Kidney x-ray: preparation. X-ray of the kidneys with contrast

Kidney x-ray: preparation. X-ray of the kidneys with contrast
Kidney x-ray: preparation. X-ray of the kidneys with contrast

X-ray allows you to study the structure and structural features of internal organs. Urography - an x-ray of the kidney - is considered one of the most effective ways to examine the urinary system, according to the results of which the doctor can make a final diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

What is an x-ray?

X-ray exposure is a procedure in which short electromagnetic waves pass through the body. "Transillumination" allows you to see any pathological abnormalities - displacements and fractures of bones, neoplasms in soft tissues. The result is displayed on a special film (radiography) or on a screen (fluoroscopy).

Kidney x-ray
Kidney x-ray

Irradiation in high doses is dangerous for the body and can cause mutations, abnormal development. In medical practice, low-energy beams are used, which are safe and do not cause side effects. The required dose for an X-ray examination is calculated depending on the part of the body (organ) being diagnosed and the apparatus used.

Renal X-ray:indications for examination

In order to take an x-ray of the kidneys, there are quite a few indications, which include:

  • Pain in the lumbar back.
  • Presence of blood impurities in the urine.
  • Infection of the urinary system.
  • Renal colic.
  • Injury, bruised lower back.
  • Disruption of the normal functioning of the kidneys.
  • Abnormal urine test results.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Suspicion of urolithiasis.
  • Control examination after surgery.
X-ray kidney stones
X-ray kidney stones

The attending physician (therapist, urologist) assigns an x-ray of the kidney and urinary tract to each patient strictly according to indications. The method is often used as a clarification after other types of examinations, such as ultrasound. Radiologists determine the type of examination and procedure.

X-ray (urography) of the kidneys: types of research

Depending on the indications, the patient is prescribed a certain type of radiography of the urinary system and kidneys. The simplest is an overview x-ray, during which you can assess the size, shape, localization of the kidneys. Translucent large stones, consisting of calcium. This is a standard urinary tract examination at the first visit to he alth care.

The intravenous urography procedure involves the administration of a contrast medium and monitoring of the excretory function of the kidneys. Pictures of the organ are taken inthe time when the kidneys begin to accumulate the substance, absorbing it from the blood, and at the time of excretion. A kidney x-ray with contrast produces a clearer image on film. If it is necessary to inject a large amount of a substance using a dropper, such a study is called infusion urography.

Computed tomography is the most modern examination method, which is based on the use of X-ray irradiation. A special device - a scanner - reads the received information and displays the result in the form of a three-dimensional image. This allows you to see the condition of the blood vessels and tissues of the kidney.

Contrast urography

X-ray of the kidneys with the use of a contrast agent allows you to see pathological changes in the structure of the organ, tumors, soft tissue ruptures, various cysts and stones. This is one of the most reliable methods for detecting pathologies of the urinary tract. Intravenous urography is carried out with the introduction of iodine-containing substances into a vein ("Urografin", "Ultravist", "Omnipak"). In order to study the state of the organs, pictures are taken at certain time intervals - at 6, 15 and 21 minutes. The specialist monitors the functioning of the kidneys, the rate of filtration of blood plasma and the ability to convert it into urine.

X-ray of the kidneys with contrast
X-ray of the kidneys with contrast

Contrast pyeloureterography involves the introduction of sterile iodine-based preparations using a urinary catheter. Only a doctor can prescribe an x-ray of the kidneys with contrast after reviewing the patient's history. The method has somecontraindications, therefore, before the procedure, the patient must pass laboratory tests. A few days before the urography with a contrast agent, you need to start preparing the body.

What will a kidney x-ray show?

Kidney x-ray is the first step in diagnosing various pathological conditions of the urinary system. The procedure helps to detect the following abnormalities:

  • Congenital anomalies of development - the absence of one kidney.
  • Increase in the size of the kidneys - observed with hydronephrosis, polycystic disease, diabetes mellitus.
  • Uneven contours of the organ - indicate polycystic, pyelonephritis.
  • Prolapsed kidney.
  • Reducing the size of the kidneys indicates chronic pyelonephritis, one kidney indicates congenital hypoplasia.
  • Rupture of the soft tissues of the organ.
  • Presence of kidney stones.
  • Tumor.
Contrast x-ray of the kidneys
Contrast x-ray of the kidneys

X-ray is the most accurate method for diagnosing various diseases of the urinary system. Kidney stones of the oxalate and phosphate type are clearly visible in the picture. You can find out their size, shape and exact location. Urography with contrast gives a complete picture of the state of the entire urinary system. Urate formations are practically invisible on plain x-rays, so they are diagnosed using an ultrasound examination.

