B.Well WC-150 nasal aspirator: specifications, reviews

B.Well WC-150 nasal aspirator: specifications, reviews
B.Well WC-150 nasal aspirator: specifications, reviews

Usually, a first-aid kit for a newborn begins to be collected long before he is born. After all, you never know what you may encounter in the first days of a baby’s life, and there will definitely not be an opportunity to leave the house and walk between pharmacies in search of the best funds.

It is better not to buy a ready-made first-aid kit for a newborn, but to assemble it yourself. Since ready-made options often contain too primitive and low-quality goods.

Medical kit shopping list

  • Sterile cotton wool.
  • Wadded pads.
  • Quick buds with and without restraints.
  • Wet wipes "antibacterial" and for the "ass".
  • Children's scissors with special rounded edges.
  • Means for colic ("Espumizan", "Plantex", "Baby-Calm").
  • Electronic thermometer (it's good to have an additional non-contact/infrared thermometer to measure the temperature in the ear or on the forehead of a newborn).
  • Suppositories for fever and pain ("Ibuprofen", "Paracetamol").
  • Sea water for washing and instillation into the nose ("Aquamaris", "Physiomer").
  • Nose drops vasoconstrictor("Nazivin-baby", "Vibrocil").
  • Vapor tube (preferably special imported, white color).
  • Suppositories for children with glycerin for constipation.
  • "Fenistil-gel" for allergies.
  • Antihistamines (drops "Zodak", "Zirtek").
  • Smekta from diarrhea and gas.
  • Cream for diaper rash and small pimples - "Bepanten" (pink).
  • Alcohol solution of calendula (in case of whiteheads in acne).
  • Nasal aspirator for newborns.
nasal aspirator b well wc 150
nasal aspirator b well wc 150

Probably, the electric nasal aspirator caused the most questions among expectant mothers. After all, before everyone bought an ordinary syringe instead.

Why do you need an aspirator

All kids have a runny nose. Even the smallest ones. Up to four months, most babies do not know how to breathe through their mouths at all, and in case of nasal congestion, they cannot even eat normally. But safe drops and sprays in the nose for such crumbs simply do not exist. The doctor, of course, will definitely prescribe vasoconstrictor agents for children from two weeks to the child (and they must be used to avoid the development of otitis media), but they can be instilled no more than three times a day and no longer than three to five days. And you need to solve the problem with the nose much more often - at least before each feeding and sleeping.

clean nose nasal aspirator
clean nose nasal aspirator

For such cases, our mothers used an ordinary syringe (the smallest size) with a soft tip. grandmothersmucus was aspirated from the nasal cavity using rubber tubes. And the most inventive and unsqueamish just directly by mouth.

In the arsenal of a modern mother there are much more convenient and effective means. And the best of them is the nasal electric aspirator. Such a device is very compact and runs on batteries.

What are aspirators

Each manufacturer in advertising claims that his invention is the most convenient and high quality. But in fact, they are based on completely different principles. Let's figure out what aspirators are:

Syringe aspirators. This is just a slightly improved and beautifully packaged ordinary syringe, in fact, what our mothers used. Only the tips are now made of an "anatomical" shape, made of soft, pleasant silicone

electric nasal aspirator
electric nasal aspirator

Mechanical nozzle suction. It consists of a long flexible tube, a soft tip and a stopper (for safe insertion into the child's nasal passages). This device often comes with an additional tube and disposable tips, which will eventually have to be purchased

nasal aspirator for newborns
nasal aspirator for newborns

Electronic aspirator - a device that itself sucks mucus from the nasal passages, you just need to bring the tip to the nasal opening and press the button. The mucus is collected in a special reservoir. The tip and snot container are washable. Runs on batteries. This type includes the B-Well wc 150 nasal aspirator

nasal aspirator b wellwc 150 reviews
nasal aspirator b wellwc 150 reviews
  • Vacuum nozzle pump is a complex and expensive device that is more suitable for use in a clinic. The device creates negative pressure and with its help clears the baby's nasal passages quickly and effectively.

nasal aspirator for children b well wc 150
nasal aspirator for children b well wc 150

