.
If the procedure is performed qualitatively, after two weeks the nasolacrimal grooves will not be noticeable. Before and after the intervention, the specialist sees two completely different people in front of him. Every lady is literally getting younger before our eyes.
Women's opinions
What reviews does the correction of the nasolacrimal sulcus leave behind? The opinions of the fair sex about the listed procedures differ. Regarding non-surgical methods of correction, they are mostly positive. Women mention the absolute painlessness of the procedures, the absence of serious side effects. Another important advantage is the relatively low cost of services. For example, a hardware facelift will cost 15 thousand rubles. It is worth noting one significant drawback - the effect of rejuvenation lasts for several months.

Does the surgical correction of the nasolacrimal trough give long-term results? Reviews about this type of procedure are also mostly positive. Operational lipofilling is recommended by experts to those women who decideseriously deal with the defect. You should think about it at the age of 35-40. Surgery is usually well tolerated by patients, and the positive effect persists for many years. In this case, the doctor can eliminate not only the nasolacrimal sulcus, but also “bags” and fatty hernias. As a result, the face is noticeably transformed. The only caveat is that it is advisable to repeat such plastic surgery no more than three times in a lifetime.
Summary conclusion
Now you know some information on the topic: "Nasal trough: correction." Photos before and after the procedures are also presented in our article. Remember that before any manipulation it is necessary to consult a doctor. It is equally important to find a competent specialist who can choose the most effective methods for transforming appearance.