Kidney x-rays in children

X-ray can be used in pediatrics under strict indications. It is possible to carry out an examination using this method in anyage, even in newborns. When prescribing an x-ray, the doctor talks about the need for this type of diagnosis and the possible consequences if the parents refuse. Indeed, not everyone is ready to expose a child to radiation, but modern medical X-ray machines can reduce the negative consequences of the procedure.

X-rays of the kidneys and genitourinary system with contrast are not performed on children in the first week of life, with developmental anomalies and dysfunction of the kidneys.

How is the procedure?

Before prescribing an x-ray, the attending physician must make sure that the patient has no contraindications to its conduct. The patient consents to the examination and the introduction of a contrast agent (if necessary).

how to prepare for a kidney x-ray
how to prepare for a kidney x-ray

Many people are familiar with this type of diagnosis, but not everyone knows how an X-ray of the kidneys is done. First of all, before the procedure, it is necessary to remove all metal objects, jewelry. The patient may be offered to drink sedatives or give an anesthetic injection.

To begin with, an overview urography is performed, during which the condition of the entire urinary system is assessed. If there are no serious pathologies, the nurse makes a trial injection of contrast. This is necessary in order to check the allergic reaction of the body. In the absence of such a contrast agent is administered intravenously to the patient. If a contrast x-ray of the kidneys is done to a child, then before the procedure, the specialist must calculate the dose of the substance according to age andweight.

At the 5-7th minute, the first picture is taken, in which the contrast is in the pelvicalyceal system. In the second picture (15-17th minute) the substance passes through the ureter. When the contrast enters the bladder, the last x-ray is taken (20-23 minutes). During the procedure, the patient can be in both a vertical and horizontal position.

Transcript of results

X-ray of the kidneys with a contrast agent allows you to get a clear picture of the urinary tract, as well as the pelvic organs. The images obtained in the radiography room must be taken to the attending physician, who must interpret them correctly and make the final diagnosis.

How is a kidney x-ray done?
How is a kidney x-ray done?

The shape, localization, contours of organs are taken into account. It is quite difficult to decipher the results of the survey on your own without having the appropriate education.

How to prepare for a kidney x-ray

In order to obtain high-quality images, it is necessary to properly prepare for a kidney x-ray. A few days before the procedure, the patient must adhere to a diet that is aimed at reducing gas formation. To cleanse the intestines, it is better to make an enema or take laxatives. Children also need preparation for a kidney x-ray. Before the procedure, babies are given "Espumizan".

Before taking an x-ray of the kidney, it is necessary to pass tests that will help rule out kidney failure. If medicines are taken, the doctor should be warned about this. For a fewhours before the procedure, you can not eat. Babies are allowed to drink. Parts of the body that are not examined are protected by a special screen, a lead apron.

During the operation of the X-ray machine, you must remain calm and do not move. A small child may be accompanied by one of the parents. If the result is blurry, fuzzy images, the procedure will have to be repeated, and this is an extra radiation exposure and stress for the child.

Contraindications for kidney x-rays

X-ray procedure is prohibited in the following cases:

  • Breastfeeding period.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Severe condition of the patient (need for intensive care, shock).
  • Allergic reaction and intolerance to the components of contrast agents.
  • Diabetes mellitus and pregnancy (x-rays are done only when strictly indicated, if the potential benefit of the diagnosis outweighs the harm).
Contrast x-ray of the kidneys
Contrast x-ray of the kidneys

If X-rays are prohibited according to indications, the doctor selects alternative diagnostic methods. This can be magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or ultrasound.

Possible side effects of X-ray with contrast

Most often there is an allergic reaction to the injected contrast agent: swelling, redness, itching. In the event of such signs, the patient is administered antihistamines.

Suppuration, swelling may appear at the site of the vein puncture. Patients complain of fever and general malaise. These symptoms require urgent medical attention.

To exclude unwanted side effects, the patient must pass all the tests before the x-ray to make sure there are no contraindications.