How it works and what the B-Well aspirator consists of

The B-Well wc 150 nasal aspirator for children is designed and manufactured in the UK. It works on the principle of a "vacuum cleaner" and with its help you can easily and gently clean the nasal passages of a baby.

nasal aspirator b well kids wc 150
nasal aspirator b well kids wc 150

The aspirator consists of several parts

  • Handle-handle with a convenient shape, in which a small engine of the device and a compartment for two finger-type batteries (AA) are built. The handle has been specially designed so that under no circumstances will it be possible to harm or hurt a child.
  • Removable and washable sputum container.
  • Two types of soft washable removable nozzles on the aspirator. One with a long and narrow tip - for the smallest. Another with a short and wide tip is for older children. Although many mothers use these nozzles in reverse, it all depends on the shape and width of the baby's nasal passages.
  • Between the container and the nozzle there is another removable and washable part - an adapter to which all three parts of the device are connected.

B-Well wc 150 nasal aspirator - additional features

In addition to quality and ease of use, the aspirator has another useful feature, for which both mothers and babies love it so much. Everyone is familiar with the “innate” dislike of children for thermometers of all kinds, a phonendoscope, a spatula for examining the throat and other medical devices. Therefore, it will not be a surprise for us that the syringe and the usual aspirator will also not be to the taste of the baby.

But the B-Well wc 150 nasal aspirator is liked by all children, because a special button on the handle-holder of the device can turn on wonderful familiar children's melodies. There are twelve of them in total - for every taste. It is very pleasant to listen to them: they are quite quiet and will not frighten the baby, and they also sound in a non-standard high register. This effect makes almost all children listen and freeze at the time of the procedure.

By the way, the B-Well kids wc 150 nasal aspirator is one of the few electrical appliances whose sound does not scare babies. But still, before starting the procedure for cleaning the nasal passages, it is better to turn on the device several times near the child, if possible, let him play or just put it next to him. A child of any age needs to be told what you are going to do and why you need to clean your nose. It is important that the baby gets used to the new toy and loves the procedure.

How to treat a runny nose in a small child

Many people think that babies do not have a runny nose, but this is far from the case. Dry air, too high a room temperature, infections can all cause nasal congestion in even the smallest.

There aresome rules for the treatment of rhinitis in babies

  • In the child's room, it is necessary to create a climate favorable for treatment - moist and cool air. Use a humidifier and ventilate the room regularly. At the same time, the baby needs to be warmly dressed, but not overheated.
  • If there is no temperature, be sure to walk with the child at least twice a day.
  • Even a breastfed baby, many pediatricians recommend giving additional water to drink during SARS. To do this, it is convenient to use a syringe without a needle or a small soft spoon. The more liquid the child gets, the faster the runny nose will pass.
  • 2-3 times a day, according to the doctor's prescription, nasal drops with a vasoconstrictive effect are instilled (no more than 3-5 days in a row - they are addictive).
  • The baby's nose can and should be washed with saline from the age of two weeks. For these purposes, you can use a special spray "Physiomer" or "Aquamaris", or ordinary saline. After the procedure, it is imperative to remove excess water and mucus so that a clean nose remains. A nasal aspirator or a syringe will come in handy here.
  • The B-Well wc 150 nasal aspirator will also come in handy during the day, with its help it will be convenient to suck the accumulated mucus from the nasal cavity.

B-Well wc 150 nasal aspirator: reviews

Many mothers are glad that they have purchased an electronic “snot pump”, because it can be used not only for babies. In fact, most babies will not learn to blow their nose until they are 1.5 years old.

Moms whosechildren often suffer from otitis media, it is said that pediatricians recommended the use of a nasal aspirator (for newborns) to a child who had already learned to blow his nose. Doctors explain that blowing your nose correctly is an art, and not all mothers and children can handle it. And if you remove the snot from the nasal cavity in time, they simply will not fall into the auditory tube and give a complication to the ears.

Some women don't understand why spend money on extra baby care equipment. But the vast majority of moms who use an electric "nozzle pump" claim that it helps to make life easier during illness and cope with a cold faster.
